Page 22 - The Jewish Voice - December '22
P. 22

Page 22, The Jewish Voice

                                              arts & entertainment

      Book Review                                                                                          Obsolescence –  The practice of deliberately designing
                                                                                                           products with a limited useful life; Game Theory – An applied
      1001 Ideas that Changed the Way We Think                                                             mathematical theory used to evaluate competitive situations;
                                                                                                           Chemotherapy – The development of a new generation of
      By Nils A. Shapiro                                                                                   drugs designed to fight cancer; Binary Code – The conversion
      The decision to create this                       how do you establish which of the                  of information to strings of zeros and ones; Peer Pressure – A
      extraordinary volume                              two existed first?; Social Welfare                 study into how an individual is coerced into conforming with
      deserves to be considered                         – Services provided by a state’s                   majority opinion; Family Therapy – A suggestion for an
      the 1002nd greatest idea!                         government to benefit its citizens;                entirely new approach to understanding how families work;
         I believe it to be a fair                      Vaccination – The administration of                Milgram Experiments – Experiments in social and moral
      assumption that I have read                       a safe material to promote immunity to a harmful organism;   psychology testing obedience to authority; Virtual Reality –
      at least as many books in my                      Trial by Jury – A legal proceeding by which the verdict is   A computer-generated environment able to simulate physical
      lifetime to date as any reader                    determined by members of the community; Equals Sign –   presence; String Theory – A theory that seeks to reconcile
      of this  review  column.  In                      The shorthand use of two parallel lines that revolutionized   general relativity with quantum mechanics; Gene Therapy –
      addition to my passion for                        mathematics; Continental Drift – The proposal that the   The use of DNA as a pharmaceutical agent to treat disease;
      reading during my growing                         continents, once joined, move across the Earth’s surface;   Near-death Experience – A study of the sensations reported
      up years and the study requirements of schooling, my first   Isolationism – A policy by which a nation sets itself apart from   by people who have been on the threshold of death.
      job upon graduation was a 15-year stint with a major book   the rest of the world; Wave Theory of Light – The concept that      These 45 examples, of course, don’t begin to scratch the
      publisher that involved consistently reading new and upcoming   light is emitted in all directions as a series of waves; Optimism   surface of the 1,001 ideas presented in this weighty tome, but
      titles.                                           – The theory that we live in the best of all possible worlds,   they at least serve to suggest the diversity of topics covered.
         In the decades since then, apart from the many books I   which includes a belief that the universe is improving and that   And the following single example reflects how much delight
      read strictly for pleasure I have reviewed almost 200 for this   good will ultimately triumph over evil; Sign Language for the   and fun often accompanies the wealth of information.
      column and edited the authors’ manuscripts for 20 more books   Deaf – Using a vocabulary of gestures rather than sounds to      In the entry for the “equals” symbol in mathematics, while
      for New York publishers.                          communicate; Solar Power – Harnessing the power of the sun   the writer provides much more detail about how and where the
         I mention all this only because when I state that this month’s   to provide energy; Dark Night Sky Paradox – The question   idea originated, the fact is that in the year 1557 a Welshman,
      selection, a single volume of about 1,000 pages that weighs   of why the universe’s billions of stars do not brighten the   Robert Recorde, grew weary of writing “is equal to” over and
      almost 10 pounds, is high on the list of the most impressive,   night sky; Supply and Demand – The use of a combination   over again in longhand, so with his pen he drew two short,
      most extraordinary books I have ever been fortunate enough   of mathematical and economic principles to predict trends;   equal, horizontal parallel lines one above the other as a more
      to discover, such an endorsement should mean something to   Cell Theory – All living matter, from microorganisms to   convenient symbol to express the same thought … and the rest
      the readers of this column.                       mammals, is made up of cellular structures that interact through   is history.
         More importantly, the impressive physical size of this book   electrical and chemical activity; Propaganda by Deed – The      Most reviewers are reluctant to “go overboard” in their
