Page 12 - Talk of Tequesta - October '22
P. 12
Page 12, The Talk Of Tequesta
commissioner’s updaTe norThern noTes
Speaking In Code Preserving The Preserves
By Commissioner Maria Marino By Katie Roundtree, Director of Finance and Administration, Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District
Your Palm Beach County Northern owns and
government provides a wide maintains approximately
range of services to the 2,000 acres of preserves
public. One of the areas I throughout the 128-square-
frequently hear about from mile district. It is an
residents is the condition of, integral part of many of our
or activities occurring on a residential communities
property. For those matters, and a pristine area of native
I request assistance from the Florida that we strive to
Code Enforcement Division. protect. Since these areas
T he rol e of Code sometimes lie behind
Enforcement (CE) is to residents’ houses, we get
enforce the County’s Code of Ordinances and Land many calls to trim back trees or take out trees that are not We also get requests to remove rodents from preserves.
Development Regulations in the unincorporated areas of aesthetically pleasing. If it is warranted or threatening to Northern staff does not treat for rodents or any other pests
the county uniformly and consistently, to maintain our property, we will trim back or remove vegetation, but in most in the preserves. The baits and poisons used for that purpose
neighborhoods, and protect our health, safety, welfare, and cases, trees should be left in their native state. Why is this? are designed to attract and kill rodents but are also known
quality of life. Municipalities handle enforcement within Why can’t we make the preserve areas look like parks? to attract other nontarget mammals. Aside from the risk of
their boundaries, following their particular ordinances and First and foremost, we are required through permit with primary exposure to nontarget mammals in the preserves,
the Florida Building Code. South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), not to there is also the risk of secondary exposure.
The CE division responds to complaints and monitors open remove or kill any native trees or plants in the preserve. As for Rodents, including mice and rats, are a key component
cases, working with residents. They individually investigate other more ecological examples, native trees and vegetation of the food chain in the natural ecosystems throughout the
and track inquiries, and seek compliance through the process provide many benefits to wildlife. Cabbage palms are Florida’s preserves. Many of the desired animals in the preserves rely
outlined in Florida Statutes Section 162. The primary goal state tree. They provide housing for many animals such as on rodents as food, including animals such as hawks, owls,
is to bring properties into compliance, and CE officers work squirrels, racoons, frogs, lizards, etc. Small rodents, lizards, bobcats, foxes, and snakes. When the rodents are poisoned,
extensively with property owners to achieve this. Our CE insects, and even rare plant species rely on the uncut “boots” on they become weak and are easy prey for predators. If these
officers are required to obtain certification through the Florida a palm for a home. Squirrels and birds will use the palm thatch predators eat the poisoned rodents, they will get secondary
Association of Code Enforcement. as nesting material and will often nest in the palm. Recently exposure to the poison and will likely die. If we start
Common code violations include zoning and use staff and preserve crews removed three cabbage palms from targeting organisms on the lower end of the food chain,
regulations, property maintenance standards, overgrown behind a resident’s home. When one of the palms dropped to this will disrupt the rest of the food chain and could cause
lots, unpermitted construction, sign regulations and others the ground, seven newborn squirrels fell out of it. Staff had serious harm to the health of the preserves.
that you can find listed at to build a temporary “home” for the babies close to the tree An essential part of preserving the preserves is to let
codeenforcement/PDF/Residential_Property_Maintenance_ and hope that the mother came back to find them. Many bird nature be nature. Removing exotic species of plants and
Guide.pdf. With home ownership representing the single nests can also be lost because of cutting plants down. allowing for nature to take its course are important for the
largest investment most people will make, one of the benefits A 2019 study in south Florida found that cavity nesters, health of the preserves and the rest of our environment in
of enforcing codes is to protect that investment. By adhering native woodpeckers specifically, favored palm snags over pine South Florida. Nature is not always perfectly groomed,
to building standards and zoning codes, we can help enhance trees or maples in urbanized tropical regions. A snag is a dead but for everything there is a purpose. What may seem like
property values, maintain neighborhood appearances, and tree. This is even more of a reason to keep standing snags in the an old ugly tree to you, may be home to birds and other
assure safety. preserve. We had a resident request to take out a maple snag wildlife. Leaving the preserves in their natural state is
At any one time, each of the 45 CE officers are monitoring from behind his home. It wasn’t threatening any property, just required and the right thing to do.
in excess of 6,500 properties. Some reported violations may was a bit of an eyesore. Northern staff went to check it out and NPDES tip: Planting a rain garden with native plants
be minor with simple remedies, yet others may affect the as soon they got close to the tree, a woodpecker flew towards somewhere around your home helps lock rainwater in the
health and safety of the surrounding community. Depending them and into a small cavity it had built in the tree. Not only ground, reducing the flow of pollutants and poisons into
on the nature of the problem, CE will involve other applicable was there a nest, but there were several baby chicks inside that the drains. Using organic fertilizers and pesticides in your
departments and agencies. the woodpecker was feeding. Even more importantly, many garden further protects and brings health to your yard and
If a property is in violation, the owner will receive of these birds and their nests/eggs are protected by federal law all the species living there.
notification and ample due process to correct the issue. (The Migratory Bird Treaty Act).
Neighbors often feel that the “wheels of justice” move very
slowly; however, CE is required to follow the statutes, which
provides for a respondent’s day in court. Once a Notice of
Violation is issued, if the property owner fails to come into
compliance (the minimum time frame is usually 30 days), a Early Voting
hearing will be scheduled before a special magistrate, where
the county and the respondent can each present their case. The
magistrate can dismiss the case if they determine the violation
is unfounded or resolved; or, they will enter an order setting |
a time frame within which the respondent must correct the October 26 - November 5 8AM-5PM
violation(s), and the imposition of fines, once the deadline Election Center | Elisabeth Lahti Library | Hobe Sound Library
has passed.
In 2021, CE investigated more than 13,000 complaints, Robert Morgade Library | Peter & Julie Cummings Library | Hoke Library
resulting in over 10,000 notices of violation. Of those, 87 Votación anticipada del 26 de octubre al 5 de noviembre | 8AM-5PM. Centro Electoral, Biblioteca Elisabeth Lahti,
percent of the cases were brought into compliance and closed, Biblioteca de sonido Hobe, Biblioteca Peter y Julie Cummings, Biblioteca Robert Morgade, Biblioteca Hoke
and were not taken to a magistrate hearing.
Code Enforcement officials acknowledge that each case is
unique, and some property owners may need additional time to
obtain a building permit, update site plans and pass inspections
for a particular improvement. If the owner demonstrates
they are making an effort to comply, the division will allow
reasonable time for completion of the necessary steps.
If you live in a homeowners or property owners association, Voted Ballots Can be Dropped Off
your management company will likely handle the process to at all Early Voting Locations
correct problems on properties that are out of compliance with
your bylaws. Additionally, if your community is located in Las boletas votadas se pueden dejar en todos los lugares de votación anticipada
the unincorporated area and your association or neighborhood
group would like a presentation on code enforcement and
typical issues that arise, let me know, and I can arrange for
a speaker.
Since violations run with the land, when you are buying
a property, it is important for you to work with your realtor
and the seller to verify that all structures and improvements
have the required permits and inspections. It may save you
a lot of aggravation later. Martin County Supervisor of Elections: 772-288-5637 |
As always, if there is any way I can assist you, please
contact me at (561) 355-2201 or by email at mmarino@ Supervisor de Elecciones del Condado de Martin