Page 12 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - October '22
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Page 12, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Innovative Mako SmartRobotics Technology

      At Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center Allows

      Surgeons To Personalize Orthopedic Procedures

      For Each Patient

        With October serving                                                                               hip replacements to a new level of precision. When
      as  Bone  and  Joint                                                                                 performing Mako SmartRobotics, surgeons at Palm Beach
      Awareness Month, it’s an                                                                             Gardens Medical Center utilize a tactile robotic arm, and
      important  time  to  focus                                                                           a 3-D virtual patient specific visualization system.
      on common orthopedic                                                                                   This system provides the surgeon a presurgical plan that
      disorders including                                                                                  details the technique for bone preparation and customized
      arthritis and osteoporosis,                                                                          implant positioning using a CT scan of the patient’s knee
      and the treatment options                                                                            or hip. During the procedure, the system creates a 3-D
      available  today.  Palm                                                                              live-action, virtual view of the patient’s bone surface and
      Beach Gardens Medical                                                                                correlates the image to the preprogrammed surgical plan.
      Center is the first hospital                                                                         As the surgeon uses the robotic arm, its tactile, acoustic
      in Palm Beach County                                                                                 and visual feedback limits the bone preparation to the
      to acquire two Mako                                                                                  diseased areas and provides for more optimal implant
      SmartRobotics systems                                                                                positioning and placement for each patient.
      for robotic-assisted                               to surgery completed without the robotic-arm assisted     “We are proud to add the Mako SmartRobotics to our
      orthopedic  surgery. At                            technology. Many return to an active lifestyle within weeks.   award-winning orthopedic program with the intention
      Palm Beach Gardens                                   Mako SmartRobotics allows patients with osteoarthritis   that shorter recovery times can help get our patients back
      Medical Center, an experienced staff, award-winning   (OA) to be treated at earlier stages and with greater   out doing what they love quickly,” said Teresa Urquhart,
      care and advanced technological options are available   precision.  The opportunity for early intervention is   CEO of Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center. “Expanding
      for patients experiencing bone and joint issues including   important, as OA is the most common form of arthritis   our robotic orthopedic service line capabilities further
      Mako SmartRobotics.                                and a leading cause of disability worldwide, according   demonstrates our commitment to provide the community
        Dr. Robert Avino, an orthopedic surgeon, completed the   to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.   with outstanding healthcare.”
      first case at the hospital using the Mako SmartRobotics in   Because it is less invasive, and in some cases, more of     For more information about Mako SmartRobotics
      September. Mako SmartRobotics offers a more precise and   the patient’s natural joint remains, the goal is for patients   contact Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center’s director
      consistent result for partial knee, total knee and total hip   to have more natural knee or hip motion.  of the Orthopedic service line at (855) 769-2969, or visit:
      replacements. Patients may experience a shorter hospital     Through its innovative use of technology, Mako
      stay, quicker recovery and a smaller incision as compared   SmartRobotics  takes partial  knee,  total  knee  and   an-orthopedic-navigator.
      Ballet Palm Beach Announces Spectacular

      2022/23 Season Of Events                           A Midsummer Night’s Dream, March 31 to April 2, Friday,   About Ballet Palm Beach
                                                         7 p.m., Saturday at 2 and 7 p.m., Sunday at 1 and 5 p.m.    Ballet  Palm  Beach  (BPB),  the  professional  ballet
      Snow White, Queen Esther, A Midsummer Night’s Dream join     A magical tale of King Oberon’s fairy kingdom. When Oberon   company of the Palm Beaches and Treasure Coast,
      popular holiday hit The Nutcracker at the Kravis Center For   sets out to teach Queen Titania a lesson, the mischievous Puck   is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) ballet company dedicated to
      Four Fantastic Performances                        ensnares unsuspecting mortal lovers into the fray. Shakespeare’s   preserving the art of classical ballet by cultivating new
        Colleen Smith, founding artistic and executive director of   timeless tale of fun, frolic and fairies is brought to beautiful life   visions in choreography, impacting the next generation
      Ballet Palm Beach today announced a season of sensational   where love wins the day – and the night!  through the discipline of dance, and enriching the
      performances from the acclaimed, professional ballet company.     Kravis Center for the Performing Arts – Rinker Playhouse   community through this universal art form. Established
        Featuring a dream of a lineup, the four-show season includes   is located at 701 Okeechobee Boulevard in West Palm Beach.  in 2001, the company has become a fixture in Palm Beach
      the classic fairytale Snow White; the family-favorite holiday   How To Purchase Tickets:             County. Each year BPB produces main stage ballets as
      event, The Nutcracker; a tale of Biblical proportions with     For information about prices and how to purchase tickets,   well as outreach shows, both locally and abroad. For
      Queen Esther; and the timeless tale from the bard himself – A   please call Ballet Palm Beach at (561) 630-8235 or visit www.  more information about the professional company or
      Midsummer Night’s Dream.                                               its school, Ballet Palm Beach Academy, or to support
        Upcoming performances by Ballet Palm Beach include:    For tickets to performances at the Kravis Center, please call   BPB’s outreach efforts call (561) 630-8235 or visit www.
      Snow White, Oct. 26, Rinker Playhouse, Kravis Center for   (561) 832-7469 or (800) 572-8471, or visit
      the Performing Arts, Friday at 6:30 p.m.
        “Mirror, mirror on the wall…” the Grimms’ fairytale of a
      jealous queen comes to life on stage through stunning, original
      choreography. The mirror doesn’t lie though, and the queen’s
      own daughter is not immune to her wickedness, but with the
      help of an unlikely group of seven little men, Snow White isn’t
      alone! A poisoned apple, a true love’s kiss, and goodness wins
      in the end.
      The Nutcracker, Dec. 3, 4, Rinker Playhouse, Kravis Center
      for the Performing Arts, Saturday at 2 and 7 p.m., Sunday
      at 1 and 5 p.m.
        A magical holiday tradition beloved by all returns to the
      Kravis Center stage. Featuring music by Tchaikovsky, The
      Nutcracker tells the story of Marie who, when given an enchanted
      nutcracker doll as a Christmas gift, has no idea of the adventure
      that awaits her! Toy soldier battles, giant mice, and a blustery
      snowstorm led by a majestic Snow Queen await families of all
      ages to this magical night of memories.
      Queen Esther, Feb. 11, 12, 2023, Saturday at 7 p.m., Sunday
      at 1 and 5 p.m., Rinker Playhouse, Kravis Center for the
      Performing Arts
        A tale of Biblical proportions. A young orphan girl rescues
      her people but must sacrifice her freedom while being isolated
      in the Persian palace. Brave Esther, malicious Haman, powerful
      King Ahasuerus, devoted Mordecai and beautiful Vashti are all
      players in this true story with a secret guiding force.
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