Page 1 - The Islander - December '22
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VOL. 27 NO. 12                                                                       DECEMBER 2022

                                                                Singer Profile

                                                   A Night To Remember

                    Gala Highlighted Heartwarming Tributes, Donations To Help Florida Veterans

         A Night of Honor Gala celebrated its 11th year      A special ceremony
      on Saturday, Nov. 5, at the Country Club at Mirasol.   ho n ore d  Ge o r ge
      Presented by the Wounded Veterans Relief Fund (WVRF),   Rosenfield, a 97-year-old
      the memorable evening featured a live auction, a surprise   WWII and  Korean  War
      donated vehicle for a veteran in need, and a long list of   vet. Among the guests
      VIP guests. More than 350 people attended the event,   were Congressman Brian
      which raised $304,000 to support the mission of WVRF.  Mast and Palm Beach
         “This is not only our biggest fundraiser of the year, but   County Commissioner
      also a very moving event that pays tribute to our wounded   Maria Marino, who
      Florida veterans, many who are in desperate situations,”   presented a proclamation
      WVRF Executive Director Mike Durkee said. “The Air   declaring Nov. 5 as
      Force veteran who received the car was totally shocked,   Wounded Veterans Relief
      broke down in tears and had everyone choked up. She   Fund Day.  The United
      had been in despair over needing transportation to go to   States Marine Corps
      work, make her V.A. appointments and help her family.
      It’s these moments that make this gala so impactful.”  Singer Profile on page 2

                                     Singer SPotlight                                                                  fundraiSer

           Fifth Annual Live Like Jake ‘Be The                                                                  Bon Jovi’s Tico

         Light’ Gala Raises Record $150,000 To  Torres Drumming

             Help Prevent Childhood Drowning                                                                  It Up ‘Fore’ Kids

                                                                                                                     To Benefit Hanley
      Sold-Out Event Featured Exclusive Diamond Giveaway   were Liz and Dan Huber, who founded CAST (Creating
      Fundraiser                                         Aquatic Safety Teams) Water Safety Foundation, which            Foundation
         Live Like Jake, the local foundation created in memory   seeks to bring together entire communities to encourage
      of Jake Roarke Morrison, raised a record $150,000 during                                                 Hanley Foundation
      its Fifth Annual “Be the Light” Gala on Oct. 8, at the                                                has announced that
      brilliantly bedecked Lady Jean Ranch in Jupiter. Emceed                                               Hall of Fame Bon
      by Jay Zaeger, the moonlight-themed event welcomed                                                    Jovi drummer and
      over 160 guests to support the foundation’s mission of                                                avid  golfer Tico
      providing scholarships for infant swimming resource                                                   Torres will host the
      (ISR) self-rescue swim lessons and ISR instructor training,                                           Tico Torres Celebrity
      as well as providing critical funds for families who have                                             Golf & Tennis Classic
      lost a child or have a child with critical care needs.                                                2024!, a fundraising
         The beautiful night included a sumptuous appetizer                                                 event to benefit the
      buffet, open bar, dinner, silent auction, themed photo                                                nonprofit organization.
      booth, dancing, entertainment, and the presentation of                                                The event will take
      the annual Be the Light Award. This year’s recipients   Steve Austin, Shakerah Rolle, Brianna Steel   place at PGA National  Chip James, Gina Franano,
                                                                                                            Resort & Spa, April 6  Tico Torres
                                                                                                            to 8, 2024.
                                                                                                               The announcement was made at the event’s first
                                                                                                            ambassador meeting held last week at the Hanley
                                                                                                            Foundation’s West Palm Beach headquarters. More
                                                                                                            than 100 ambassadors attended the kickoff, including
                                                                                                            State Attorney for Palm Beach County Dave Aronberg;
                                                                                                            event emcees Mo and Sally from KOOL 105.5

                                                                                                            Fundraiser on page 4
                                                                                 Singer Spotlight on page 2
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