Page 5 - The Islander - October '22
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The Islander, Page 5


                                              The Single Scene Column                                           ©

                                                           Connect. Connect. Connect.

                                                                        By Kelly Leary, M.S.

          What  you  do  today                           love or worse. Nothing beats an in-person recommendation.   Around Town Photos:
       can  improve  all  your                              Get to know one another and don’t jump to quick
       tomorrows.~~Ralph Marston                         judgments. Be open-minded. Be flexible with your wishlist and      The following photos
          Halloween Greetings! If                        don’t make it too long or you will be alone forever. Don’t ask a   were taken at Furry Friends
       you think dating is a spooky                      man on the first date when he plans to have his first child (true   Animal  and Adoption
       event, we are here to provide                     story) and don’t ask a woman inappropriate questions on a first   Clinic in Jupiter earlier this
       a few hot tips to curb your                       date (especially if they are too intimate). Don’t blast someone a   year. Couples, friends, and
       fears.  Dating  in 2022 is                        long text if they don’t call you back within five minutes. This is   clients of the REV gathered
       DIFFERENT. People have                            a pet-peeve for me.                               together to celebrate for
       changed and change can be a                          Know your league. Generally, you should stay age   a Single and Taken Yappy
       good thing too.                                   appropriate and if you want someone much younger, hopefully   Hour. This event was a
          So...let’s build up the                        you have much to offer to balance the scales of time. I   huge success for people
       courage to make some changes this October. We know many feel   recommend you don’t ask for “The Rock” if you prefer to spend   who  Must Love Dogs.
       dating is not fun in this tech charged era--but it is a NECESSITY.   the day watching television on the sofa enjoying your fifth ice   Revolution Dating is big
       We are neurologically wired to CONNECT. Just check out what’s   cream sandwich. There is a better match for you. It might not   on community love and
       trending in current pop culture. There are many shows today   be Blake Shelton but he will be awesome and will love you to   philanthropy. This  club
       about the struggles of finding love in our society. The stories   pieces! Just FLOW!                also sponsored the annual
       about matchmakers are typically super positive and the stories      Treat yourself this month. Fall is here and the weather is   Wheels, Wings & Fashion  MEET: Fur ry Fr iends
       about online dating are super negative. Why? Because it’s true.  lovely and YOU DESERVE IT! We can’t wait to meet you!   benefiting The Leukemia &  wonderful leaders Jason Gluck,
          Moreover, with the influx of new single/divorced/widowed   Happy Halloween!                      Lymphoma Society as well  Jeff Collins, and Steve Macht
       residents in our area, the number of people looking for new                            XOXO, Kelly   as Scotch & Sharks which is  and Buddy!
       friends (romantic or not) has been skyrocketing. It is time to get       #FallIntoLove #PartySeason #HalloweenDateNight   a social club for gentlemen
       off the couch, shut off your screens and leave your comfort zone   #TellYourFriends                 that contribute to charity, the
       before your get too stuck in your ways. The future is brighter      Kelly Leary  has 31 years in the dating industry and a   annual “We Rock As Lions”
       than you think--you just have to trust and be willing to take a   master’s degree in Psychology. She has been featured in The   Luncheon benefiting Chasin
       risk. Ready. Set. Go.                             Palm Beach Post, PalmBeacher Magazine, Sun Sentinel,   A Dream Foundation which
          The following tips are based on actual events:  The Florida Business Journal, Stuart Magazine and more.   benefits children with life
          Beware of keyboard warriors and online dating   All Revolution Dating members are prescreened first in   threatening illnesses. Do
       repeat offenders. Heed the “texting trap.” Men are asking   phone and then in person. Professional photos are taken   join our love movement
       women out via text, women are breaking up with men via   by the staff. Revolution Dating is not online dating or blind   and follow all of the above
       text, and high voltage words are exchanged that would   dating. Photographs are taken in the office. All inquiries to the   on social media.
       have NEVER been said in person. Many singles have   matchmakers are confidential. For more information, please
       “textationships” instead of “relationships.” For some, cyber   call (561) 630-XOXO (9696) or 772-932-HERE (4373) or visit   TAKEN: Meet Michele Harris and
       life is replacing real life. It is actually being mistaken for real                           Michael Wisniewski, est. 2008

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