Page 8 - Waterways - September '20
P. 8

Page 8, Waterways
      Commissioner’s Update

      Voting Is Convenient By Mail                       your ballot privately in a relaxed setting, utilizing the   they cannot verify that you have not already submitted
                                                         candidate information you may have acquired to make
                                                                                                           your vote-by-mail ballot, you may complete a provisional
      By Commissioner                                    your decisions. If a particular contest appears on your   ballot.
      Hal Valeche                                        ballot that you may not have anticipated, it allows you     When planning to mail your ballot back to the elections
        I hope this finds you                            time to investigate that office and the qualified candidates   office, make sure you sign the envelope and allow at least
      well.  As we press on                              in order to make a decision on who you think would best   one week for it to reach the SOE office. The postage is
      through the COVID-19                               serve that post.                                  already paid, so do not delay. You can also drop it off in
      pandemic and sail into the                           The deadline to request that the SOE mail a vote-by-  person at any of the SOE offices during office hours or
      peak  months  of  the  2020                        mail ballot to you is 5 p.m. on the 10th day before the Nov.   at early voting sites. For your ballot to count, the SOE
      hurricane season, we have                          3  election, which would be Oct.  24. You can pick up a   must receive it by 7 p.m. on Election Day. Please note
      learned the importance of                          vote-by-mail ballot at any time it becomes available, right   that the satellite offices close at 5 p.m. on Election Day
      preparation. That is no less                       up to and including Election Day. A designated person   and only the main SOE office in West Palm Beach is open
      important as we approach                           can pick up your ballot for you nine days before Election   until 7 p.m. If your ballot envelope is unsigned, or there
      this year’s general election                       Day and that person must submit written authorization   is a discrepancy with your signature, you will be asked
      on Nov. 3.                                         or an affidavit and produce a photo identification.   to complete and return a signature affidavit (DS-DE 139)
        You may have concerns about going out into public     One way to track the arrival of your vote-by-mail ballot   with a copy of your current and valid ID no later than 5
      places, even to vote. Everyone has different health   once you have requested it is to sign up for Informed   p.m. on the second day after the election.
      vulnerabilities. Nevertheless, voting is a privilege that   Delivery through the United States Postal Service.     For complete information about the  vote-by-mail
      none of us takes for granted and all should exercise.   Through this process, you will receive emails with images   process, candidate data, records and other helpful links,
      Fortunately, you do have options.                  of your mail for the day.                         visit Once on the site, you can
        Vote-by-mail is synonymous with absentee voting,     Once you receive your vote-by-mail ballot, carefully   even track the status of your vote-by-mail ballot.
      and refers to voting a ballot received by mail or picked   follow the detailed instructions provided. Make sure to     The Supervisor of Elections has worked closely with
      up by or for a voter instead of going to the polls to vote.   include your signature or legal mark on the Voter’s   the County Commission to update their equipment and
      You can request your vote-by-mail ballot for a specific   Certificate Envelope, because failure to do so may   systems to provide a safe, transparent and efficient voting
      election or for all elections through the next two general   cause your ballot not to count. If you make a mistake on   process. With three options to meet your needs: early
      elections by contacting the Supervisor of Elections (SOE)   the ballot, let the SOE office know immediately, so that   voting, vote-by-mail and Election Day in-person voting,
      by phone (561) 656-6208, fax (561) 656-6230, by email   they can send you a replacement ballot. Just like voting in   you can be sure your vote counts.
      at,  or  in  person  at  the   person, voters can receive up to two replacement ballots     As always, if there is any way I can assist you, please
      SOE’s main office or North County branch at 3188 PGA   prior to casting your ballot.                 contact me at (561) 355-2201 or by email at hvaleche@
      Boulevard in Palm Beach Gardens. Elections staff will     If you eventually decide to vote in person at the polls, Remember, stay safe and be prepared.
      confirm the address you have on file with their office   just be sure to bring your vote-by-mail ballot with you
      and what information you must provide to request the   so that the polling clerk can cancel it. If you forget to
      vote-by-mail ballot for you or someone else.       bring it with you, you will have to wait until SOE staff
        The vote-by-mail option  allows you to complete   can verify that you did not already cast your ballot. If
      Northern Notes

      What Is NPDES?                                     States.  In  1987,  the  Environmental  Protection Agency   there were any spills each month.
                                                         developed regulations governing stormwater discharge   The reports are given to Northern
      By Katie Roundtree,                                requirements under the Clean Water Act. In 1990, the   staff for review and proof that the
      Finance Director, Northern                         Federal Register indicated that the Palm Beach County   regulations are being followed.
      Palm Beach County                                  area was to begin compliance with the program.    Northern staff use these reports
      Improvement District                                 About 40 local governments from around Palm     to prepare an annual compliance
        What  is  NPDES  and                             Beach County have taken a cooperative approach to   document.
      what does it stand for?                            compliance, jointly conducting several activities and     How can you help? By knowing the
      You  see  the  initials                            collectively developing a number of tools used to carry   facts and being aware, you can help clean up our lakes
      mentioned at the bottom                            out pollution prevention programs. Each year, the lead   and waterways. Some examples include, store materials
      of every article Northern                          permittee (Northern Palm Beach County Improvement   in enclosed or covered areas, prevent liquids from leaking
      Palm Beach County                                  District) enters into interlocal agreements with each of   out of the trash area, never clean paint brushes or rinse
      Improvement District                               the remaining local governments to oversee the joint   paint containers into the street or storm drain and keep
      (Northern) sends in to the                         activities. A steering committee, composed of individuals   vehicles and equipment in good working order to prevent
      newspaper. NPDES stands                            representing local governments that participate in the   leaks. Always  remember,  nothing but storm water
      for National Pollution Discharge Elimination System. It   program, advises Northern on the various activities.  belongs in the storm drains. Please see our website, www.
      is a federal program designed to eliminate stormwater     Contractors are required to maintain their construction, for more information on the NPDES program.
      pollutant discharges to receiving waters of the United   sites so that debris is contained and any sediment laden   See the Helpful Links section  for  information  on the
                                                         water will not find its way to the waterways nearby. If   Palm Beach County NPDES program (http://www.pbco-
                                                         you’ve ever driven by a construction site, you may have as well as a website designed to educate the
                                                         noticed hay bales or tubes placed around street drains.   public about keeping pollution out of our waters, www.
         Full Moon                        New Moon       This is to help keep any construction debris and/or soil
         September 2                     September 17    out of those drains. The hay bales and tubes act as filters     NPDES  tip:  If  you  suspect  a  discharge  or  spill  is
                                                         so that only clean water runs into the drains. Either the   hazardous, call 911! For all other discharges, spills and
       Third Quarter                    First Quarter    contractor or the engineer inspecting the site is required   illegal dumping, call the local entity responsible for the
        September 10                     September 23    to file reports on the contractor’s compliance with the   stormwater system (a reporting list may be found at www.
                                                         program. In addition, companies that spray chemicals into or call the FDEP Environmental
                                                         the canals and lakes in order to maintain aquatic weeds,   Crimes toll-free number (1-877-2-SAVE-FLA or #DEP
                                                         are required to report the use of those chemicals and if   from your cellular phone).

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