Page 17 - Southen Exposure - August '22
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Southern Exposure, Page 17
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Kimberly McCarten Named Florida CEO Of The Year
By The Arc Of Florida
Kimberly McCarten,
president and CEO of
The Arc of Palm Beach
County, was recently
recognized as Florida
CEO of the Year by
The Arc of Florida
at the organization’s
2022 Best Practices
“Kimberly McCarten
has unlimited energy,
creativity, and passion, Sen. Gayle Harrell and Kimberly
setting the stage for McCarten (left to right) Alan Abramowitz, Sen. Gayle Harrell, and Kimberly
amazing opportunities McCarten (left to right)
for people with disabilities. We honored Kimberly with
The Arc of Florida CEO of the Year because of her impact “I’m especially honored to receive this recognition from Alan Abramowitz, Sen. Gayle Harrell, Brad Walker, and
on the community in Palm Beach County, and her tenacity my peers. We want to expand The Arc’s impact as a leader Kimberly McCarten (left to right)
and perseverance in supporting each person to live up to for inclusion, advocacy, and acceptance,” said McCarten.
their potential,” said Alan Abramowitz, CEO of The Arc “Together, we aim to change perspectives, hearts, and Innovation Award at The Arc’s 2019 National Convention
of Florida. minds by highlighting the accomplishments and talents in Washington, D.C. The Arc of Palm Beach County has
The Best Practices conference brought together more of people with disabilities.” earned Nonprofit of the Year from the Palm Beach North
than 20 Arc chapters and 120 disability leaders from The Arc of Palm Beach County has become one of the Chamber of Commerce, the Community Champion Award
across Florida, including Sen. Gayle Harrell as the keynote largest, most comprehensive, nonprofit organizations in from the United Way of Palm Beach County, and the
speaker. The focus was on team recruitment and retention, Florida that is focused on intellectual and developmental Financial Organization of the Year Award from Volunteer
employment programs, mental health programming, disabilities since merging with Seagull Services and Palm Florida/AmeriCorps.
advocacy, and financial stewardship. Its goal was to inspire Beach Habilitation Center earlier this year. Together, they About The Arc Of Palm Beach County
innovation, conversation, and collaboration so that The Arc are 300 team members strong and serve nearly 3,500 The Arc is changing the conversation around
can collectively uplift the disability community in Florida students, clients, and families annually through 18 vital disabilities by defying definitions, inspiring possibilities,
and beyond. programs and services. and improving the lives of the people we serve, their
“Kimberly demonstrated unparalleled commitment In recent years, McCarten has been recognized as the families, and our community. Since 1958, The Arc has
and resourcefulness to make this event the most highly 2021 Executive of the Year by the Hats Off Nonprofits envisioned a community where every person feels welcome,
attended, interactive, and action-packed conference to First Awards, a community giant by the Inner-City Youth connected, and accepted.
date,” said Abramowitz. Golfers organization, and she accepted the Program Photos courtesy of The Arc of Palm Beach County
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