Page 22 - Boca Club News - May '22
P. 22

Page 22, Boca Club News

      The Environmental Enthusiast from page 20            After Thanksgiving, I drove two+ hours to the Fort Drum   had the audacity to leave the house for any length of time.
                                                        service plaza, half way for the surrender of the tiny terror.      After settling in, we visited our vets Drs. Scott and Kristy
                                                        Evie’s belongings included a king-size blanket, clothes and   Lund for her check-up, vax update and to schedule her spay.
                                                        sweaters (chis don’t regulate their body temp well), a huge   She needed to gain weight prior to surgery.
                                                        bag of holistic food, treats, toys, CBD, shampoo, along with      When we walked, I handed Bob her leash. The nipping
                                                        a dossier of her history and care.                 eventually subsided, but barking continued for a ten-minute
                                                           Surrenders are never easy, for the owner or rescuer and,   minimum when he entered the room. Bob doled out healthy
                                                        especially, not for the pet. On the ride home, Evie averted   treats after she came when called or was asked to sit. No
                                                        contact with her new captor. I assured her that everything would   pay without work.
                                                        be all right. She sighed, burying herself in her giant blanket.      Weeks later, she was spayed. Drowsy from anesthesia,
                                                           Four hours later, we arrived. My spouse, Bob, helped   she nipped the male vet tech. Afraid to leave her alone, we
                                                        introduce our pack to Evie on neutral ground. Evie made it   brought her everywhere (in a bag or carried). Ready for
                                                        clear that Bob should stay away! He was relegated to the   adoption, I put the word out that a three-year-old, seven-
                                                        guest room. After my hot shower, Evie and I hit the hay. Chis   pound diva was on the prowl for a nice lady to look after.
                                                        like to sleep under covers. I worried she would suffocate or   We went on meet and greets. None fit.
      Bob with his new “other woman.” Note: He is a 4th degree   I would crush her. We survived.              I  returned  from  a  half-day  photography  job.  Evie
      black belt and not into “purse pups.” Photos by Tina K. VaLant     To be adoptable, Evie needed to learn to trust men. Bob   was nestled upon Bob’s chest in the man cave. I thought
                                                        prepared and served her meals, which she looked forward   something tragic had occurred. He said, “About an hour
      Evie howled for hours in her absence. Neighbors rightfully   to. Still, he was the recipient of incessant barking along with   ago a switch flipped and she decided she liked me.” She
      lodged complaints. Her daughter loved Evie and often took   hit-and-run nipping. An operatic howl-fest ensued when I   has since adopted him. My advice: never say never!
      care of her. She asked if she could take her and relocate to
      Florida. They agreed; eviction had been mentioned due to
      socialization and house training. They moved in with her  You and Your Pet: Fun at the
      complaints. The daughter planned to work with Evie on
      dad in Tampa, temporarily.
      because she hid “chocolate eggs” all over the house. She  Beach with Fido (or, How to Win

