Page 9 - Boca Exposure - January '22
P. 9

Boca Exposure, Page 9
      Clostridia Difficile Colitis Treatment Pills On The Horizon

      By Steven E. Reznick,                              abdominal pain and diarrhea, sometimes grossly bloody      Interestingly, when the stool of all the disease victims was
      M.D., FACP                                         would consent to an enema of collected stool points out   looked at for normal bacteria that is supposed to be present
         Antibiotic related colitis                      just how miserable this entity makes the poor suffering   in our bowels, they had a paucity of bacterial types expected.
      powered by post antibiotic                         individuals.                                      One week after taking the freeze-dried pill the numbers and
      Clostridium difficile bacterial                       At a virtual meeting of the American College of   diversity of healthy bacteria had increased due to the CP101
      infection has become                               Gastroenterology 2021, Jessica Allegreti, M.D., M.P.H., a   contents.
      epidemic. Patients suffer                          gastroenterologist at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital      The pill is made by Finch Therapeutics and now moves
      from  abdominal  cramps,                           in Boston, Mass., reported on the most recent successful   into Phase 3 studies prior to being ready to be presented for
      fever, recurrent loose and                         trial of a freeze-dried human stool pill. The pill contains   marketing. Competing firm Vedanta Biosciences is doing
      bloody stools. Dehydration                         a powder of freeze-dried human stools from pre-selected   similar studies with its whole stool VE303 pill while Seres
      and even bowel perforation                         donors. The study selected patients who had suffered   Therapeutics works with SER-109 which is an accumulation
      have  occurred. Treatment                          through several bouts of C. difficile colitis and were now   of highly purified Firmicutes spores.
      involves using a non-absorbable antibiotic called vancomycin.   symptom free. The group had either been treated for their      Having an oral pill to replenish our natural microbiome
      If that failed, fidaxomicin has been used in recent years – since   last recurrence with vancomycin or fidaxomicin.  after an unfortunate antibiotic related colitis infection with C.
      its development and approval.                         After a period of days for the antibiotics to wash out   difficile will be a major advance in its treatment. Hopefully
         Despite  the  use  of  these  drugs,  patients  have  been   of their system, they were either assigned to receive the   it will reduce the recurrences of this miserable disease.
      having more frequent recurrences which sometimes   CP101 pill or a placebo. Normally these patients would be      Dr. Reznick is board certified in internal medicine,
      require additional treatment.  When  these treatments   told to resume their lives and receive no treatment unless   with added qualifications in geriatrics. To schedule a
      fail to stop recurrences, researchers have gone to fecal   they developed symptoms of a C. difficile recurrence. The   complimentary meeting with Reznick to discuss his
      transplants – tried via collected stool enemas. The idea   pill was more successful than the placebo in preventing   personalized care concierge practice, call (561) 368-0191
      that an individual suffering from fevers, severe recurrent   recurrences at the 24-week mark.        or visit

       The Fuller Center’s Annual Wee Dream Ball from page 8  success and lifelong learning. For school-age youth, we
                                                         have opened a private CHOICE elementary school serving
       Sandra and Marvin Rubin, Rubin Obstgarten Family   kindergarten to third grade, and we offer after-school,
       Foundation, Linda and Robert Schmier, The Sam and Simone   summer camp, and out-of-school-time programs to develop
       Spiegel Family Foundation, Sokol Foundation and Peg   skills in social interaction, literacy, science, technology,
       Anderson, Eda and Cliff Viner, Gail Wasserman, Tina and   math, and the arts, and providing tutoring, mentoring, and
       John Westine, and Denise Zimmerman.               enrichment activities. We have incorporated a teen program
          To support the Fuller Center, please contact Director of   providing youth the opportunities to build skills in leadership,
       Advancement Mary Coleman at (561) 706-3357, Ext. 123   communication, project development, work skills readiness,
       or email                      and community service.
       About The Fuller Center                              At the Fuller Center, we believe that educated children and
          The Fuller Center has been a community cornerstone for   empowered families create a strong, supportive community.
       over 50 years, providing under-resourced children the same   The Fuller Center offers a unique, comprehensive system
       educational opportunities as their more affluent peers. Our   of family support to ensure that parents and caregivers are
       goal is to support hardworking families and their children   empowered to provide for their families and make a positive
       to achieve their full potential. We believe all children should   economic impact in our community. We know that when it
       have the chance to experience success in school, in work,   comes to turning the tide of generational, economic inequity
       and in life, regardless of their parents’ income or ZIP code.  and making a positive impact, tomorrow begins today!  Top: Dana Weiss, Lauren Johnson, Megan Escamilla, Heidi
          For children 6 weeks to 5 years old, we offer a holistic   Facebook: @florencefullercenters      Johnson Adams, Peggy Henry Van Dorp; Bottom: Carrie
       early education program, setting the foundation for school   Instagram: @florencefullercenters      Rubin, Kathy Adkins, Denise Zimmerman
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