Page 11 - Martin Downs Bulletin - October '21
P. 11

Martin Downs, Page 11

          CLeveLand CLInIC martIn HeaLtH news

      Free Prostate Cancer                               outpatient and surgical volume as well as increasing   the treatment of complex conditions that are difficult to

      Screenings Were Held At                            hospital transfers to CCAD. He also chaired the hospital’s   diagnose. For more information about Cleveland Clinic
                                                         COVID-19 task force.
                                                                                                           Florida, visit Follow us
      Cleveland Clinic Martin Health                       Prior  to  joining  CCAD,  Sasidhar  served  as  section   on Twitter and Facebook.
                                                         head for enterprise respiratory care in the Respiratory
        Cleveland Clinic Martin Health offered free prostate   Institute at Cleveland Clinic main campus. Sasidhar has   Early Detection And Regular
      cancer screenings on Sept. 28. Prostate cancer is highly   been a member of Cleveland Clinic’s professional staff   Screenings Key To Beating
      curable if detected early. Screenings are recommended for:   as a practicing pulmonologist since 2008.
        • Black males, 40 to 75 years of age, or having a family     “Tradition Hospital has expanded significantly since   Breast Cancer
      history of prostate cancer and between 30 and 75 years of age.  it opened in December 2013 and it is well positioned
        • White males, 50 to 75 years of age, or having a family   for further growth,” says Cleveland Clinic Florida CEO     O ctober is
      history of prostate cancer and between 40 and 75 years of   and President Conor P. Delaney, M.D., Ph.D. “Madhu’s   National Breast
      age.                                               experience in Cleveland and Abu Dhabi make him an ideal   Cancer Awareness
        This screening included a PSA blood test and digital rectal   candidate to guide Tradition Hospital into the future.”   Month, a time to raise
      exam.                                                After earning his medical degree from the Jawaharlal   awareness  about  a
        About Cleveland Clinic Martin Health             Institute  of  Post  Graduate  Medical  Education  and   disease that will affect
        Cleveland Clinic Martin Health is part of the Cleveland   Research in Pondicherry, India, Sasidhar completed his   about one in eight
      Clinic Florida region. It features three hospitals with 521   residency in internal medicine at Saint Luke’s – Roosevelt   American women
      total beds, a freestanding emergency center, and numerous   Hospital Center in New York.             during their lifetime.
      outpatient centers and clinics across Martin and St. Lucie     He completed his fellowship training in pulmonary     Early detection
      counties on Florida’s east coast. Cleveland Clinic Martin   and critical care medicine at Yale New Haven Hospital   and regular screenings
      Health  offers  preventive, primary and  acute  hospital   in Connecticut, and recently earned his master’s degree   are vitally important
      care, as well as cancer care, a heart center, wellness and   in business administration from Insead, Fontainebleau,   factors when it comes
      rehabilitation services, and much more. Learn more at   France.                                      to beating breast                    Sasidhar will be in a new position as Robert L. Lord Jr.   cancer. Regular breast cancer screenings can help detect
      Madhu Sasidhar, M.D., Named                        prepares to retire as president of Cleveland Clinic Martin   breast cancer sooner, sometimes before symptoms appear.
                                                         Health and its three hospitals at the end of the year. Lord
                                                                                                           Women between the ages of 20 and 39 should have a clinical
      President Of Cleveland Clinic                      will be continuing his role as president of Martin North   breast exam by a healthcare professional every one to three
                                                         and Martin South hospitals until the end of this year.
                                                                                                           years. Women ages 40 and older should a have a yearly
      Tradition Hospital                                 Interviews are underway for the position of president at   clinical breast exam by a healthcare professional, as well as
                                                         Martin North and Martin South hospitals.          a yearly mammogram.
        Madhu Sasidhar, M.D.,                            About The Cleveland Clinic Florida Region           Seventy-five percent of women diagnosed with breast
      has been appointed                                   The Cleveland Clinic Florida region is a nonprofit,   cancer have no identifiable risk factors, but the overall risk
      president of Cleveland                             multi-specialty healthcare provider that integrates   of death from breast cancer decreases by 30 to 48 percent
      Clinic Tradition Hospital,                         clinical and hospital care with research and education.   through routine mammograms. In addition to clinical
      effective Sept. 15.                                The Florida region now includes Cleveland Clinic Indian   screenings, women can also perform monthly breast self-
        Most recently, Dr.                               River Hospital, Cleveland Clinic Martin Health, and   exams (BSEs) at home. When performing a BSE, it is
      Sasidhar served as chief                           Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital, with five hospitals   important to look for changes to the look or feel of your
      medical officer, Cleveland                         and numerous outpatient centers in Broward, Palm   breasts. Remember, BSEs are not meant to replace clinical
