Page 6 - Stuart Exposure - February '21
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Page 6, Stuart Exposure
ClevelanD ClInIC martIn health news
Neurosurgeon Zeguang Ren, neurosurgery fellowship from Strong Memorial Hospital, and ankles are symptoms of mitral regurgitation. Other
M.D., Ph.D., Joins Cleveland University of Rochester. He earned a Master of Neuroscience symptoms are weakness or dizziness, and increasing
degree and Ph.D. of Neuroscience at Beijing Neurosurgical
Clinic Martin Health Institute and Beijing Tiantan Hospital. regurgitation?
Q: What treatment options are available for mitral
Prior to joining Martin Health, Ren has practiced as
Cleveland Clinic Martin an attending neurosurgeon in Tampa, Fort Pierce and in A: If the leak is mild or moderate, it’s usually treated
Health welcomes board- Beijing. He is board certified by the American Board of with medication and close follow-up. However, if the leak
certified vascular and Neurological Surgery. is severe, surgery is often needed. Sometimes patients
endovascular neurosurgeon who believe they have no symptoms actually do, but have
Zeguang Ren, M.D., Ph.D. When ‘Leaky’ Valves Are At adapted to their limitations.
Dr . R e n i s n ow It’s important to treat the problem before the heart
accepting new patients. The Heart Of The Problem has lost significant functional capacity. In most cases the
His office is located at valve can be repaired (> 80 percent). Studies show that
Tradition HealthPark One Your heart has four valves. They open during a mitral valve repair results in better long-term survival,
at 10050 S.W. Innovation heartbeat so that the blood can flow from one chamber more preservation of heart function and lower risk of
Way in Port St. Lucie, on to another and close to make sure that blood can’t leak complications. If the valve can be repaired, no long-term
the campus of Cleveland back out. use of blood thinners is required.
Clinic Tradition Hospital. Q: What is mitral regurgitation? Some valves cannot be repaired and require
Patients may request an appointment by calling (772) A: Mitral regurgitation occurs when the valve between replacement. Whether repaired or replaced, most patients
288-5862 or online at the upper and lower chambers on the left side of the experience dramatic improvement in symptoms and
Ren specializes in cerebral and spinal vascular disease heart does not close properly. Mitral valve prolapse is functional status. Nearly all isolated mitral valve repairs
and can utilize open techniques or advanced minimally a structural abnormality of the valve where the leaflets or replacements can be performed using a minimally
invasive endovascular procedures to treat different have extra tissue and are displaced from their normal invasive approach through a 2- to 3-inch incision on the
conditions, such as brain aneurysms, arteriovenous position (too far backward). A small percentage of right side of the chest. The doctors at Cleveland Clinic
malformation, and carotid artery disease, acute stroke, patients with mitral valve prolapse will eventually develop Martin Health are experts with extensive experience who
trigeminal neuralgia, facial spasm, chronic subdural regurgitation. specialize in diagnosing and treating patients with simple
hematoma, among others. Q: What are symptoms of mitral regurgitation? and complex heart valve disease.
Ren received training in both neurosurgery and endovascular A: Shortness of breath or difficulty catching your To learn more about heart and vascular services at
neurosurgery. He completed a neurosurgery fellowship at the breath (especially with exertion), palpitations that feel Cleveland Clinic Martin Health’s Frances Langford Heart
University of Washington, and a cerebrovascular/endovascular like rapid or irregular heartbeats, and swelling of the feet Center, visit
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All About Rabbits Rabbits are prone to heat stroke. They should be when chewing to prevent overgrowth and mouth injury.
housed in temperatures ranging from 60 degrees to 75 If the alignment is off due to a disease process or poor
degrees Fahrenheit. If housed outdoors they must have confirmation, the teeth will overgrow and may even grow
access to shade and clean water, and a shelter must be together in the middle, trapping the tongue. If a pet rabbit
provided to protect them from the elements. Humidity stops eating, always have the teeth evaluated by your vet.
levels should be 30 to 60 percent to prevent skin problems. If teeth are overgrown, they can be trimmed and filed
Ideal lining for the cage bottom is grass hay. Indoor rabbits down by your vet. This process requires anesthesia.
can have a foam rubber pad or towel covered with a layer Nutrition is very important in rabbits. If not fed
of newspaper and a thick layer of timothy hay. Avoid wood properly many disease processes can occur leading to
shaving. Oils in these shavings can lead to liver toxicity. life threatening illness. An average adult rabbit should be
The average lifespan of a rabbit is 6 to 12 years. Small fed free feed grass hay. Timothy hay is most popular but
breeds mature at 4 to 5 months and large breeds mature prairie and oat brome may be used. Also 1 cup of dark
at 5 to 8 months. It is recommended to spay and neuter leafy green vegetables and at most ¼ cup of high fiber,
pet rabbits if not intended for breeding. This prevents low protein pellets per 5 pounds of body weight should be
With Easter around the corner, rabbits become popular unwanted pregnancies in mixed populations, reduces fed per day. Diets low in fiber can lead to gastrointestinal
pets for children. Before making the commitment to acquire aggression in males, and reduces the risk of certain illness very quickly. Chlorinated water should always be
a rabbit for the family, it is important to do some research cancers. It is recommended to spay females at 5 months in ample supply and be fresh. It should be offered in a
about them and their care. Here are some helpful tips. of age and to neuter males at 3 months of age. sipper bottle or heavy crock that cannot tip over.
There are several breeds of rabbits to choose from. Rabbits have a light skeleton with a well-developed In short, rabbits make great pets if properly taken care
These include small breeds (Netherland dwarf, lion muscular system making the spine and limbs prone to of. It is also helpful to reach out to your veterinarian with
head, mini-lop, and Dutch breeds), medium breeds (Rex, fractures. It is important to always support any questions you may have before bringing one home.
English, Angora and Belgium hares), and large breeds the hind limbs when picking up a Established in 1981, Palm City Animal Medical
(New Zealand whites, English lops, British Giants, and rabbit to reduce the risk of injury. Center is dedicated to providing the best possible care
Flemish Giants). Certain breeds are predisposed to health If a rabbit kicks out very hard for your pets. With focuses on compassionate care in
problems making it helpful to do some research so you when being picked up, it can surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative
know what to expect before deciding on a breed. actually cause a fracture of medicine, extensive diagnostics, and emergency service,
A rabbit enclosure should be large enough to provide the hind limbs or spine. Palm City Animal Medical Center combines exceptional
sleeping space, eating space and a bathroom space. In Ra bbi t s ha ve medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and their
general 3 square feet should be a minimum cage size. continuously growing owners. For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit
Larger rabbits require at least 5 square feet. Cages should teeth much like horses. or find us on
be cleaned daily to remove feces and urine. They must wear them down Facebook at