Page 12 - Jupiter West - October '21
P. 12

Page 12, Jupiter West
      Got Stuff? George Carlin Says You Need An Estate Plan!

      Submitted by Anné                                  Important Legal Mumbo Jumbo                         Example 3: If you’re married and you’ve got kids,
      Desormier-Cartwright, J.D.                           An estate plan must meet certain legal requirements,   don’t be too sure that your spouse is going to get all your
        George Carlin would have                         including that it must be written down, it must be signed by   stuff. Your kids will probably get their share of your stuff,
      been a great pitchman for                          you, and it must be witnessed by other people who see you   which means your spouse may not get enough of your
      estate  planning. You  may                         sign it. Your estate plan may be very simple, or it may be   stuff to live on.
      remember his stand-up routine                      more complex, depending on how much stuff you have, how     By the way, if your stuff includes kids, then you’ve really
      on “stuff.” We all have stuff,                     long you want your stuff to provide for the people you care   got to get a plan. Otherwise, the court will decide who will
      and we’re pretty particular                        about, and when you want them to actually get your stuff.   raise them if something happens to both parents when the
      about our stuff. We move it                        For example, you’d probably want to wait a few years before   child is still a minor.
      around with us, it’s hard for                      that cute 2-year-old receives grandpa’s antique pocket watch.    Scary thoughts? You bet!
      some of us to get rid of it, and                   How Do You Get An Estate Plan?                    The Bottom Line
      some of us don’t like our stuff                      You decide who you want to get your stuff and when you     If you’re responsible enough to have your own stuff, you
      mixed up with other peoples’ stuff.                want them to get it. Your attorney then puts your instructions   need to be responsible for making sure what will happen to
        During your lifetime, you collect a lot of stuff, some of it   into a legal document called a will or trust. (There are distinct   it after you’re gone. Let’s make sure you do it right; call the
      valuable and some of it not. But because it’s your stuff, it means   advantages to using a trust, but we’ll save that discussion for   office now and we’ll help you translate your plans for your
      something to you. You already know you can’t take it with you   another time.) Also, while you can legally write your own,   stuff into a legally binding document.
      when you die, so there has to be some way of distributing your   you have a much better chance of your estate plan working if     If you have questions about your estate plan and what
      stuff to other people.                             you have an experienced attorney do it for you. To be frank,   documents you should have in place to plan your estate,
        Normally, you want your stuff to go to people you care about   laypersons mess it up all of the time.  schedule a free consultation today by calling our office at
      … your family and special friends, sometimes a worthwhile   What Happens If I Just Don’t Get Around To It?  (561) 694-7827, Anné Desormier-Cartwright, Esq., Elder &
      cause. And you may want certain people to have certain things     What if you die and you don’t have an estate plan? Well,   Estate Planning Attorneys PA, 480 Maplewood Drive, Suite
      to remember you by.                                there still has to be a way to get your stuff to other people,   3, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      Document Instructions For Your Stuff               so the state in which you live has a plan waiting if you don’t     The content of this article is general and should not be
        When you die, all your stuff, no matter how valuable or   have one. The only problem is that you won’t have any say   relied upon without review of your specific circumstances
      invaluable it is, is called your “estate.” In the simplest terms,   in who gets your stuff, and someone might get left out – and   by competent legal counsel. Reliance on the information
      an “estate plan” is your instructions for getting your stuff to the   – your stuff may go to a stranger – some “heir at law” that   herein is at your own risk, as it expresses no opinion by
      people you want to have it after you die.          you don’t even know.                              the firm on your specific circumstances or legal needs.
                                                           Example 1: If more than one of your relatives want the   An attorney client relationship is not created through the
                                                                                                           information provided herein.
                                                         same part of your stuff, that can get messy and expensive
        Medicare Corner                                  … and a lot of your stuff will be used to pay the courts and     To comply with the U.S. Treasury regulations, we must
                                                                                                           inform you that (i) any U.S. federal tax advice contained in
                                                         attorneys to sort it all out. (Happens all the time.)
        With Kathy O                                       Example 2: If you’re not married and you want your   this newsletter was not intended or written to be used, and
                                                         significant other to get some of your stuff when you die,
                                                                                                           cannot be used, by any person for the purpose of avoiding
                                                         you’d better get your plan in place, or it just won’t happen.
                                                                                                           U.S. federal tax penalties that may be imposed on such
        It’s Time For Medicare                           Under the state’s plan, your stuff will go to your blood   person and (ii) each taxpayer should seek advice from their
                                                                                                           tax advisor based on the taxpayer’s particular circumstances.
                                                         relatives. Period.
        Annual Enrollment Period
        (AEP) Oct. 15 To Dec. 7

          What does this mean
        to me, what are my
          Change from
        Original Medicare to
        a  Medicare Advantage
        Plan – Change from a
        Medicare Advantage
        Plan back to Original
        Medicare – Switch from
        one Advantage Plan to
        another Advantage Plan
        – Join, drop or change Medicare drug coverage.
        Supplement Or Advantage Plan?
          Advantage Plans must cover all the medically
        necessary services that Original Medicare covers. Most
        plans offer extra benefits that Original Medicare doesn’t
        cover like prescription drugs, dental, vision and hearing.
          Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans (also called
        Medigap) helps fill “gaps” in Original Medicare and
        are sold by private companies to cover deductibles and
          Prescription drug coverage must be purchased     NoN-Toxic cancer immunotherapy
        What Do I Look For? How Do I Know What Plan Is
        Best For Me?
          First we review the costs of supplement and drug plans   Available NoW
        and look at your healthcare budget. Then we review the
        Advantage Plans, are your doctors in network and review   Safe and Effective!
        the cost of medications you take. Another consideration
        is which of the ancillary benefits of Advantage Plans are
        most important to you; dental, eye exam, glasses, gym   This is the Original Immunotherapy that
        membership, hearing aids, over-the- counter medication,
        etc.                                               balances and optimizes your immune system to
        How Do I Decide?                                   fight almost any type of cancer.
 offers look-up tools for medications and
        all plans in your area. There is an overwhelming amount
        of information there. A licensed local agent like me can   Hundreds of successes over the years.
        review your information and help you make an informed
        decision.                                          Continuously available since 1977
        I Am Already On An Advantage Plan I Like …. Should
        I Change?                                          in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island
          Each year you receive the Annual Notice of Change
        (ANOC) for your plan which outlines the changes for the
        upcoming year. A free plan review will let you know if                          See our website for more info:
        other plans you previously ruled out may have coverage
        that better meets your needs now or if your current plan
        is sufficient.
          I speak Medicare: Supplement, Drug Plan and           or call for more information: Toll-free number (561) 766-0878
        Advantage Plan. For your free Medicare Plan review
        please call me. Kathy Olejniczak, Agent (561) 212-7640.                     Email:
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