      Clinic Abu Dhabi (CCAD)                            Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River counties. The   exams or mammograms. If you do notice any changes, call
      in the Unit ed  Arab                               Florida region is an integral part of Cleveland Clinic in   your doctor to schedule an appointment.
      Emirates. During his time                          Ohio, where providing outstanding patient care is based   Know Your Risk
      there managing clinical                            upon the principles of cooperation, compassion and     There are certain risk factors that can increase your
      operations, he was instrumental in growing both    innovation. Physicians at Cleveland Clinic are experts in   chances of developing breast cancer. Having an elevated risk
                                                                                                           does not mean you will develop breast cancer; however, it
                                 kIds Corner                                                               is important to be aware and to talk to your physician if you
                                                                                                           have one or more of these risk factors:
                                                                                                           • Increased age
                                                                                                           • Menstruating at an early age (before 12) or menopause at
      Dysgraphia Explained                               your child’s talking ability with his or her writing ability as most   a late age (after 55)
                                                         children with dysgraphia are stronger verbal communicators but   • Having a first child at age 30 or later, or never having
      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                              don’t express themselves well in written form.    given birth
      School Psychologist                                  If your child has dysgraphia he or she might be eligible for   • A personal history of breast cancer
        Does your child have awful                       classroom accommodations on a 504 Plan. This is the public   • A mother or sister diagnosed with breast cancer
      looking penmanship? Does                           school document that recognizes your child has dysgraphia   • Previous radiation therapy to the breast/chest for pediatric
      she have an awkward looking                        and prevents teachers from discriminating against your child’s   cancer
      pencil  grip? How  about                           writing. Some children need to use technology whether voice to   • Drinking alcoholic beverages
      difficulty putting thoughts                        text or keyboarding. Other children need extra time on writing   • Dense breast tissue identified through mammograms
      onto paper? One young child                        tests. Some children need a special writing utensil such as   • Gene mutations in your family, such as BRCA1 or BRCA2
      told me he felt like he was                        the Pen Again which is a wishbone looking pencil that helps   • Obesity after menopause
      having writing wars with his                       children correct an awkward pencil grasp.         • Lack of physical activity
      hand. A mom expressed her                            Children with weak finger strength and control might     Women who inherit the BRCA 1 or 2 gene have a
      frustration when she explained                     need to participate in occupational therapy. An occupational   significantly higher risk of developing breast cancer. About
      her child’s writing was so slow and laborious that the writing   therapist works on fine motor activities such as cutting, drawing,   12 percent of women in the general population will develop
      process was painful for them both. These are classic dysgraphia   buttoning, and improving finger control. Children with severe   breast cancer sometime during their lives. By contrast, about
      warning signs.                                     dysgraphia often qualify to receive occupational therapy at   55 to 65 percent of women who inherit the BRCA1 mutation
        Dysgraphia is a writing learning disability that affects 6 to 10   school. A thorough dysgraphia evaluation pinpoints your child’s   and about 45 percent of women who inherit the BRCA2
      percent of kids. Testing for dysgraphia is an easy process that   difficulty and provides the paperwork for obtaining school help.  mutation will develop breast cancer by age 70.
      most kids enjoy. We assess your child’s finger control as some     We offer in office ADHD/ADD testing, school     If you or someone you know has had an immediate
      children can’t control their finger movements which create fine   neuropsychological evaluations for dysgraphia and   (mother, sister, daughter) or secondary family member
      motor difficulty. A dysgraphia evaluation also assesses your   dyslexia, and gifted testing. Call (561) 625-4125 or visit   (grandmother, aunt, cousin) with breast cancer, you should
      child’s ability to copy from close or farther away. We compare                  talk to your doctor about your risk.
                                                                                                             This month, and all year long, take proactive steps against
                  Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD,                                                                      breast cancer by scheduling an appointment with your doctor
                                                                                                           to review your personal risk factors and any appropriate
                             Gifted Testing                                                                screenings you should have. For more information about
                                                                                                           cancer services at Cleveland Clinic Martin Health, visit

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