Page 18 - Boca Exposure - March '22
P. 18

Page 18, Boca Exposure
      ‘The Future Began Here – The Future Is Here’...

      Boca History Museum To Host Rap Session With CP

      Group’s Angelo Bianco On April 7

         What began as an outpost for                       The cost to attend
      IBM’s Research & Development                       this Rap Session is free
      – the birthplace of the personal                   for Boca Raton Historical
      computer – is today a state-of-                    Society members and
      the-art, accessible 1.7 million-                   $10 for nonmembers.  To
      square-foot office park known as                   RSVP, please email office@
      Boca Raton Innovation Campus              or call (561)
      (BRiC). Boca-based owner and                       395-6766, Ext. 100.
      operator CP Group acquired                         About The CP Group
      the office park in 2018 with the                      Active in the commercial
      vision of bringing its history                     real estate business for over
      into the future and creating an   Angelo Bianco. Photo   35 years, CP Group, formerly
      ecosystem where innovation   provided by CP Group  Crocker Partners, has
      continues to thrive. Today, BRiC                   established a reputation as a
      is home to 18 national and 19 regional office tenants with   premier owner, operator, and
      up to 6,000 employees.                             developer of office and mixed-
         As part of the Boca Raton History Museum’s Rap   use projects throughout the
      Session series, CP Group Managing Partner Angelo Bianco   Southeast and Southwest   Architectural rendering of the planned 123-acre BRiC Office Park in Boca
      will share interesting IBM anecdotes (like how Bill Gates   United States. Since 1986,
      negotiated the biggest business deal of our lifetime right   CP Group has acquired and managed over 165 properties,   Company, the Golden Bell Foundation, and CPG Cares
      here in Boca Raton) and his firm’s current process for   totaling over 53 million square feet, and representing over   Inc., a nonprofit organization administrated by volunteer
      transforming BRiC into a vibrant, robust destination for   $7 billion invested. They are currently Florida’s largest and   employees of CP Group.
      today’s workforce with Google-campus-type amenities   Atlanta’s second-largest office landlord and rank as 27th   About The Schmidt Boca Raton History Museum
      such as Boca Raton’s first food hall, STEAM lab, and   largest in the United States. Headquartered in Boca Raton,      The Schmidt Boca Raton History Museum is the home
      presentation space.                                Fla., the firm has regional offices in Atlanta, Denver, Miami,   of the Boca Raton Historical Society, whose mission is to
         BRiC is pursuing plans to reimagine the 123-acre office   Jacksonville, Dallas, and Washington, D.C. To learn more   collect, preserve, and present information and artifacts
      park property into a sought-after high-tech, community-  about the company, visit    relevant to the past and evolving history of Boca Raton
      focused planned mobility destination where today’s   About BRiC                                      and to maintain a visible role in education and advocacy
      forward-thinking employers can recruit and grow the “best      Boca Raton Innovation Campus (BRiC) is the largest   of historic preservation in the community. Now open to the
      and brightest” workforce, while elevating and benefiting   single facility office building in the state at 1.7 million   public Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., the
      our community as a whole.                          square feet. Designed by Marcel Breuer, the campus was   museum is located in historic Town Hall at 71 N. Federal
         Just  as  Mizner  Park  was  conceived  in  Boca  Raton   originally built in 1969 for IBM and is home to the invention   Highway (33432). For more information, please call (561)
      as a groundbreaking model of its time, plans for BRiC   of the first personal computer. The campus was acquired   395-6766 or visit
      could once again put Boca Raton on the map for other   by CP Group in 2018 with the vision of building off BRiC’s
      municipalities to study and embrace for their placemaking.  history and evolving the campus into a premier science
         The Schmidt Boca Raton History Museum (SBRHM)   and technology hub and community destination. An ideal
      has  scheduled  this  year’s  first  Rap  Session  at  historic   landing spot for companies with large footprints, BRiC is
      Town Hall at 71 N. Federal Highway (33432). For more   currently home to 18 national headquarters and 19 regional
      information, please call (561) 395-6766 or visit www.  offices, including Kroger, Modernizing Medicine, Canon,                                   and Baptist Healthcare.
         Both before and after the Rap Session, attendees can   About Angelo Bianco
      visit The Schmidt Museum’s IBM Gallery, celebrating Boca      Angelo Bianco is the managing partner of CP Group,
      Raton’s pivotal role as the home of the IBM PC personal   a  vertically  integrated  real  estate  company  located  in
      computer. This permanent exhibit features prototype IBM   Boca Raton and the largest office landlord in the state of
      computers, including the original PC and PCjr, along   Florida. Before joining CP Group 20 years ago, Bianco
      with early generation software, marketing tools, historic   worked in New York City as a real estate attorney for
      photographs, and more.                             Tishman Speyer Properties as a member of the team that
                                                         redeveloped Rockefeller Center in the 1990s. He currently   IBM Gallery at The Schmidt Boca Raton History Museum.
                                                         serves on the Board of Directors for the YY Dance   Photo by Jacek Photos

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