Page 22 - Abacoa Community News - April '22
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Page 22, Abacoa
Financial Focus
Will Your Money Last As your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Edward of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance
Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
Jones, Member SIPC.
Long As You Do? Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
By Sally Sima Stahl Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
We all hope for long, Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
healthy lives. But there’s of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency 1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
a serious “side effect” of
longevity – the possibility
of outliving our money. Could It Be Dyslexia?
How can you help prevent
It’s useful to know the By Jim Forgan, Ph.D., learning to read slower, more time intensive, and it
seriousness of the threat. Licensed School can be frustrating for your child and you.
Consider this: About 41 Psychologist If your child is dyslexic, he or she requires
percent of all U.S. homes in Many kids struggle specialized reading instruction much different from
which the head of the household is between 35 and 64 are with reading but not what the public schools offer in general education
projected to run short of money in retirement, according all struggles are due to classrooms. Without this your child may start to feel
to the Employee Benefit Research Institute. dyslexia. There are many dumb about reading and develop low self-esteem. Not
While this statistic indicates a cause for concern, it reasons why smart kids many schools teach reading using Orton-Gillingham
certainly doesn’t mean that you are necessarily headed for struggle with reading. based multisensory reading instruction. If you suspect
trouble – because there’s a lot you can do to help build Some have not been your child has dyslexia get testing and start specialized
and manage enough resources to last a lifetime. Here are taught using the optimal instruction using Orton Gillingham based reading
a few suggestions: reading program, other instruction or instruction at a Lindamood Bell reading
• Consider your estimated longevity. On average, kids have gaps due to the instruction during COVID, center. Many parents teach their own child using the
a 65-year-old man can expect to live another 17 years, while still others have problems with memory or Orton-Gillingham influenced Barton Reading and
while a 65-year-old woman can anticipate about 20 years, phonics. Spelling System.
according to the Centers for Disease Control. Of course, Dyslexia as a broad term for a language-based We specialize in identifying reading difficulty and
you’ll want to take into account your health and family learning disability. This implies your child might solutions for helping your child. Contact us so you can
history of longevity to arrive at a reasonable estimate. have difficulty with pronouncing unfamiliar words, pinpoint how to best help your child.
You can then use this figure to help determine how much spelling words, reading fluently, and understanding. Dr. Forgan is a licensed school psychologist and
money you’ll eventually need. To play it safe, you might Dyslexics often have a breakdown in one or more certified dyslexia testing specialist who can evaluate
even want to try to build an income stream that can last of these processing areas: the awareness of sounds, your child for ADHD, gifted, dyslexia, and other
beyond your estimated lifespan, possibly up to age 90. remembering sounds, or rapidly naming which is concerns. Call 625-4125 or visit
• Don’t overlook health care costs. When budgeting related to reading speed. This breakdown makes
for retirement, allow enough for your health care expenses,
which can be considerable. Even with Medicare, you can
expect to spend anywhere from $4,500 to $6,500 per year, Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD,
per person, for traditional medical costs. Also, you may
want to prepare for two to three years of long-term care
expenses, which currently range from about $50,000 per Gifted Testing
year for home health care to over $100,000 per year for
a private room in a nursing home.
• Keep building assets for retirement. While you’re NOW OFFERING: Dr. Jim Forgan & Associates
working, constantly try to put away as much money as • Jupiter & Stuart Offices
possible for your retirement years. Each year your salary Licensed School Psychologist
goes up, increase your contributions to your 401(k) or • Testing for Processing
similar employer-sponsored retirement plan. You may Problems, Anxiety,
also want to contribute to an IRA, depending on your Defiance (561) 625-4125
goals. And within your retirement savings, make sure • Weekend and After
you devote a reasonable percentage of your investment School Appointments
dollars to growth-oriented vehicles that align with your
goals and risk tolerance.
• Seek out sources of guaranteed income. As a “Helping Parents Help Children”
retiree, you will receive Social Security benefits – and
the longer you wait before claiming them, the bigger
your monthly checks will be. But you might also consider
investments that can provide a source of income you can’t
outlive, such as annuities.
• Revisit your strategy before you retire. As you
near retirement, you may want to review your investment
strategy, possibly adjusting your risk level so that your
volatility. This is also a good time to review your spending NoN-Toxic cancer immunotherapy
portfolio would be somewhat less susceptible to market
needs in retirement.
• Maintain a reasonable withdrawal rate. Once you
are retired, you’ll likely need to start withdrawing from Available NoW
your 401(k), IRA and other investment accounts. To avoid
you’ll need to set a reasonable, sustainable withdrawal Safe and Effective!
taking out too much money too early in your retirement,
rate based on your assets, age and retirement lifestyle. A
financial advisor can help you determine an appropriate This is the Original Immunotherapy that
It will take dedication and determination to help ensure balances and optimizes your immune system to
your money doesn’t run out during your lifetime. But fight almost any type of cancer.
you’d probably agree that it’s well worth the effort.
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
Hundreds of successes over the years.
Continuously available since 1977
in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island
See our website for more info:
or call for more information: Toll-free number (561) 766-0878