Page 13 - Stuart Exposure - October '21
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Stuart Exposure, Page 13

                                               business spotlight

      Medicare Corner With Gillie                       Supplement Or Advantage Plan?                      How Do I Decide?
                                                           Advantage Plans must cover all the medically necessary

                                                                                                    offers look-up tools for medications and

      It’s Time For Medicare Annual Enrollment          services that Original Medicare covers. Most plans offer extra   all plans in your area. There is an overwhelming amount of
      Period (AEP), Oct. 15 To Dec. 7                   benefits that Original Medicare doesn’t cover – like prescription   information there. A licensed local agent like me can review
                                                        drugs, dental, vision and hearing.                 your information and help you make an informed decision.
      What Does This Mean To                               Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans (also called   I Am Already On An Advantage Plan I Like … Should
      Me, What Are My Options?                          Medigap) help fill “gaps” in Original Medicare and are sold   I Change?
         • Change from Original                         by private companies to cover deductibles and copays.      Each year you receive the Annual Notice of Change
      Medicare to a Medicare                               Prescription drug coverage must be purchased separately.  (ANOC) for your plan which outlines the changes for the
      Advantage Plan                                    What Do I Look For? How Do I Know What Plan Is Best   upcoming year. A free plan review will let you know if other
         • Change from a Medicare                       For Me?                                            plans you previously ruled out may have coverage that better
      Advantage Plan back to                               First we review the costs of supplement and drug plans and   meets you needs now or if your current plan is sufficient.
      Original Medicare                                 look at your healthcare budget. Then we review the Advantage      I speak Medicare: Supplement, Drug Plan and Advantage
         •  Switch  from  one                           Plans, check to see if are doctors are in network and review   Plan.
      Advantage Plan to another                         the cost of medications you take. Another consideration is,      For your free Medicare Plan review, call me.
      Advantage Plan                                    which of the ancillary benefits of Advantage Plans are most      Gillie Thorpe, Agent, (772) 237-7123
         •  Join,  drop  or  change                     important to you: dental, eye exam, glasses, gym membership,
      Medicare drug coverage                            hearing aids, over the counter medication, etc.?   tip of the tail

                                                                                                          Feline Heartworms


                                                                                                             Heartworm disease is a year-round risk to our pets in
                                                                                                          Florida. Our warm, humid climate means that mosquitos
                                                                                                          carrying heartworms are capable of infecting our pets at any
                               Exceptional                                                                time of the year.
                                                                                                             And while most of Florida’s dog owners know that

                                                                                                          heartworm prevention is an essential part of dog ownership, very
                                                                                                          few of Florida’s cat owners realize that cats require heartworm
                                        Memory Care                                                       prevention too.
                                                                                                             Cats are infected with heartworms when they are bitten by

                                                                                                          a mosquito that is carrying heartworm larvae. Once bitten, the
                                                                                                          heartworm larvae develop in the cat’s skin, fat, and muscle tissue.
                                                                                                          Approximately two months later, young heartworms emerge and
                                                                                                          travel via the bloodstream to the cat’s heart and large arteries of
                                                                                                          the lungs.
                                                                                                             Unfortunately, heartworm disease in cats can be fatal, and
                                                                                                          sudden-death may be the first sign that a cat is infected. When
                                                                                                          young heartworms reach the heart and arteries of the lungs, the
                                                                                                          cat’s body usually responds with a severe immune reaction to try
                                                                                                          and kill the worms. This immune response causes inflammation
                                                                                                          in the arteries and airways which can result in coughing,
                                                                                                          difficulty breathing, wheezing, or vomiting. Long-term damage
                                                                                                          to the lungs can occur. Heartworm disease in cats can easily be
                                                                                                          mistaken for feline asthma.
                                                                                                             Young heartworms that don’t die early on will grow to an
                                                                                                          adult size of approximately eight inches long and will survive for
                                                                                                          two to three years in the cat. When the adult worms ultimately
                                                                                                          die, fragments of the worms can lodge in the lungs and blood
                                                                                                          vessels causing acute inflammatory events that can result in
                                                                                                          death of the cat. Feline heartworms can also migrate to the brain,
                                                                                                          eyes, and spinal cord, which can result in neurological signs in
                                                                                                          infected cats.
                                                                                                             The Companion Animal Parasite Council reports that as
                                                                                                          many as 20.9 percent of cats in Florida have been infected with
                                                                                                          heartworm disease at some point in their life. National rates of
                                                                                                          infection are reported to be between 12 to 15.9 percent.
                                                                                                             If you open your doors, then your cat is at risk. It only
                                                                                                          takes one bite from an infected mosquito to infect your cat
                                                                                                          with heartworm disease. Studies have found that 30 percent of
                                                                                                          heartworm-infected cats were considered “indoor-only.”
                                                                                                             Unlike dogs, there is no treatment for heartworm disease in
                                                                                                          cats. If your cat is infected, your vet may prescribe steroids to try
                                                                                                          and reduce your cat’s inflammatory response to the heartworms.
                                                                                                          Supportive care is really all that can be provided.
                                                                                                             Fortunately, preventing heartworm disease in cats is easy. A
                                                                                                          topical or oral medication, used monthly, is all that is needed to
                                                                                                          keep your cat from becoming infected.
                                                                                                             If your cat isn’t on a monthly heartworm preventative, please
                       Call today to schedule your personalized                                           contact us at Palm City Animal Medical Center today. We
                                                                                                          would be happy to answer any questions that you have about
                   experience, and come find out what makes us                                            feline heartworm disease, and can help you choose a heartworm
                         experts on dementia and Alzheimer’s!                                             preventative that will work best for you and your pet.
                                                                                                             Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical Center is

                                                                                                          dedicated to providing the best possible care for your pets. With
                                650 NW Fork Road  |  Stuart, FL 34994                                     focuses on compassionate care in surgery, physical therapy and
                                          (772) 264-4846                                                  rehabilitation, preventative medicine, extensive diagnostics, and
                                                                                                          emergency service, Palm City Animal Medical Center combines
                                                                                                          exceptional medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and
                                                                             their owners. For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit
              ALF# 13531
                                                                                                 or find us on Facebook
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