         Evie must have thought she was part Easter bunny,
      piddled on beds and shoes. She stole things that did not
      She could not be left home alone. They took her to the vet  a Trip to the Emergency Room)
      belong to her, then guarded them diligently, baring her teeth.
      to have her checked for anxiety or health issues. They tried
      CBD. They called in a trainer/behaviorist. This six-pound   By Dr. Margaret Johnson, DVM, Calusa Veterinary   increased sun exposure. Dogs and cats are also susceptible
      terrorist had worn out her welcome. The dad’s girlfriend   Center, 6900 Congress Avenue, Boca Raton, FL 33487   to skin cancer, especially the white or lighter ones. (2)
      said, “I know someone in dog rescue.”                (561) 999-3000.                 Dogs regulate their body temperature through panting.
                                                              Everyone loves a trip to the beach and beach season   All those smooshed face dogs (frenchies, pugs, English
               A Free Opportunity                          is upon us. It is a fun activity for the family—what’s not   bulldogs, etc.) and some elderly dogs with laryngeal
                                                                                                           paralysis, have difficulty effectively panting or with heat
                                                           to love? Together time, sun, fresh air, beautiful ocean,
        For Animal Lovers ...                              exercise. But please be aware, there are some aspects of   exchange. These dogs are very susceptible to heat stroke/
                                                                                                           heat exhaustion. (3) Just like us, any dog with enough
                                                           the beach that may be dangerous for family pets.
                                                              1. Salt water. Most dogs will manage to drink some   exercise and heat can experience heat exhaustion or
            Now Feed 6 Shelter Dogs and Cats               water; children and adults also. A little bit of water–no   stroke. Please provide shade and fresh water.
              Every Day at No Cost to You ...              problem, maybe just feel a little bit queasy. A moderate   4. Free running dogs. Please keep all dogs on leashes
        in Less Than a Minute ... with just “Click”        amount of salt water ingestion can lead to vomiting and   and be aware of your surroundings (other dogs running
                                                           diarrhea, which may last several days and can result in   free). There is an acronym in veterinary medicine called
           Want  to  feel  really  good  about             dehydration. Ingesting a large volume can potentially   “big dog-little dog” (bdld). All it takes is one well-placed
        yourself? If, like most of us, those TV            cause hypernatremia (elevated sodium). If the sodium   shake by a big dog to cause extreme damage or death to
        announcements bring tears to your eyes             level becomes too high, it can result in altered mentation,   a small dog.
        with photos of sad shelter dogs and cats in        brain swelling and seizures, potentially death.   5. Wildlife. Seals, sea lions, crabs, jelly fish, sharks
        small cages, hoping somehow to be brought into loving   2. Sand ingestion. Invariably, dogs will investigate   and turtles can all potentially injure dogs. Surely, neither
        homes – when you wish over and over again that you   (with their mouths) their environment. A small amount of   would enjoy a close encounter.
        could somehow bring joy into their lives, here is an act   sand? Again, not a problem–too much and this can lead to   6.  Fungi and the like. Blue-green algae can cause
        of loving kindness that will cost you absolutely nothing   a functional gastrointestinal obstruction (blockage of the   significant disease—not necessarily at the beach but
        ... and take less than a minute a day.             gut), and 1-3 days in the hospital with fluids and enemas   with  stagnant  water—pythiosis,  which  can  cause
           Visit the website: and   to try to remove the sand.                 gastrointestinal signs: fever, enlarged lymph nodes, skin
        click on the words “Click here to feed a dog or cat.” A   3. Temperature. This is a three-parter: (1) dogs do/can   disease.
        “button” will appear on your screen, and all you have to   get sunburned, and those such as collies or Nordic breeds      So, while the beach brings much joy, please watch
        do is click on it once. Each time a person clicks on that   (huskies and the like) have syndromes that worsen with   your pets as you would watch your children.
        button, the website’s sponsors provide bowls of food,
        free, to feed 6 dogs and cats.
          That’s all there is to it. In only seconds each day, you
        can see to it that 6 animals are fed. The folks who run   Want to lose weight fast,
        the website never bother you with tons of promotional
        e-mails. You can, if you wish, click on a link that sends                       but do not want a “fad” diet?
        a daily reminder to you. I did that; the reminder is
        e-mailed, and that is it. No hard-sell follow-ups. And if     The Sadkhin Complex Diet takes a different approach.
        you realize how good it will make you feel to be able
        to do at least something for these poor, loving creatures   You can lose weight and burn fat healthily and
        who are there through no fault of their own (some have   conveniently.
        been rescued from abusive owners), imagine how even   The Sadkhin Diet has:
        bowls of food will help make the animals feel better.  •  No medications  •  No special foods                                    “I have been extremely
                                                                                                                                         blessed by the Sadkhin
          Please take just seconds a day to lift 6 animals’ spirits                                                                      Complex  of  Boca
        ... and your own. Thanks.                          •  No surgeries    •  No heavy exercises                                      Raton.  The owner, Beth
                                                           •  Non-invasive   •  Promotes hunger management                               Meirav is extremely
                                                             This diet is a natural and beneficial approach to                           helpful.  I lost over 30
                                                                                                                                         pounds and I continue
         Attention Dog Owners                              safely losing weight.                                                         to lose.  Beth texts me
                                                                  Do not procrastinate, contact me today!                                and keeps me on track.
             It is your responsibility to pick up after                                                                                  If you’re looking to lose
                                                                                                                                         weight, this is the plan
          your dog. It’s the law. Some of you have been                                    cannot be combined                            for you.”
                     negligent in doing so.                                                                                                 Blanca Greenstein
                       Please keep our                       $25 OFF
                  Boca community beautiful!

                                                                                              Expires 8/15/22

                                                                     Sadkhin with Beth:

                                                                        7025 Beracasa Way, Boca Raton, FL 33433
                                                                        (917) 640-8001 text/call

                                                           Beth Meirav, CSP
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