Page 32 - PGA Community News- March '22
P. 32

Page 32, PGA C.A.N.!                                                 March 2022                                                                                                                                                    March 2022
      Award-Winning Artists Paint Local Scenes

      At Lighthouse ArtCenter’s Ninth Annual Plein

      Air Festival, March 27 To April 2

      Weeklong Festival Brings
      Events, Free Artist

      Demonstrations, Workshops,

      And Art For Sale

         Lighthouse ArtCenter‘s (LAC) Ninth Annual Plein Air
      Festival brings together 30 award-winning artists from all
      over the country to compete and capture the beauty of local
      scenes through the practice of painting “in the open air” or
      “en plein air.” The festival takes place March 27 to April
      3,  and includes free  artist  demonstrations,  workshops,
      events, and wet art for purchase. The festivities begin
      on Sunday, March 27 with a “Paint Out Competition” at
      the historic Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens March 28 to   Victory by Kystal Brown
      March 31. The artists provide free live demonstrations
      in the most picturesque places throughout Palm Beach   painting competition, and an awards ceremony. The art
      and Martin counties; April 1 is the “Collectors’ Party”   will be displayed throughout the week and is available for
      at the LAC Gallery. The festival ends on April 2 at the   purchase at Lighthouse ArtCenter Gallery at 373 Tequesta
      LAC Gallery with an art sale, “Battle of the Brushes” live   Drive, Tequesta, FL 33469. The events at LAC are free
                                                        and open to the public. A list of the participating artists
                                                        and a full schedule of events and details can be found at
                                                           “The Plein Air Festival celebrates our local landscapes
                                                        and landmarks,” said Lighthouse ArtCenter’s CEO Nancy   Tropical Paradise by Neil Hughes
                                                        Politsch. “These participating artists are known to be the
                                                        best of the best in their art form and they are here to capture   fine art, teaching painting workshops, and judging
                                                        our community through their painting. Come enjoy the   painting competitions. He began plein air painting in
                                                        free live demonstrations, the events and workshops, and   2013 and has earned awards from numerous nationally
                                                        buy some fresh art for your home or office.”       recognized events.
                                                           Known  to  be  the  premier  plein  air  festival  in  the      Free artist demonstrations take place in picturesque
                                                        Southeastern United States, the carefully selected artists   locations from 9 to 11 a.m. on March 28 to 31. Monday,
                                                        come to the Lighthouse ArtCenter’s Plein Air Festival to   March 28 from 9 to 11 a.m., artist Marc Anderson will be
                                                        compete for over $20,000 in cash and prizes. The artists’   painting at the House of Refuge Museum located at 301
      Artist Pam Ayres paints “en plein air” at Dubois Park   work will be judged by Patrick Saunders. Saunders is an
      in Jupiter.                                       award-winning artist who travels North America, creating   Award-Winning Artists Paint on page 33
        Tampa General Hospital Gastro Group Of The

        Palm Beaches Celebrates One Year Of Cutting-Edge


        Tampa General Hospital’s

        Partnership With Gastro

        Group Of The Palm Beaches
        Has Brought World-Class

        Gastroenterological Care To

        Florida’s East Coast

            Named  one of the  Nation’s  Top 50 Hospitals  for
        gastroenterology  and gastrointestinal  (GI) surgery for
        2021/22 by U.S. News & World Report, Tampa General
        Hospital (TGH) partnered with Gastro Group of the Palm
        Beaches to provide patients in Palm Beach County and the
        Treasure Coast with best-in-class health care. Residents on
        Florida’s  East  Coast  are  benefiting  from  the  exceptional
        treatment and services of a major academic and research
        medical center right in their own backyard.
            “After nearly 40 years of providing next-level service
        to our patients, we were thrilled to take an important step in
        joining forces with Tampa General Hospital and advancing
        treatment for patients,” said Dr. Steven Krumholz of Gastro   including those  affecting the esophagus,  stomach,  smooth, coordinated manner.
        Group of the Palm Beaches.                       liver, and pancreas, as well  as intestinal  and  colorectal     “We look forward to providing the world-class care
            TGH Gastro Group of the Palm Beaches has offices in   conditions.  Tampa General surgeons  perform a wide  that TGH is known for to residents in Palm Beach County
        West Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens. Their locations   array of laparoscopic and robotic GI surgeries, as well as  and the Treasure Coast,” said John Couris, president and
        are staffed by the area’s top gastrointestinal  specialists,   complex open GI surgeries.         CEO of Tampa General Hospital. “Taking the important
        with training from the most respected institutions. These      Through the Gastro Group of the Palm Beaches’  step of adding gastroenterology to our list of comprehensive
        physicians, including Steven Krumholz, M.D.,  Jeffrey   collaboration with Tampa General Hospital, patients with  treatment options on the East Coast is just the start.”
        H. Garelick, M.D., Robert S. Raymond, M.D., Glenn H.   complex,  specialized  cases  have  enjoyed  a  convenient     “Together, we look forward to continuing to provide
        Englander, M.D., and M. Christina Hatara, M.D., have a   and seamless process to have their surgery performed in  our patients with the highest quality care in the region,”
        broad spectrum of experience in the field.       Tampa, with follow-up care offered back on the East Coast,  added Krumholz.
            TGH entered into the alliance as the Highest-Ranked   close to home. Tampa General gastroenterology surgeons
        Hospital in Florida for gastroenterology and GI surgery.   and specialists work closely with Gastro Group physicians
        The hospital’s clinicians use the most advanced technology   to provide the most comprehensive treatment options in a
        available to diagnose and treat a variety of GI conditions,
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