Page 24 - Boca Club News - November '22
P. 24
Page 24, Boca Club News
A Word from the Editor...
Announcing our New “Inbox: Messages from Readers”
Section of Boca Club News
After almost 16 full A comment or opinion of something you read in one of I will need to know how to contact you, either by
years of publishing, it our articles or feature columns; email or telephone, in case I have any questions or
occurs to me—as Editor A suggestion about an article you would like us to cover need to follow up for more information. You must also
of this newspaper since in the next or a future issue—perhaps about an event that indicate how you want to be identified in the paper in
our very first issue— you know about and feel would interest our readers. signing your message because we wish to respect your
that, in addition to our If you want to include a photo, please send it as a jpeg privacy. In other words, be sure to let me know whether
ongoing commitment attachment. you want your full name to appear and your club...just
to providing all of the Or, you may have an idea for a continuing monthly column your full name without club name...just your initials
information we are able on a subject in which you have expertise, and which we are and club...initials only...etc.
to obtain about the important events taking place at not already covering. As just one example, our long-running As for timing, keep this in mind. Boca Club News
Broken Sound, Bocaire and St. Andrews and the Boca Computer columnist, Sheila Garber, recently moved to is delivered to readers’ homes on or about the 15th of
community at large—it’s about time we also give each Arizona and we are open to reviving that important column each month: for example, the January issue should be
of our readers at these clubs an opportunity to have a for someone from Broken Sound, Bocaire or St. Andrews delivered around January 15th. The editorial deadline
voice in our pages. Whatever it is that you would like with the appropriate qualifications and writing skills. for the January issue is no later than December 20th...
to share with all of our readers: This new section of the paper will be titled, “Inbox,” and the earlier the better your chances of inclusion.
An announcement about an engagement, wedding, you are invited to submit the message you would like to see I look forward to hearing from you.
graduation, bar mitzvah or any other important personal published by sending it to me as an email to: editorbcn54@ — Nils A. Shapiro, Editor
event in your life;
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