Page 29 - Boca ViewPointe - August '22
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August 2022 Viewpointe, Page 29
ALLOSTASIS Load Post COVID Film Review:
….. What Is It And How To Prevent It! Bella
By Josette Veltri
By Nils A. Shapiro
Allostasis is our normal
adaptive response to stress What a difference
and, if not successfully a day makes. That is
managed, will lead to the opening line of a
a state called Allostatic classic song, but it is also
Load. In simple researched the underlying theme of
terms, allostatic load is this beautiful, heartfelt
the result of our failed film that won numerous
attempts to adopt, stabilize and regulate stress, balance time, and as a society, we’ve now been there for two full awards and both critical
and re-stabilize the body’s internal state after dealing with years. Our bodies have adjusted to operating in this chronic and popular praise when
external environmental changes. state of distress.” Now what? it was released in 2007.
It has been proven that repeated or inadequate adaption The scientists, the World Health Organization (WHO), Neither of the two
to dealing with prolonged stress over time results in and government officials at best are speculating. So, what leading actors will have
dysregulated sympathetic nervous system, cardiovascular, can we do to prevent allostatic load? been familiar to most
immune and metabolic systems all leading to ill-health. According to Dr. Dragonette rebuilding our resilience readers of this column
Since COVID, we have been exposed to advanced, to rebalance our peripheral nervous system, the relaxation before seeing Bella,
over-the-top, stress and with post-COVID we find ourselves response is a start and, refers the following five evidence- but you are certain to
continually living in survival mode, a state of perpetual based tools to reduce allostatic load: remember them long
uncertainty. Many find themselves constantly checking 1. Mindfulness: builds resilience. after. Of the strikingly
in, wondering and asking: “Am I feeling like COVID or is 2. Movement: physical activity counteracts stress. handsome male star in
this just the flu? What does COVID feel like? How does it 3. Sleep: creating a regular bedtime routine. the role of Jose, a former
start? What if I am asystematic, should I get tested or not? 4. Food as Medicine: Research, demonstrates the international soccer star
Am I safer if I dine out and sit inside or outside?” And on impact of food on our mood and linked to positive outcomes whose life is changed
and on our thoughts and feeling are fired up and we find in mental and emotional well-being. dramatically in a single
ourselves in a perpetual state of danger. 5. Balance: A whole-person approach to wellness and day, critic Roger Ebert
Michael Osterholm, an infectious disease epidemiologist well-being is the most effective antidote to stress. wrote that Eduardo
at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities reports Research also shows people who use their spirituality Verastegui will “soon have fans shifting their (Antonio)
COVID is complicated due to the prospect of a potential can cope with stress better, heal faster from illness and Banderas pin-ups to the bottom drawer.” And Tammy
unknown variant, and adds, “I don’t know how it ends.” experience more health and have an over sense of well- Blanchard as Nina is perfectly cast as a beautiful, vulnerable
Salim Abdool Karim, an epidemiologist who is the South being. young woman whose difficult situation draws out the soft,
African government’s chief COVID-19 scientist reports It was King Solomon who said it best, “Above all compassionate side of Jose for reasons that we begin to
the real end of the pandemic won’t come until the arrival else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” understand as the story unfolds.
of a “final variant”….. And Karim adds, “If I was a betting (Proverbs 4:23). As the film opens, Jose and his manager are on their way
man, I would say probably in about 2, 3 years we will get Thank you and stay safe! to a press conference to announce his signing of a multi-
to that point.” million dollar contract with a major league soccer team. But
The fact, Dr. Jennifer Dragonette, Clinial Services For additional life-changing coping strategies contact
Instructor in North California states, “We’re not made to Josette Veltri at email, Film Review on page 30
sustain the stress response for more than short periods of thank you.
Peace of Mind
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