Page 3 - Boca Club News - May '22
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Boca Club News, Page 3

      New “Boca Raton Innovation Campus” from page 1

         BRiC is pursuing plans to reimagine the 123-acre
      office park property into a sought-after planned mobility
      destination where today’s employers can recruit and retain
      a quality workforce while elevating and benefiting the
      greater community.
                  A Look Back and Forward
         According to CP Group Managing Director Angelo
      Bianco, “These aspirations pay homage to the campus’s
      early beginnings and the property’s long and storied   76,000 square feet of additional commercial space; 50,000      “With updated zoning,
      history.”                                         square feet of retail, and a 40,000-square-foot grocery   BRiC will be on course to
         The property was initially built as a closed campus   store, among other use options.             be more than one of the most
      for IBM’s Research and Development headquarters in      It merges office with community, a guiding principle   successful office properties
      the 1960s and designed by renowned Brutalist architect   behind Amazon’s second headquarters in Arlington,   in the country, but a true ecosystem for innovation, and an
      Marcel Breuer. Both the architecture of the building and   Virginia, demonstrating a deliberate shift from a “closed   attractive destination for tourists, visitors and big business,”
      the accomplishments made within its walls are truly iconic.   campus to community mentality.” Its HQ2 includes three   notes Bianco.
         During IBM’s tenure, the campus was home to the   midrise  office  towers,  retail  space,  community  center,      While CP Group works in tandem with city staff on these
      development of significant technological advances,   childcare facility and parkland and spiraling “mountain”   plans, CP Group is moving ahead with programming that
      including the first IBM personal computer, its smartphone,   accessible to the public.               will help bring to life their vision for the campus.
      and its industry-defining                                                                               Most recently, it has developed a walking art museum
      robotics technology. But this                                                                        called “Art on BRiC Walls,” including an NFT Museum
      period of groundbreaking                                                                             that exhibits the emerging digital art displays (also called
      innovation ended after IBM                                                                           “non-fungible tokens”) that Lynn University curated. The
      vacated the property in 1996                                                                         campus’s lakeside courtyard is also home to a 30-foot,
      due to a new ill-fated state                                                                         polished steel sculpture called Rocket, designed by Hubert
      law that taxed all exports                                                                           Phipps, and installed in partnership with the Boca Raton
      made,  sold, and  shipped                                                                            Museum of Art as part of the museum’s “Art in Public
      from within Florida. IBM                                                                             Places” initiative.
      exited the state and moved                                                                              These new exhibition spaces are emblematic of CP
      to less restrictive locations                                                                        Group’s vision for the next stage of BRiC’s evolution. The
      in Raleigh, North Carolina, and Austin, Texas, destroying      John Schoettler, Amazon’s vice-president of global real   office park’s rich history and legacy as an economic engine
      the once Boca tech hub.                           estate and facilities, validates this strategy. “We believe   for this area, coupled with the novel concept of reimagining
         After IBM’s departure, the property became a multi-  this [Amazon] headquarters should be integrated into the   the office space as a public forum, have cemented it as a
      tenant  office  building,  primarily  attracting  back-office   neighborhood, not closed off, not a place for Amazon   project to follow in the coming months.
      tenants and data centers. Soon it became a “forgotten”   employees only.” If Boca Raton wants to attract technology      Boca residents interested in seeing the campus can join
      building that was hardly noticeable among the 5,000   companies, it would be advantageous for them to follow   a group tour (each month on the second Thursday at 8:30
      parking spots surrounding the single office building.   the trends of companies like Amazon. Since IBM left,   a.m. and the fourth Monday at 4 p.m.) or look up upcoming
      It was dilapidated, with 804,000 square feet of vacant   Boca Raton has lost competitive momentum in attracting   programming on BRiC’s website at,
      space and sparse amenities, and intentionally closed to   technology and innovation to its neighbors in West Palm   where readers can also sign up to receive BRiC’s newsletter.
      the community.                                    Beach and Miami.                                   For an overview of BRiC’s concept and to show support for
                     The Best Is Yet to Be                                 What’s Next                     the needed rezoning, residents can visit www.workatbric.
         The property remained this way until CP Group acquired      To  turn  BRiC’s  vision  for  a  vibrant,  walkable,   com/support. To reserve a group tour spot, contact Giana
      the property over 20 years later. Over the past five years,   sustainable live-work-play environment into reality, the   Pacinelli at
      CP Group has transformed a neglected office park into a   Boca Raton City Council would have to vote to change
      modern business campus humming with activity. BRiC is   its current zoning laws. The existing zoning has not been   Fun Facts About Boca Raton
      now one of the most attractive workspaces in the state–a   updated since the 1960s, when IBM was using the campus   Innovation Campus (BRiC)
      destination first and an office second, with the addition   as a single-tenant office facility. While adequate for the
      of two coffee shops, art galleries, a conference center, an   restrictive single-office building property needs at that   • 1.7 million square feet across 123 acres.
      outdoor lakeside event space, daycare, and afterschool   time, the laws are now antiquated for the burgeoning and   • Designed by the father of Brutalism architecture,
      childcare facility; an expansive outdoor courtyard; running   evolving tech hub BRiC is today.        Marcel Breuer.
      and hiking trails; autonomous grab-and-go, and more.      Under the current zoning laws, BRiC is restricted to   • Largest single office facility in the state of Florida.
         CP Group’s plans to reimagine the now 90% leased   solely a single-facility commercial office park providing   • Key IBM Accomplishments at BRiC:
      property into a community-focused planned mobility   services exclusively to its tenants. No one other than      Birthplace of the first personal computer.
      destination—the only one in Boca Raton aptly created   BRiC office tenants can enjoy the food hall, presentation      Bill Gates made the game-changing Microsoft and
      and driven under a single ownership and management   and conference spaces, coffee shops, and events without   IBM “MS-DOS” software deal here.
      group—is  a  rare  opportunity  for  the  city. The  current   rezoning. Thus, no benefit at all to the greater community      The invention of the first smartphone, “Simon.”
      vision includes 1,000 residential units; 130-room hotel,   at large.                                     Invention  of  the  CTRL-ALT-DLT  computer
                                                                                                               Created Maritime Navigation System.
                                                                                                            • Strengths of BRiC
                                                                                                               ○ 10MW generator can keep building operating for
                                   General Dentistry                                                        up to 13 days without refueling.
                                                                                                               ○  Infrastructure  built  to  withstand  a  Category  5

