Page 12 - Boca Exposure - March '22
P. 12

Page 12, Boca Exposure
      Council Corner:

      What Have You Been Missing? Check Here!

      By Andrea Levine                                      People are calling it a “game changer”! Getting us out of   It includes a sports bar, billiards and more. While strolling,
      O’Rourke, Boca Raton                               cars and traffic.                                 or on your way out, make sure to stop by Cielito’s Artisan
      City Council Member,                               Boca Raton Golf & Racquet Club                    Pops. They call it a slice of heaven. It’s hard to describe, so
      Deputy Mayor, and CRA                                 Golfers are out and enjoying the greens at the new municipal   you must try it for yourself.
      Chairperson.                                       Boca Raton Golf & Racquet Club. The upgraded driving range   Public Art And The Environment
         I hope you are enjoying                         has been completed and is currently available for golfers to use      During my service on City Council, I have been an advocate
      the beautiful season in                            daily. Renovations and improvements continue on the main   for enhancing our cultural experiences, along with Placemaking
      Boca Raton. With respect                           clubhouse. The city will be refurbishing the tennis courts and   and Art in Public Places.
      to health and safety, life is                      adding courts for the most popular growing sport of pickleball.      I hope you have had the opportunity to see the immersive
      back. The city is buzzing …                        We welcome all to stop by for a visit.            experience at the Boca Raton Museum of Art’s world premiere
      from the beaches to parks to                       Speaking Of Pickleball                            of Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru exhibit. It is
      infrastructure improvements.                          It seems our residents can’t get enough of this ever-growing   truly outstanding.
      Let’s catch up on a few things I am most excited to share.  sport. The Greater Boca Raton Beach & Parks District, along      Art in Public Places is exemplified in a beautiful mural on
      Boca Raton Breaks Ground On Brightline Station.    with the city, opened 15 brand-new courts at Patch Reef Park.   the Mizner Park Amphitheater stage doors. Coming soon we
         On Tuesday, Jan. 25, City Council, Brightline and the   We recently hosted the APP Master’s Tour for amateurs and   will be mixing public art with a lesson about the environment.
      Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) broke ground on the   pros. I can tell you firsthand – if you don’t play it is fun to watch.     After the city put out a call to artists, one local artist,
      new Boca Raton train station located on a 1.8-acre site across   Artisan Market Is Open              Gregory Dirr, was selected to create a sculpture out of
      from Mizner Park and adjacent to the Downtown Boca Raton      At the south end of Mizner Park every Friday, from 4 to   recycled material, better known as trash! Through the beauty
      Library. It is expected to be completed in the fall of 2022.   9 p.m., an Artisan Market is now in full swing. The market   of art, we will educate on the importance of protecting our
         The station is part of a line that will provide passenger   features unique handcrafted items with delightful stands of   environment. Look for this new sculpture installation in late
      service from Miami to Orlando. Once completed, added   makers, artists, crafters, bakers and shakers.   March near the main beach pavilion at the end of Palmetto
      to the service will be last mile transportation. Next in the      While in Downtown Boca check out the restaurants, of   Park Rd., called South Beach Park.
      planning phase will be a beautiful walkway from the station   which there are a multitude. You will see the new Strike 10      Keep enjoying Boca Raton’s greatest natural assets of
      right into our downtown.                           (boutique) Bowling Alley at the north end of Mizner Park.   beautiful weather and beaches.
      From The Desk Of Palm Beach County

      Mayor Robert S. Weinroth: Safety, Car Theft And More!

