Page 3 - Boca Exposure - June '22
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Boca Exposure, Page 3

      MONOPOLY  Event And Casino Night from page 1       clients at clinics in Boca Raton and Boynton Beach) and      Boca Helping Hands is a partner agency of The Town
                                                         Florida Atlantic University’s Christine E. Lynn College of   of Palm Beach United Way. Since 1945, the Town of Palm
      financial assistance, childcare, and weekend meals for Palm   Nursing Community Based Clinics (serving residents in West   Beach United Way has been committed to improving
      Beach County school children. Event sponsors included   Palm Beach). In addition, BHH sends weekend meals home   lives and building strong communities throughout Palm
      JM Family Enterprises, Gary Peters Family Foundation,   with food-insecure elementary school students via the BHH   Beach County by focusing on programs and priorities
      Tandy and Joe Robinson, Rochelle LeCavalier, Red Oak   Backpacks Program and assists working families with the   that promote education, health, and financial stability.
      Partners, and Peter and Susan Brockway.            rising cost of childcare through the Children’s Assistance      Charity Navigator named Boca Helping Hands a
      About Boca Helping Hands                           Program (CAP).                                    Four-Star Charity for the 15th consecutive year in June
         Boca Helping Hands (BHH) is a community-based      With an increased focus on client self-sufficiency, BHH   2021. Boca Helping Hands is located at 1500 N.W. First
      nonprofit that provides food, medical and financial assistance   awards scholarships for qualified candidates to attend   Court, Boca Raton, FL 33432. For more information,
      to meet basic human needs as well as education, job training   accredited vocational training classes that prepare them   please visit
      and guidance to create self-sufficiency. Through its various   for careers in the healthcare, information technology,
      programs, BHH assists over 27,000 people annually.   construction, and transportation industries. BHH also
         In 2021, BHH distributed more than 70,000 pantry   offers free English as a Second Language (ESOL) classes,
      bags from five Palm Beach County locations and served   courses in nutrition, and other life skills. In addition,
      nearly 80,000 hot meals. The organization expands access   staff and volunteer mentors counsel the unemployed and
      to affordable medical, dental and behavioral care through   underemployed in basic workplace skills and help them
      its partnerships with Genesis Community Health (serving   polish resumes and search for jobs.

                                                                                                           Regan Remillard, Mr. Monopoly and Nicole Remillard

      Laetitia Laurent and Frankie Soriano  Robert and Kerry-Ann McDonald  Brad and Erica Cassin

                                                                                                           Dr. Eric Shaw and Beverlee Schnellenberger with Mr.

                                       BHH Board member Peter Brockway  2022 Monopoly Event winner Mike Wohl   Erica and Brad Cassin playing Monopoly
      Katie and Rich Cane              and Susan Brockway               with BHH Board President Gary Peters

        Scott Cohen is Here to Help!

        Your fellow Boca Pointe Resident is available to                                                   Guests playing Monopoly
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       Policyholders who hired public adjusters for non-catastrophe claims received 574% more money than those who did not hire a P.A, Filing a claim can
                not legally affect your coverage. This is a solicitation if you have filed a claim and are happy with your settlement please disregard this advertisement.
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