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waterways                                                                                                    Serving the Waterfront Estates &

                                                                                                                             Luxury Condominiums
                                                                                                                         in Northern Palm Beach County

                  VOL. 2 NO. 9                 
                                                                                                                         SEPTEMBER 2020
      Scripps First Front Row Lecture                                                                       Jupiter Lighthouse

      Series At Abacoa                                                                                      160 Years Old

      Report and Photos by Penny Sheltz                                                                     Report and Photos
        Before the virus this year Scripps held their first lecture of                                      by Penny Sheltz
      the Front Row Lecture Series at Scripps Research at Abacoa                                              July 10, marked the 160th
      in Jupiter.                                                                                           anniversary of the Palm
        Scripps President and CEO Peter Schultz, Ph.D., spoke                                               Beach County historical 1860
      on many topics important to anyone who has experienced                                                Jupiter Lighthouse.
      cancer, dementia, ALS or any incurable disease in their                                                 Thanks to Florida Power
      family. Solving ongoing medical problems has become a                                                 and Light, 160  visitors
      major focus and strength for Scripps Research as they want                                            received free admission to
      to find discoveries to improve lives.                                                                 stroll  the  historic  grounds,
        Schultz said our understanding of what drives disease at                                            climb the lighthouse, view the
      the molecular level is expanding exponentially in this age of                                         Keeper’s Workshop  exhibit
      genomics and artificial intelligence. Yet we still face major                                         and peruse the lighthouse gift
      challenges finding effective treatments for diseases ranging                                          shop. The beloved Jupiter Inlet
      from cancer to dementia. How can biomedical research                                                  Lighthouse stands tall and
      institutes bridge this gap?                                                                           proud as it prepares to celebrate
                                                         Peter Schultz, Ph.D., Scripps president and CEO with some   another new decade of its life.
                                                         of his staff from La Jolla, California.              Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse
                                                                                                            Facts  … First  lit  July 10,
                                                           In the first lecture of Florida’s Scripps new Front Row   1860, west construction brick,
                                                         Lecture Series, Peter Schultz, a pioneering chemist, president   double masonry walls, outer
                                                         and CEO of Scripps Research, shared his vision for ensuring   conical, tapering from 31.5
                                                         that discoveries made in biomedical research institutes reach   inches (eight bricks thick) at
                                                         patients and improve lives.                        ground to 18 inches (three
                                                           Research is so important in finding a cure for Alzheimer’s   bricks thick) at base of lantern.
                                                         with almost 6 million people and their families suffering from   Inner wall cylindrical and
                                                         this disease.                                      two bricks thick throughout.
                                                           Scripps areas of research are in chemistry, molecular   Circumference at base is about
      It was an intellectual and enjoyable evening to learn about                                           65 feet and at top about 43 feet. Height 156-to 108-foot
      all the progress for our health being made by Scripps.   Scripps First Front Row Lecture Series on page 2  tower on a 48-foot hill, natural parabolic dune top with
                                                                                                            a layer of shell. Focal plane 146 feet. This is the level at
      Pamela Canter Promoted                                                                                which the beam of light is emitted. Steps 105 cast iron
                                                                                                            stairs spiraling counterclockwise around a central iron
      To Vice President And Chief Nursing                                                                   column with three landings. Optic first order Fresnel
                                                                                                            lens,  manufactured  in Paris by Henry-Lepaute and

      Officer At Jupiter Medical Center

         Jupiter Medical Center,                         manner. Pam will continue to collaborate closely in patient
       ranked number one for                             quality and safety initiatives as she leads the nursing enterprise
       safety, quality and patient                       at Jupiter Medical Center. Most notably, during Canter’s tenure
       satisfaction in Palm Beach                        at Jupiter Medical Center, she has played a pivotal role in
       County and the Treasure Coast                     garnering many of the hospital’s national, regional and local
       region, announced today                           accreditations and awards, including successfully achieving an
       the promotion of Pamela                           “A” hospital safety grade from The Leapfrog Group and “Top
       Canter  to  vice  president                       General Hospital” for two consecutive years.
       and chief nursing officer                           “Pam has demonstrated incredible leadership skills, guiding
       at Jupiter Medical Center.                        her team through one of the most arduous health pandemics
       In this position, Canter is                       the world has experienced, an especially challenging time
       responsible for overseeing                        for our nurses and frontline health workers,” said Dr. Amit
       the organization’s team of outstanding nursing professionals   Rastogi, president and chief executive officer of Jupiter Medical
       committed to providing world class care in a patient-centered   Center. “She has served as an exceptional leader to her nursing
                                                                                 team and integral member of
                                                                                 the executive leadership team
                                                                                 at Jupiter Medical Center,
                                                                                 leading several initiatives that
                                                                                 have earned the hospital top
                                                                                 recognition in quality, safety
                                                                                 and patient satisfaction.   View of the Jupiter Lighthouse from a boat in the Jupiter
                                                                                 We value her unwavering    Inlet

                                                                                 Pamela Canter Promoted     Jupiter Lighthouse on page 2
                                                                                 on page 5
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