Page 2 - PGA Community News - December '22
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Page 2, PGA C.A.N.!                                                 December 2022                                                                                                                                                 December 2022

         Editorial Board                                PGA POA Communication Corner from page 1

                                                        you can reach POA security at
         Editor:       James A. Cioffi                  (561) 627-1600. Here is a photo
                              of the St. Moritz patrol vehicles.
         Feature Writers:  Dawn Levinstein, POA         POA Security has been active and
                       Commissioner Maria Marino        engaged and we are appreciative of
                       Katie Roundtree                  their efforts in all our communities.
                                                        Architectural Review Committee
         Contributing                                   (ARC) Update
         Reporter:     Don Kiselewski                      The ARC reviews an average of approximately 120   TITLE XXIII – MOTOR VEHICLES. Chapter 316 -

            Your editors strongly believe that the number   applications from residents each month and each ARC   STATE UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL
         of people who do become involved with any      meeting averages about four hours. The ARC oversees a host   316.1995 – Driving upon sidewalk or bicycle path.
         news medium directly reflects on that medium’s   of requests for different types of property improvements.   Universal Citation: FL Stat § 316.1995 (2016)
         excellence, versatility and broad viewpoint.   PGA National communities and residents are working daily   316.1995 Driving upon sidewalk or bicycle path.
         Therefore, we invite PGA residents to contribute   to improve their beautiful site, which in turn showcases   (1) Except as provided in s. 316.008 or s. 316.212(8), a
         articles or current, timely news items and/or   the PGA National community as a beautifully maintained   person may not drive any vehicle other than by human
         “Letters to the Editors.”                      and friendly gated community. There are currently 12 to   power upon a bicycle path, sidewalk, or sidewalk area,
            Articles/letters are subject to editing and editors’   16 properties for sale, and in 2022, a total of 73 homes on   except upon a permanent or duly authorized temporary
         right to publish. Submission must include writer’s   the market. Just a reminder that if you are thinking about   driveway.
         name, address and telephone number. Unsigned articles   making outside home improvements in preparation for a   (2) A  violation  of  this  section  is  a  noncriminal  traffic
         /letters will not be published. Opposing views to article   sale or because you are ready to make such improvements,   infraction, punishable as a moving violation as provided
         viewpoints contained in this paper are welcome.                                                   in chapter 318.
         Articles do not necessarily represent the viewpoint   please find additional information and the necessary forms
         of the C.A.N.! organization. Submissions should   at under documents and forms or call   (3) This section does not apply to motorized wheelchairs.
         be mailed or delivered by the tenth of each month   the POA office at (561) 627-2800.             Quarterly Council Of Presidents Meeting Update
         for the following month’s publication (example: by   Maintenance Committee Update – Time To Play!     On Oct. 24, 25 HOA presidents attended the Quarterly
         January 10 for February publication) to:          Perhaps you have seen workers adding new playground   Council of Presidents meeting. Updates were provided and
            C.A.N.! Editors                             equipment at Marlwood Park and Burwick Park? The work   the presidents had an opportunity to ask questions and/or
         or                                             should be done soon and kids and grandkids, friends and   share concerns. It was great to finally bring together the
            Contact the publisher for additional information   neighbors will be able to enjoy brand-new playgrounds!   HOA and condo presidents and the POA Board, after a
         regarding submissions, fax (561) 627-9088 or e-mail   We are pleased to support this important addition to   lengthy absence due to COVID protocol. The POA Board                              our community. Winter annuals are now being planted   looks forward to the quarterly meetings and learning more
            Let’s hear from you.                        throughout the community.                          about the ongoing good work of the PGA HOA’s and condo
                                                        Motorized Equipment On All Sidewalks               associations. Thank you to the presidents who attended the
                                                           Did you know that motorized equipment (electric bikes,   meeting; we look forward to seeing additional presidents
                                                        etc.) are not permitted on sidewalks? Please be aware   at the next quarterly meeting.
                                                        that POA Security has the authority to stop someone for   Long-Range Planning Committee Update
                                                        this violation. There is also a Florida Statute that prohibits      The  committee  is  continuing  discussions  about  the
                                                        motorized equipment on sidewalks and Palm Beach Gardens   PGA Boulevard Renovation project. This project relates
                                                        police can enforce statue statutes inside PGA National.   to the area between the main entry and the west end of
                                                        Please do not be caught by surprise when riding your electric   PGA National along PGA Boulevard. The committee is
                                                        bike. This regulation is in addition to the PGA POA Rule   hopeful that there will be final recommendations and an
                                                        6.14 that states: “Golf carts, mopeds, go-peds, go-carts,   approach with project estimates available for the POA
                                                        scooters and other motorized equipment are not allowed   Annual  Meeting  March  2023. We are thankful  to  the
                                                        on pedestrian/bike paths, sidewalks, parks, parking areas   committee for keeping this project on the front burner!
                                                        or grass and swale areas … ”

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       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

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        Seabreeze Publications                              Licensed and Insured
                         M. Sean Reid
                           J. Reid

              Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick

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