Page 13 - The Islander - December '22
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The Islander, Page 13

                                                              nonprofit event

                 The Arc’s Inaugural Breaking Barriers Breakfast

                                         Promotes Workplace Diversity

         The Arc of Palm
      Beach   County
      hosted its inaugural
      Breaking  Barriers
      breakfast on Oct. 19
      at the Kravis Center
      Cohen Pavilion in
      West  Palm  Beach.
      The  event  brought
      together more than  Amy Chamberlain, Kelly Skidmore
      340  community
      leaders,  representing  nearly  300  local  businesses  and
      organizations,  to  increase  inclusion  and  innovation  in
      the workplace, and to help people with disabilities live,
      learn, work, and thrive.
         In  celebration  of  October  as  National  Disability   Tanzanika Jones Howell, Angela Perez, Katrina Long-  Michelle Coker, Jessica Clasby, Susy Diaz Piesco, Mendy
      Employment Awareness  Month,  The Arc  motivated   Robinson                                          Coker

                                                                                                           a t t e n d e e s t o
         community spotLigHt from page 12                development experiences for educators each year. Friends   embrace the vital
                                                         of MacArthur Beach State Park supports and aligns with   role of people with
         is truly commendable,”                          the mission and goals of PLT and it is an honor to recognize   disabilities in the
         says Elise Cassie, interim                      them as the 2022 Florida PLT Partner of the Year.”  nation’s workforce.
         coordinator,  Florida                              John D. MacArthur Beach State Park, Palm Beach   Dr. Alonzo  Kelly,
         Project Learning Tree,                          County’s only state park, is situated on a barrier island   the keynote speaker
         University  of  Florida.                        between the Atlantic Ocean and the Lake Worth Lagoon.   and  a  professional
         “Friends of MacArthur                           The park is made up of 436 acres of pristine coastal land and   development
         Beach  State  Park                              contains four different communities or habitats including   leader ,   spoke
         incorporates  PLT  into                         seven species of plants and 22 species of animals on the   about  connection,
         exciting  programs  for                         endangered or threatened list. For more information about   belonging,  and
         K-12 grade learners in                          Florida PLT visit and   the importance  Senator Lori Berman, Kelly Skidmore,
         addition to providing at   Veronica Frehm and  Andy   to learn more about MacArthur Beach State Park visit   of   cultivating  and Kimberly McCarten
         least two PLT professional   Flanner receive PLT Award
                                                                                                           Nonprofit Event on page 14

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