Page 22 - Southern Exposure - April '20
P. 22
Page 22, Southern Exposure
Travel from page 21
was snow white. So unusual was the sight that they named We l l i n gt o n, t he
the land after the sighting, calling it Aotearoa, “Land of national capital, is on the
the long white cloud.” Conjecture has it that this was the south end of the North
first sighting of snow on the mountains that frame the Island. From the hilltops
eastern coast of the islands. that surround the city,
Whakarewarewa, simply known as “Waka,” located there are tremendous
in Rotorua on the North Island, has become the heart vistas of Cook Straight,
of the Māori Nation, and is New Zealand’s portion of which separates the
the “Ring of Fire.” Its landscape is accented by thermal two main islands of
activity, geysers and hot bubbling mud pools. The area the country. A unique
also boasts excellent fishing, agricultural exhibits and architectural structure,
not to be forgotten, an occasional vibration of the earth. affectionately known
A constant reminder of the effects of Mount Tarawera’s as the “Bee Hive,”
wrath can be witnessed in the buried village below. formed the addition to
Auckland is the port of entry from the United States. It the original parliament
is the country’s largest city with one out of every three of building when space
New Zealand’s four million people living there. The city for an addition wasn’t
has everything to offer the urban culture traveler; shows, available. Located on
museums, sporting (especially sailing – the previous home the city’s waterfront
of the America’s Cup) and great vistas from the top of is “Te Papa,” New
volcanoes that pop up all over the area. The abandoned Zealand’s national
city’s sewage treatment plant was revamped by Kelly museum.
Tarlton into one of the finest aquariums in the South New Zealand’s South
Pacific. One travels on a moving sidewalk some 110 Island is about the same
meters long in an acrylic dome that snakes back and forth size as Florida, and like
under the water in viewing the various marine life. Kelly, our state, has white Peak in Milford Sound
an explorer himself, also includes an excellent working sand beaches lapped by
exhibit of the Shackleton expedition to Antarctica. beautiful blue waves. However, unlike our state, the island Cruising the southern part of the Southern Alps, one
The Bay of Islands on the northwestern tip of the reaches over 12,000 feet, less than 25 miles away from the finds the fjords of the South Pacific … just like those in
North Island is a great sailing area, and has a number seashore. The Southern Alps run for 500 miles along the Norway, with hanging glaciers and magnificent waterfalls.
of interesting sights. The seamen from whaling ships island’s western shore and got their name from their rugged Numerous hiking trails snake through the area. The
gave the town of Russell its notorious reputation. It was counterpart located across the southern part of Europe. It was Milford Trace is the most well-known of these tracks.
at Wiatangi where the treaty was signed by the Māori here where the late Sir Edmond Hilary trained for his climb of The craggy cliffs that circle the southwestern end of the
chiefs that gave Great Britain control of New Zealand. Mount Everest in Nepal. Mount Cook, New Zealand’s tallest island are reminiscent of those along the west coast of
Manginangina National Park is not far from Paihia. This mountain, is touted as the world’s tallest. Its 3,754 meters Ireland.
is where the huge Kaori trees grow…they are about the must be climbed from sea level, unlike Mount Everest, where
same size as our California giant redwoods. base camp is more than half the way up. Travel on page 23
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