Page 10 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - February '22
P. 10

Page 10, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Commissioner’s Update

      Strategic Planning To Provide                      fecal coliform bacteria levels at county beach parks; and,   creation of diverse job opportunities, the county’s cross-
                                                                                                           departmental team takes advantage of grant opportunities
                                                         improved educational signage.
      Essential Services                                   To maintain our diverse ecosystems, the county, utilizing   and programs at the state and federal levels, with an
                                                         a large complement of volunteers, stays on top of eliminating   emphasis on business development in distressed census tract
      By Commissioner                                    invasive/exotic vegetation coverage in our natural areas,   areas, including Opportunity Zones. We are consistently
      Maria Marino                                       and continuously advocates for state and federal support   evaluating systems to make it easier to do business in Palm
        Planning programs and                            for infrastructure that will reduce harmful discharges   Beach County, with expedited permit review in our Building
      projects for the highest                           to the Lake Worth Lagoon, our delicate estuaries, and   Division and construction of infrastructure improvements.
      and  best  use  of  your  tax                      water resources. The Water Utilities Department regularly   Further, the county coordinates efforts by stakeholders in
      dollars requires cross-                            inspects private and public facilities for compliance with   the Biotech Industry Cluster to develop wet lab space,
      collaboration of county                            wellfield protection and petroleum tank regulations.  incubators, and a teaching hospital.
      departments. This approach                           Natural  resources,  beaches, parks  facilities and     The county’s Department of Housing and Economic
      prevents operating in silos,                       recreational areas contribute greatly to our health and   Development works with businesses to help them leverage
      which can undermine the                            quality of life, and create positive outdoor experiences   financing for construction and working capital through
      vision of an organization                          for residents and visitors.  The county completed 18   federal low-interest loan programs. They also contract with
      and create inefficiencies.                         improvement  projects  in  targeted  revitalization  areas,   technical assistance providers who offer one-on-one help
        Working with County Administration and the Strategic   including community gardens, neighborhood parks,   to entrepreneurs. The Office of Small Business Assistance
      Planning and Performance Management Division of the   and traffic calming and pedestrian safety features. The   performs outreach to help small businesses become certified,
      Office of Financial Management and Budget, the County   county’s  park  acres-to-resident  ratio  is  1  acre  of  park   and expand their capacity to participate in government
      Commission has adopted six strategic priorities for the   property to 184 residents.                 procurement opportunities.
      county. These priorities include economic development,     To promote sustainable and resilient practices,     Supporting economic development also requires
      housing and homelessness, environmental protection,   the county is incorporating policies in our capital   revitalization of neighborhoods through community
      infrastructure, public safety, and substance abuse and   improvement projects, has established a master plan to   improvements.  This  includes  access to  parks, road
      behavior disorders. Cross-departmental teams over the   increase tree canopy in parks, has invested in solar power   resurfacing, streetlights and sidewalks.
      past two  years have tackled each  of the  six  priorities   initiatives, and is replacing old ballfield lighting with     As the nation’s leader in sugarcane and fresh sweet corn
      through establishment of goals and performance     LED lights.                                       production, and Florida’s leader in growing sweet peppers,
      measurement tracking the completion of projects. Here     Efforts will continue to support these goals, develop   lettuce, specialty leaf, rice, radishes, cucumbers, celery,
      is a recap of progress by two of the priority teams.  overall waste reduction strategies, and expand partnerships   eggplant, herbs and sod, Palm Beach County supports a
      Environmental Protection                           with local stakeholders.                          viable and diverse agricultural industry. Through educational
        Efforts to sustain our healthy beaches included   Economic Development                             workshops and training events, the county has assisted
      replacement of 2.1 million cubic yards of sand; regulatory     The environmental amenities and parks in our   thousands of farmers, nursery growers, landscapers and
      sea turtle nest lighting inspections; the monitoring of   county are some of the quality-of-life features that draw   residents to preserve and enhance agriculture, encourage
                                                         businesses to our community. The top four industries by   workforce safety, practice Florida-friendly landscaping, and
                                                         employment are professional and business services, trade/  create more community gardens.
                       Advertise,                        transportation/utilities, education and health services,     Student apprentice programs help meet local needs and
                                                                                                           provide our young workforce with valuable experience.
                                                         and, leisure and hospitality. Palm Beach County has
               Check out our website!                    earned the title of “Wall Street South,” having drawn   Opportunities are available in the departments of Water
                                                                                                           Utilities, Youth Services, Parks & Recreation, the Building
                                                         more than 30 corporate relocations or expansions during                    this  two-year  period.  More  than  70  percent  of  those   Division, and Fire Rescue.
                   or call 746-3244                      companies are from other states, predominantly New York     I hope this gives you some insight on how county
                                                                                                           departments work together to give you the “best bang for your
                                                         and California. This has resulted in the creation of more
                                                         than 2,500 jobs and $150 million of capital investments.  buck.” Please contact me at (561) 355-2201 or by email at
                                                           To promote economic revitalization and support the, and let me know how I can help you.
                                                              Peace of Mind

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