Page 16 - The Jewish Voice - December '22
P. 16

Page 16, The Jewish Voice

      Community Calendar from page 15

      Wednesday, Jan. 11                                Wednesday, Jan. 18                                 Friday, Dec. 16, 6:30 p.m.
      10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom –   10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom –   Shabbat Dinner – Reservations Required
      Physically and mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching   Physically and mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching   $22/adult $12/child
      and balance postures to strengthen your body through the   and balance postures to strengthen your body through the   Friday, Jan. 6, 6:30 p.m.
      use of a simple chair! Free and Open to All.      use of a simple chair! Free and Open to All.       Shabbat Dinner – Reservations Required
      Friday, Jan. 13                                   Friday, Jan. 20                                    $22/adult $12/child
      6:30 p.m. – Erev Shabbat Service – Celebrating Rev. Dr.   6:30 p.m. – Erev Shabbat Service – Services are held in-  Friday, Jan. 6, 7:30 a.m.
      Martin Luther King Jr. – Annual interfaith event being   person and livestreamed to our Facebook page (Temple      Shabbat Worship honoring those who had their 1st
      planned to include community participation, choirs from   Israel, West Palm Beach). Enjoy music and easy-to-follow   grandchild or great grandchild in 2022
      Temple Israel and a local church, guest speakers and more.   passages on our overhead screens and online. Open to all.   Sunday, Jan. 8,  9 a.m.
      Services will be held in-person and livestreamed to our   For more info, call the Temple at (561) 833-8421.  TJ Tots with Cantor Abbie
      Facebook page (Temple Israel, West Palm Beach). A dessert   Saturday, Jan. 21                           TJ Tots for our youngest members and their families to
      reception will follow the presentation. Open to all at no cost   9:30 a.m. – Online Weekly Torah Study – We discuss the English   enjoy a very special program designed just for them. For
      but an RSVP is requested. For more info and to RSVP, call   text for the Torah portion of the week, providing thoughtful   ages 0 – Pre-K and their parents and grandparents who love
      the Temple at (561) 833-8421.                     discussion of ancient texts with modern applications. Open to   them. Celebrate Judaism in the language of children with
      Saturday, Jan. 14                                 all in-person on the first Saturday of each month (coffee and   music, movement and rituals.
      9:30 a.m. – Online Weekly Torah Study – We discuss the   snacks included) and via Zoom as well.      Wednesday, Jan. 11, 12 p.m.
      English text for the Torah portion of the week, providing   Sunday, Jan. 22                          Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Feivel
      thoughtful  discussion  of  ancient  texts  with  modern   12 p.m. – Whole Self: “A safe place for Jewish LGBTQ+   “Get to Know the Jewish Innovators – “Woody Allen”
      applications. Open to all in-person on the first Saturday   youth  to  be  themselves! Their  whole  self.”  –  Monthly   $20 per person
      of each month (coffee and snacks included) and via Zoom   programs vary and include laid back sessions, games,   RSVP required to or 561-624-4633
      as well.                                          resources and more. Open to all who identify and allies.   Friday, Jan. 13, 7:30 p.m.
                                                        For more info, call the Temple at (561) 833-8421 or email   MLK Shabbat
                                                                              Shabbat worship in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King,
                  simchas                               Wednesday, Jan. 25                                 Jr. with guest from the Tabernacle Missionary Baptist
                                                                                                           Church, WPB.
                                                        10:30 a.m. – Chair Yoga in-person and via Zoom –
                                                        Physically and mentally relaxing, with gentle stretching   Wednesday, Jan. 18, 10 a.m.
                                                        and balance postures to strengthen your body through the   Tikkun Olam Series – Join Rabbi Rose Durbin on a journey
       Allie Sarnoff                                    use of a simple chair! Free and Open to All.       to broaden our understanding and commitment to Tikkun
                                                        Friday, Jan. 27                                    Olam
          Al l i e  Sa rnof f                           6:30 p.m. – Erev Shabbat Service – Services are held in-  “Jews and Racial Justice: 55 Years After MLK, Jr.’s
       became a Bat Mitzvah                             person and livestreamed to our Facebook page (Temple   Assassination, Where Do We Stand?
       on December 10. Allie                            Israel, West Palm Beach). Enjoy music and easy-to-follow   Bagels and coffee will be served. Register with the office
       is a rising seventh                              passages on our overhead screens and online. Open to all.   at 561-624-4633 or
       grader at Independence                           For more info, call the Temple at (561) 833-8421.  Wednesday, Jan. 25, 7 p.m. via Zoom
       Middle School, where                             Saturday, Jan. 28                                     Wednesday Nights with Rabbi Yaron – Join Rabbi Yaron
       she  enjoys  being part                          9 a.m. – note earlier time – Online Weekly Torah Study –    as he shares with you ten different teachings and texts that
       of the Pre-Law program                           We discuss the English text for the Torah portion of the week,   have shaped his rabbinate.
       and has earned honor                             providing thoughtful discussion of ancient texts with modern   Friday, Jan. 27, 7:30 p.m.
       roll status consistently.                        applications. Open to all in-person on the first Saturday of each   Pink Shabbat
       Born in New York, Allie                          month (coffee and snacks included) and via Zoom as well.     Join us for an inspirational Shabbat of spiritual renewal
       has lived in Palm Beach Gardens since she was three                                                 and celebration as we honor those who have joined in the
       years old and has grown up with Temple Beth David   Temple Judea                                    fight to beat cancer and have committed themselves to the
       from preschool to her Bat Mitzvah. Allie is a creative,                                             blessing of life.
       witty, and loving daughter, granddaughter, great-  4311 Hood Road, Palm Beach Gardens
       granddaughter, and sister. She is a kind-hearted soul   624.4633,                      ONGOING EVENTS
       with  a  heart  of  gold  who  puts  others  first. Allie  is   UPCOMING EVENTS                     Fridays
       passionate about dance, gymnastics, and performing   Friday, Dec. 16, 7:30 p.m.                     7:30 p.m., Shabbat Worship followed by a dessert oneg
       arts, and enjoys calling Camp Green Lane her summer   Naming Shabbat – Never received a Hebrew name? Want   Minyan
       home.                                            to change your Hebrew name?                        Mondays
                                                        Now is your chance.                                9:30 a.m. via Zoom
                                                        Call the office at 561-624-4633                    Thursdays
            Send us your simchas! The Jewish            Sunday, Dec. 18, 5:30 p.m.                         9:30 a.m. in person and via Livestream
           Voice welcomes announcements of              Hanukkah Candle Lighting via Zoom. Visit  Saturdays
          life-cycle events in the local Jewish         Friday, Dec. 23                                    9 to 11 a.m., Torah Study via Zoom
          community. The copy deadline is the           Hanukkah Candle Lighting Shabbat and Latke Oneg
        15th of the month. Send text and images
            to                   Live Theatre                                 in Downtown

                                                                                                           West Palm Beach!

                     Answer for

                Crossword Puzzle

                                                                                                                                   By Reginald Rose

                                                                                                                                     EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS
                                                            December 9-24, 2022                                                      Marsha & Stephen Rabb

                                                            In this timely, timeless classic, 12 jurors deliberate the fate of a teenager
                                                            accused of killing his father. As the evidence is weighed, the prejudices
                                                            and social attitudes of each man are revealed – as are the strengths and
                                                            flaws of the American justice system.
                                                                                                ON SALE NOW!                       Theatre to think about!

                                                                   Call (561) 514-4042 ext 2 or

                                                          201 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33401
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