                                                                                                               ○ Triple-redundant, high speed fiber ring with seven
                                    Cosmetic & Laser                                                          service providers–including Google fiber.
                                                                                                               ○ Conveniently located between two I-95 exits.
                                                                                                               ○ Adjacent to Tri-Rail station with 10 shuttle stops
                                                                                                            on campus.
                                                                                                            • Home to:
                                                                                                               ○ 18 national tenants.
                                                                                                               ○ 19 regional tenants.
                                                                                                               ○ 7 of the top 100 employers in Palm Beach County.
                                                                                                               ○ Approx. 6,000 employees have offices at BRiC
                                                                                                               ○ 5,000 surface level parking spots.
                                                                                                               ○ Miles of common area corridors upgraded into
                                                                                                            walking art museum.
           Dr. Rosenbusch has been                                                                          • Community Guidance:
        practicing dentistry for 34 years                                                                      ○ Programming Board to curate unique community
         and has extensive experience in                                                                    events.
                                                                                                               ○ Art, History & Architecture Board to pay homage

         many aspects of dentistry. His                                                                     to BRiC’s history.
                                                                                                               ○  Community  Outreach  Board  to  plan  BRiC’s
           main focus is on Cosmetic                                                                          community give-back strategy.
                                                                                   visit us at:
         Dentistry, Laser Dentistry and                                     • Campus-Wide Art Museum:
                                                                                                               ○  Exhibits  along  common  area  hallways  to
              Implant Prosthetics                                                    email:                   bring awareness to local and young artists through

                                                                           partnerships with:

                                                                                                                   ■ Boca Raton Museum

             Broken Sound Resident               General Dentistry                                                 ■ Lynn University
                    25 Years                     Cosmetic and Laser                                                ■ Palm Beach Color Watercolor Society.
                                                                                                                   ■ Zero Empty Spaces.
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