Page 12 - Boca Exposure - March '21
P. 12

Page 12, Boca Exposure
      Dining Out: Is There Such A Thing

      As A Chinese Restaurant Anymore?

      By Alan Serinsky of Bocaire                        here at Hawkers will ever reach that level indictive of its   have fared better if he had used a darker soy sauce and
      Country Club. Hungry Al’s love                     origin.                                           a bit more spice. Traditionally, the hawkers on the street
      for food started very young.                          There are several categories here at Hawkers: small   of Southeast Asia would have used pork fat in their woks
      Never satisfied with his Mom’s                     plates, light, noodles, rice, meat and seafood and, of   to add flavor and richness. I surmised that vegetable oil
      dishes, he started to cook his                     course, sweets. I will admit we tried our best to sample all   might be utilized in this kitchen.
      way through her Betty Crocker                      of them, but failed on the light side of the menu (salads).     We did enjoy the Basil Fried Rice and the Five-Spiced
      Cookbook. During the years                            Our sharing efforts started with the Golden Wontons   Green Beans. I would note that the beans are slightly
      to follow he spend many hours                      ($8/$5 happy hour), which we discovered were more   dusted with a batter just prior to hitting the fryer.
      working in restaurants, both as server and cook, attending   golden than our cast iron stomachs could handle. The      From the dessert tray: As for your sweet tooth,
      cooking classes and traveling the world in an effort to expand   pork filling was bland and the tooth-cracking pastry was   don’t expect a dynasty of selections. There are only
      his palette. As a professional writer, Hungry Al offers his   a strong indicator of an overcook. Sorry to say, it had to   two choices: Jo-He Bag O’ Donuts and Cinnamon Roti
      perspective on current food trends and guides you through   be 86ed.                                 a la Mode (sugary flatbread). Both of these are easy,
      your local restaurant options.                        We then adventured to Chicken Egg Rolls and Seoul   understated dessert options and neither will have anyone
                                                         Hot Chicken Baos. For Hungry Al, the egg rolls were   winning a baking show contest.
      Hawkers Asian Street Food                          nothing more than advertised. How much damage can      Check please! With the presence of a pandemic and
      640 E. Atlantic Ave.                               one do to an egg noodle-wrapped coleslaw?         the absence of travel, the thought of eating these ready-
      Delray Beach, FL                                      If you’re a Bao lover these will certainly suffice. These   to-eat foods sold by street “hawkers” (vendors) seems
      (561) 485-4111                                     yeast-leavened light and fluffy buns are perfect with the   unlikely in the near future. So maybe with a strong sense
                                                         crispy fried chicken thighs. I do warn there is a lot of   of imagination and the urge for a spicy alternative to our
         Food for thought: Like many of you, I’m from New   heat radiating from the sauce that glazes the chicken.   daily bread … Hawkers Asian Street Food will have to
      York – upstate, technically. During my early years as a      Street Skewers are popular here at Hawkers. In   suffice.
      child, I can still remember my dad taking the family to   many countries you’ll find vendors grilling them over a      So, our review of this Delray newcomer was like a
      our small Hudson River town’s only Chinese restaurant.   makeshift grill and glazing them with a sauce relative to   ying and yang moment for us. Like a happy Buddha, we
      Located on Broadway, it was up a flight of stairs and   their cultural cuisine. Here you have a choice of Bulgogi   enjoyed the deviation from the normal American menu,
      seated only about 40 diners. The imagery is still fresh in   Beef, Bulgogi Chicken or Satay Chicken.   but like a defeated Mongol warrior we longed for the
      my mind. Budget aluminum tables and chairs, linoleum      On the noodle and rice side of the menu, Hungry Al   memories of our Asian food street tours. If you ever find
      floor, typical Chinese dimmed lantern strung from the   and Hungry D. split a Chee Cheng’s Char Kway Teow   yourself on Atlantic Avenue
      ceiling, generational family staff bustling around and   noodle bowl, along with Hawker’s Basil Fried Rice. I   you  might  want  to  “wok”
      the scent of five spices resonating from the high-heated   found the noodle dish to be adequate in delivering moist   up to this street vendor and
      woks. Pure ecstasy.                                chicken slivers combined with wok-fired shrimp, Asian   give it a go. For us, we could
         Oh ... do I long for those days, when Chinese (now   vegetables, hint of egg and, of course, rice noodles.   only muster up three golden
      labeled Asian) food was part of our dining out destination      As for a Malaysian street classic, Chee Cheng could   chopsticks.
      and a great break from those predictable home-cooked
      meals during the weekdays.                        The Second Annual Pedal For People
         I’ve been in Florida for over three decades and have
      yet to relive those memories. Yes, I’ve traveled to Silver
      Pond in Lauderdale Lakes, and I’ve reminisced about the   In Boca Raton Charity Ride/Walk/
      almost forgotten Uncle Tai’s, but neither of them has met
      my youthful recollections.
         So, once again I ventured out to a new Asian-themed   Run Is A Go!
      bistro in Delray called Hawkers Asian Street Food to see
      if I might find the buried treasures from the street in my
      child “hood.”                                         The second annual “Pedal For People” charity bicycle   a 100 percent socially distanced safe outdoor event
         First impressions: Street food? For most of us, our   ride/walk/run is on Sunday, March 28. The event will   for everyone. The event will strictly adhere to all CDC
      experience or imagery of street food is basically cultural   begin at 7:30 a.m. from South County Regional Park’s   guidelines and  is the  perfect  opportunity  to enjoy  a
      and homegrown. It’s pure and the menu is simple. Here   Sunset Pavilion. The goal of the ride is to raise money to   safe and wonderful day in the Florida sunshine while
      you find the aroma of unusual spice, the heat from a   help conduct independent and unbiased research in the   supporting its vital mission of giving.
      makeshift wood burning pot, and the chef that could be   treatment of cancer and diabetes.              Renowned singer/songwriter Mason Pace will be
      anyone’s mom. This is what attracts us to these primitive      2019 saw the birth of this amazing event, and raised   performing live. There will be music, food, entertainment
      street stalls.                                     significant funds for Kess Creates, with 100 percent of   for the kids. For more information and to register visit
         In an abstract way, this is what Hawkers has to offer.   the proceeds from the event donated. Although delayed
      This new chain of Asian cuisine with several locations   due to COVID-19, the event is now scheduled, and is
      across our country defines the word “basic.” The words
      airy, industrial, local, outdoorsy, and casual all come to
         This hodgepodge of décor leaves everything to your
      imagination. Completely open to the environment (perfect                           Save Up To                                       WE ARE
      for a pandemic), you have several seating options. Take                                                                               OPEN
      your pick  of socially distanced indoor tables,  a huge
      squared-shaped bar, a large picnic-tabled outdoor area,                                                                                24/7
      and a couched seating area. There is nothing besides a
      few decorative Asian signs that make you think you’re                    80% OFF
      nowhere besides Delray.
         As for the seating itself … that’s a challenge for anyone
      who’s looking for comfort. The very hard miniscule steel
      chairs will mold your bottom into a position that will have
      you wondering if the chair is coming home with you.                                Your Rx Costs!
         Straight from the wok: In my travels across our
      globe I have experienced my share of street food. There                    Even with Medicare-D
      is something about street food that offers an authenticity
      to its cultural roots you can’t find in restaurants. Whether
      it’s Greek gyros, German bratwurst or a South African    CALL US NOW FOR PRICE QUOTES AND INFO
      bunny chow, it seems to have a flavor you can’t find
                                                                          954-971-6895 • FAX: 954-972-9572
      anywhere else. That’s why I’m dubious that the dishes

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