Page 16 - Southern Exposure - July '21
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Page 16, Southern Exposure
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the island’s history and collected many antiques as he met entire shrine was unearthed. In documenting the find, it was Placed on the round three top layers are 72 smaller stupas.
his subjects while traveling the island. Visiting Semarang in Raffles who gave the shrine its name. His notes on Javanese There are 32 placed on the first round platform, 24 on the
1814, on the middle of the north coast of the island, he was history were the first to identify the site. It is believed that second, and 16 surround the main stupa on the top platform.
advised of the tremendous mound that had been recaptured the name came about by connecting the name of the nearest Each of these smaller stupas has slits around their sides where
by the jungle to the south. His other duties prevented him for village. “Bore,” with “Budur,” the term for mountain. one can peer in to see the enclosed Buddha statue. Each
exploring the area himself and instead sent H.C. Cornelius, a The main structure is divided into three parts: the foot, Buddha is in a different position. It is believed that good
Dutch engineer, to explore the area. It took 200 men working body and top, resembling the comparable portions of the luck will come if one can slip their arm through the slit in
two months to chop their way through the jungle, remove the human body. The shrine was placed on a square platform the stupa and touch the Buddha inside. It is bad luck if your
overgrowth on the huge mound of ash and start the process 404 feet on each side, which is raised 13 feet above the arm gets stuck. It was thought that the main stupa housed a
of digging out the hidden shrine. Twenty-one years later the surrounding ground. Borobudur’s base is a square with great statue of Buddha; however, no statue was found when
387-foot sides. There are nine platforms to reach the main the site was reclaimed.
stupa on top. The first six are square and the upper three In 1982 Borobudur was named a World Heritage site. Once
are round. The estimate is that it took 72,000 cubic yards a year, a pilgrimage of Buddhists takes place, commemorating
of stone collected from the surrounding area to build the Vesak, a holiday commemorating the birth, enlightenment
monument. It was built on a hill, unlike other temples, and passing of Buddha. Borobudur is also the single most
which were built on level ground. With no inner space, it visited tourist attraction in Indonesia.
can be likened to a pyramid. Don Kiselewski writes from his personal experiences,
The monument was both a tribute to Lord Buddha having traveled in 122 countries and cruised the oceans,
and a destination for pilgrimages. To reach the pinnacle seas and rivers of the world. Palm Beach Gardens Travel
of Borobudur, a 115-foot high stupa, where the statue Leaders, his family owned and operated agency, is located
of Buddha was supposed to be housed, one travels the at Mirasol Town Square, 11360 North Jog Road, Building
square sides of the shrine on pathways and stairs of A, Suite 102-6, Palm Beach Gardens. The agency has been
Buddhist cosmology. The first is called Kamadhatu, the serving the travel needs of the South Florida area for over
“world of desire,” the second is called Rapadhatu, the a quarter of a century. Contact him at (561) 694-9696 or
“world of forms,” and the last is Arupadhatu, the “world
of formless.” There are over 1,400 carved relief panels to
guide the pilgrims and their thoughts along the way. Some Photos by Don Kiselewski
432 statues of Buddha also embellish the Rapadhatu level.
Surfing The Pink Wave! Rosé
By Laura Berrio, Freelance Writer/Blogger
Rosé is on the rise! The well in spring and summer. It can be enjoyed anywhere and
market for rosé wines has can be mixed into cocktails.
more than doubled in the last A decade ago rosé only consisted of sweeter wines.
decade. There is a whole new Now the variety of rosé spans bone dry to sweet, cheap to
group of wine drinkers who expensive, and simple to complex. The color and source has
pick “pink” for their preferred also changed. The “pink” wine from California is now very
wine. Who is this group of pale pink and primarily from Provence.
consumers? Millennials. I recommend trying a variety of rosés to find your
Younger consumers prefer favorite. A couple of my favorite rosés under $20 are Rosa
sweeter rosé. This reminds di Germina (dry) and Rosa Regale (sweet).
me of the pink wine cooler Pick up a rosé for your next occasion
days of my youth! The and “surf the pink wave!”
millennials have played a large role in creating the “pink” ~ Cheers!
image in social media for rosé wines. The popularity of this ~ Keep the conversation going and
segment led Italy to create a National Rosé Day. It is all the the wine flowing!
rage right now to get all wine enthusiasts to think pink! Follow the Vine on Instagram @
Another reason for the rise in popularity is that rosé works VineVibeUncorked.
Carved relief panels
CDC COVID-19 Travel
By Country Est. 1926
map-and-travel-notices.html The Heart of Hobe Sound
WE ARE BACK WITH All Visitors Welcome
Family owned & operated since 1988 Community Church
NO RESERVATIONS We Invite You to Worship with Us
FOR SEATING. Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
We will offer the same degree of care and Give us a call or visit our
concern to our members and guests website for more information.
as we have been during this pandemic. (772) 546-5043
We lift up in PRAYER those of our area that
Traveling outside the US is possible with the proper planning.
Just ask Lauren Mezzanotte who traveled to Cancun, Mexico were effected by the Virus
to experience the ruins and dive their beautiful waters.
Let us be your vacation planning / problem solving experts. Starting June 6th
We are located at 11360 N. Jog Road, Bldg. A, Suite 102-6 Same time 10:30 am
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33418 Service will remain on FACEBOOK LIVE
(561) 694-9696
“We help you see the world . . .” 11933 SE Juno Crescent • Hobe Sound, Florida 33455