      is dwarfed by its remarkable content: a comprehensive guide   promotion of a political agenda by using physical violence   praise of the books they are discussing, but I am willing to
      to the most interesting and imaginative thoughts from the   against enemies; Impressionism in Art – Art designed to give   admit that I am overwhelmed by the scope of this volume’s
      finest minds in history, from ancient times to the present   an impression of its subject, but not a realistic representation;   content, and by the consistent ability of its editor and team
      – covering the widest conceivable range of subject matter: art   Telephone – A machine enabling people to talk directly to   of writers to explain even the most complex ideas clearly,
      and architecture, philosophy, politics and society, psychology,   each other over long distances; Freudian Slip – Everyday   interestingly and, yes, entertainingly.
      religion, science and technology … arranged according to   slips of the tongue provide insights into the workings of the      If you are among those who still have a hunger for learning,
      the era in which the ideas were conceived: Ancient World   mind; Crowd Psychology – The creation of a branch of   I am confident that this is a book you will treasure and refer
      (1,600,000 B.C.E. to 500 C.E.), The Middle Ages (500 to   social psychology focused on crowd behavior; Fascism – An   to, time and time again, for years to come.
      1449), Early Modern (1450 to 1779), Late Modern (1780 to   authoritarian, totalitarian political ideology exalting national      Note: The edition of this book I have reviewed is the latest,
      1899), Early 20th Century (1900 to 1949) and Contemporary   and/or racial identity; Special Relativity – A physical theory   published in 2021. Two earlier editions were released in 2013
      (1950 to present).                                of measurement that explains motion in the universe; Planned   and 2018.
         As staggering as is the wealth of information offered in the
      pages of this single volume, it is remarkable how accessible
      and easy it is for even the nontechnically oriented general
      reader, such as myself, to clearly understand every entry, for
      which credit must be given to the book’s general editor, Robert
      Arp, and the 33 contributors – professors, Ph.D.s, historians
      and experts in their respective fields – who clearly must have
      devoted a combined years of research and excellent writing
      skills to the completion of this project.
         As Arp notes in his helpful introduction, “In the text for
      each idea you will find a description of exactly what the
      idea is; an account of its origin (who or where the idea came
      from); a quotation that uses, or is about, the idea; and a
      brief explanation of why the idea is important.”
         Many of the entries are beautifully illustrated with
      color vintage paintings and photographs, and there is a
      comprehensive reference index listing of all entries.
         Like so many of my other favorite books in my home
      library, this is one that does not require reading in sequence,
      from first page to last, but rather can be dipped into at any
      page – enjoyed and learned from – and then turned to any
      other page for another wonderful experience.
         As a reviewer of such a book, I am faced with a mighty
      dilemma: The space available in this review is barely enough
      to even hint at the diversity to be found in its pages. To do it
      justice would require three or four times the space set aside
      for my column, so I have decided to simply offer here a small
      sampling of entries from the various categories, selected
      randomly by simply flipping through its pages.
         Human Control of Fire – Harnessing fire in order to
      use its properties as a practical tool; Anthropomorphism
      – Attributing human characteristics to nonhuman entities;
      Soul – The belief in a nonphysical entity with certain essential
      characteristics; Symbols – A visual or material representation   ~ Bathing, Dressing, Personal Care   ~ Fall Risk Prevention
      of a concept; Money – The use of currency to pay for goods   ~ Medication Reminders, Doctor Visits    ~ Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Care
      and services; Gymnastics – The practice of exercising the body   ~ Shopping, Errands, Companionship   ~ Transition Home from Hospital or Rehab
      to develop physical agility and coordination; Mathematics
      – A symbolic representation of abstract numerical ideas;   ~ Meal Preparation, Light Housekeeping     ~ Hourly to 24-Hour Care
      Literature – Communicating ideas, beliefs, and experiences   ~ Pet Friendly                           ~ Rigorous Background Checks
      through the written word; Inheritance – The transference of
      a deceased person’s property to a new owner; Abortion – The
      purposeful termination of a human pregnancy; Birth Control   Respectful of Jewish Traditions.
      – Controlling human fertility in order to prevent pregnancy;
      Perspective – A technique of depicting three-dimensional
      reality in two-dimensional space, providing the viewer of the
      image with a sense of depth; Moral Absolutism – Moral and                     561-328-7611
      ethical principles are universal, and all actions are either right
      or wrong; The Chicken and Egg Conundrum – The age-                   
      old puzzle that if chickens come from eggs and vice versa,   lic# 299994617
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