Page 16 - Stuart Exposure - December '22
P. 16

Page 16, Stuart Exposure

                                       coMMuNity happeNiNgs

      Keep Martin Beautiful
      Volunteers Remove More

      Than 40,000 Pieces Of Litter

      And Marine Debris As Part Of
      International Coastal Cleanup

         Keep Martin Beautiful’s International Coastal Cleanup
      inspired more than 1,000 Martin County residents to take
      action to help improve the quality of our beaches and
      waterways. Volunteers from a cross section of the community
      joined forces on a rainy Saturday morning on Sept. 17 and
      removed more than 40,000 pieces of litter and marine debris                                          These volunteers from the Roberts family prove that even
      from local rivers, beaches, parks and waterways throughout   The LaBar Family participates in the International Coastal   the tiniest of hands can make a difference in our community
      Martin County.                                    Cleanup efforts at Stuart Beach.                   beach cleanup efforts.
         “Thanks to the data collection app our volunteers have been
      using over the past few years, we are able to gather meaningful      More than 8,500 cigarette butts were found strewn about   Associates, Inc.; Florida Inland Navigational District; The
      data each year about what our volunteers are picking up,” said   Martin County’s beaches and parks, representing about 21   Firefly Group; Hutchinson Shores Resort & Spa; Jenkins
      Craig Ahal, Keep Martin Beautiful president. “As always, the   percent of all the trash collected by item. A typical cigarette   Landscape; Live with Grace; Martin County Board of
      biggest litter culprit is cigarette butts.”       butt can take up to 10 years to decompose. Other large   County Commissioners; The MilCor Group; the Pulte Group;
                                                        contributors to litter and marine debris in Martin County   Rocky’s Ace Hardware Stuart; Sailfish Point; Shearwater
                                                        included nearly 2,500 plastic bottle caps, more than 500   Marine; Stuart Corinthian Yacht Club; Surfing Evolution &
                                                        plastic bottles, and nearly 700 plastic bags.      Preservation Foundation; Three Lakes; Trash Free Seas; van
                                                           This year, the most unusual items found included fake   Vonno Consulting; VidaCann; and 4ocean.
                                                        plants, a mascara tube, clothing, and an umbrella.  About Keep Martin Beautiful
                                                           “Some of our volunteer groups have been participating      Keep Martin Beautiful (KMB) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
                                                        in our annual Coastal Cleanup for more than a decade,” said   community organization founded in 1994 as an affiliate
                                                        Tiffany Kincaid, executive director of Keep Martin Beautiful.   of Keep America Beautiful. Its mission is to preserve and
                                                        “The troop leaders, school groups and families that take   enhance the quality of life in Martin County through litter
                                                        younger kids out to be part of the cleanup are such a critical   prevention, the promotion of recycling, improvement of
                                                        part of instilling environmental stewardship values on the   solid waste management practices, and beautification and
                                                        next generation.”                                  community revitalization activities. KMB signature events
                                                           Keep Martin Beautiful has been the local coordinator for   and  programs  include  the  Environmental  Stewardship
                                                        International Coastal Cleanup for 27 years. It’s part of a global   Awards, the International Coastal Cleanup, the Great
                                                        initiative coordinated by the Ocean Conservancy involving 17   American Cleanup, the Adopt-A-Road and Adopt-A-Street
                                                        million people in over 100 nations around the world.  programs, and other educational and outreach activities.
      From left: Marilyn Gavitt, Mark Gavitt, Farah Daye, Kathy      Keep Martin Beautiful appreciates the many sponsors      Find KMB on Facebook at
      Kernan, Kris Kerr and Jack Daye (kneeling) take to the   who supported the 2022 International Coastal Cleanup,   KeepMartinBeautiful, follow KMB on Instagram at instagram.
      spoil islands as part of the International Coastal Cleanup   including: Ashley Capital; the City of Stuart; Coastal Waste   com/keepmartinbeautiful, visit or
      in Martin County.                                 & Recycling; ColorLength; Cook Electric, Inc.; Ecological   call (772) 781-1222.

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