      Robert Weinroth, a former                          and the adjoining Green Cay Wetlands and Nature Center   includes a lawyer who advocates for each child’s services
      member of the Boca Raton                           in Boynton Beach. The site is a unique collaboration of two   and support.
      City Council, was elected                          facilities, resulting in a state-of-the-art wetland and nature      The Board of County Commissioners supported the new
      as a Palm Beach County                             reserve open to the public.                       GAL license plate, recognizing the “Heartfelt Child Advocacy”
      Commissioner  to  replace                             The wastewater treatment process starts with   program and recruitment and training of its volunteers. For
      Steven Abrams,  who                                wastewater being filtered and disinfected. Biosolids are   more information, visit
      retired due to term limits                         removed and sold to the Solid Waste Authority to burn for      History Corner. The Jupiter and Lake Worth Railway ran
      requirements.                                      energy! Over two million gallons of treated wastewater are   7.5 miles from Jupiter Inlet to the north end of Lake Worth.
         Bridge/Rail Safety. The                         pumped into the surrounding wetlands to create valuable   On July 4, 1889, the railroad began operation as Lake Worth
      tragic pedestrian death that                       wildlife habitats for many Florida species.       pioneers celebrated with a free ride to Jupiter.
      occurred during the opening                           Green Cay Wetlands and Nature Center features various      In 1893, an article in Harper’s New Monthly Magazine
      of the Royal Park Bascule                          activities, including an elevated boardwalk for bird and   dubbed the line the “Celestial Railroad” because it stopped
      Bridge (owned and operated by FDOT) is extremely rare.   wildlife watching, interactive educational activities and   at Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Juno. Mars and Venus were
      However, the county’s Engineering Department is taking   more. For more information, visit https://discover.pbcgov.  freight stops for loading pineapples, coconuts, citrus and
      extra preventive measures for the eight county-operated   org/waterutilities/Pages/Reclaimed-Water.aspx.   other locally grown produce.
      bascule bridges. This includes inspecting all vehicular and      Nonprofit  Spotlight: The Florida Guardian ad Litem      In 1893, Henry Flagler used the railroad to haul lumber and
      pedestrian warning devices to ensure they meet all safety   (GAL). The Florida Guardian ad Litem (GAL) Program is a   supplies to build the Royal Poinciana Hotel on Palm Beach.
      policies and procedures.                           local nonprofit that collaborates with community advocates   Bankruptcy and Flagler’s Florida East Coast Railroad ended
         Additionally, all county bridge tenders are regularly   and professional staff, providing a powerful voice for abused   the Celestial Railroad’s operations in April 1895.
      required to complete refresher training that involves safety   and neglected children in our community.     If you require assistance, please contact our office at (561)
      protocols, including visually checking spans for vehicles/     GAL volunteers work with a multidisciplinary team that   355-2204 or email
      pedestrians and verbally announcing “Clear the span” in
      the direction of the bridge.
         To make matters worse, there were three major accidents
      involving cars circumventing safety gates at a railroad
      crossing. Trains can’t stop quickly, and most need a mile or
      more to come to a full stop. These fast-moving Brightline                 ARCHIVE GALLERIES
      trains are traveling about 80 miles per hour, and are closer
      and faster than perceived!
         Moreover, it’s illegal to bypass the safety gates once
      lowered. These trains only take seconds to clear the crossing   PAYS HIGHER PRICES FOR FINE ART AND ANTIQUES
      and urge everyone to pay attention. Look, listen, live!
         Rise In Car Theft. Law enforcement agencies have
      reported an uptick in car break-ins. Here are some tips on   • Oil Paintings            • Sterling Silver               • Collectibles
      avoiding a car break-in:                              • Oriental Rugs                   • Objects of Art                • Fine Crystal
         • Never leave valuables out on your seat, dashboard or floor.  • Tapestries          • Sculptures                    • Orientalia
         • Always lock your door, even at home where most unlocked
      vehicle burglaries happen.                            • Fine Furniture                  • Bronzes                       • Tiffany Items
         • Secure purses, laptops, backpacks and shopping bags in   • Service Plates          • Porcelain                     • Clocks
      the trunk.
         • Don’t leave your keys in the car.
         If your vehicle is broken into, report it to law enforcement   We Also Purchase Men’s And Ladies’ Items Including:
      even if nothing significant was taken.
         A Must-See: Green Cay Wetlands. I recently toured      • Old Watches • Cufflinks • Smoking Items • Coins • Antique Jewelry
      the county’s Southern Region Water Reclamation Facility   • Designer Handbags • Fine Modern Jewelry • Vintage Costume Jewelry

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