Page 25 - Boca ViewPointe - November '22
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November 2022                                                   Viewpointe, Page 25
       Free Festivities Events To Stir Up “Bowl Fever”

       For Ninth Annual Boca Raton Bowl Game

         It’s that time of year again, when Boca Raton will be in the   com. Admission is free. Food, beverages (including beer and      The Boca Raton Bowl Charity Partner
      national television spotlight as the 2022 Boca   cocktails) and vendor purchases are not included. Attendees   Spirit of Giving is once again offering free tickets for nonprofit,
      Raton Bowl takes to the field on Tuesday, Dec. 20 at 7 p.m.   are welcome to bring a chair or blanket. Chairs will also be   school and veterans’ groups by registering with Spirit of Giving
      at FAU Stadium as ESPN broadcasts the collegiate football   for rent inside the venue for $5 cash.   in advance of game day. Tickets will only be distributed on the
      competition live.                                  2022 Boca Raton Bowl Fan Fest And   day of the bowl game at the Spirit of Giving Tent. The tickets
         To add to the fun, special free events leading up to game   Family Midway. Tuesday, Dec. 20 from 5 to 7 p.m., free   are available on a first come-first serve basis with no area or
      day have been planned for Boca football fans:      admission. FAU Stadium.                           section guaranteed. Those granted complimentary tickets will Boca Raton Bowl Two-Team Pep Rally.      Fans can get in the game early by enjoying the family   also receive complimentary snacks and refreshments. For more
      Monday, Dec. 19; 6 to 9 p.m. at the Mizner Park Amphitheater,   friendly pre-game fan fest filled with tailgating spirit. The   information, email or call
      free admission. The public is invited to join in on all the pre-  fun starts hours before kick-off with the popular Fan Fest and   (561) 385-0144.
      game fun and bring their families, friends and colleagues out to   Family Midway that features interactive games and activities      For more information about the 2022 Boca
      the open-to-the-public pep rally featuring the 2022 RoofClaim.  for fans of all ages, rides, food trucks, giveaways and contests,   Raton Bowl, lead-in events, bowl game tickets and game day
      com Boca Raton Bowl team bands, dancers and cheerleaders.   a live band, and an entertaining face-off performance between   parking, tailgate info, tent rentals, stadium policies, and more,
         The pep rally night will be filled with excitement and   the two college bowl team bands and cheerleader squads.   visit or follow through social
      pride for residents and visitors who have traveled from      Adding to “Bowl Time” Holiday Magic: Nonprofits,   media on Facebook (, Twitter (@
      around the country to cheer on their teams. Bowl teams are   school and veterans’ groups can “Get in the Game” with   BocaBowl), and Instagram (@BocaBowl). 
      announced in early December at RoofClaimBocaRatonBowl.  complimentary Bowl tickets.
       Keeping Your Pet Safe During Thanksgiving

         This is the time of year when the holiday festivities                                             Beware Of False Sugars
      start. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and we                                                  Many baked goods are now made with artificial sweeteners,
      look forward to that time when we can feast, reflect and                                             such as xylitol. Xylitol is hepatotoxic (liver toxic) to pets and
      be thankful for all in our lives.                                                                    can cause hypoglycemia, with possible liver damage and
         This is also the time of year, however, when pets                                                 failure. If your pet is exposed to this artificial sweetener, it
      are exposed to several hazards that end up making the                                                requires veterinary monitoring and hospitalization.
      veterinary hospitalization rates increase. It may be difficult                                       Say No To The Dough
      not to give your four-legged friend some of the foods off                                              Raw bread yeast dough should not be fed to your dog
      the table, but many can cause serious illness.                                                       or cat. The yeast in the dough continues to change the
      Skin And Bones                                                                                       sugars in the dough to alcohol and carbon dioxide. The
         Chicken and turkey bones can damage your pet’s digestive                                          yeast continues to make the dough rise, which will cause
      tract and lead to a blockage in the gastrointestinal tract. Turkey,   Onions, Garlic And Scallions   your pet’s stomach to create a condition called bloat that
      chicken and ham skin are very fatty and hard for animals to      Now turkey usually is served with gravy. So, what   is  dangerous.  Bloat,  along  with  alcohol  toxicosis,  can
      digest. They can lead to a dangerous and painful condition   about a little of this? Gravy usually contains onions and/  become a life-threatening emergency for your pet.
      called pancreatitis that causes vomiting and diarrhea.  or garlic, which is toxic to most dogs and cats even in      Thanksgiving should be a wonderful time to share with
         Raw meat can also contain harmful bacteria, such as   very small amounts. Gravy can sometimes be fatty which   your family and four-legged family members. Keeping
      salmonella. If you are tempted to feed a small amount of   can also lead to pancreatitis. Stuffing, similarly to gravy,   in mind the foods that your pet should not have will help
      the family meal, just make sure that it is boneless, skinless   usually contains onions, garlic or scallions, which are   prevent any unwanted trips to the veterinary hospital this
      and well cooked.                                   toxic.                                            season. 

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                            We would like to extend special thanks to the Board of Directors and all owners for their continued support:
                    COSTA BRAVA POA • LA MiRAdA AT BOCA POinTe COndOMiniuM • SOuThwindS AT BOCA POinTe COndOMiniuM
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