Page 30 - Boca ViewPointe - November '19
P. 30
Page 30, Viewpointe November 2019
News From Congressman Ted Deutch
Dear friends, House Passes Deutch, resolution to the Libyan conflict and to deter foreign
T hi s m o n t h , we interference in Libya.
mark one of the most Buchanan Bill to Make This legislation sanctions individuals who commit
significant days on our Animal Abuse a Federal human rights violations in Libya, support Russia’s
calendar – Veterans Day. military intervention in Libya, or threaten the peace,
As a nation, we use this Offense security, and stability of Libya. It authorizes the
day to commemorate the Department of State and USAID to provide humanitarian
sacrifice of all those who The U.S. House of Representatives unanimously assistance to Libyans and international migrants. The
have served in our armed passed the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture bill also authorizes U.S. support for efforts to strengthen
forces. With this in mind, (PACT) Act (H.R. 724), introduced by Congressman Vern good governance, promote anti-corruption, and foster
I reflect with solemn pride Buchanan (FL-16) and I, to criminalize certain acts of economic recovery both during and after a negotiated
and immense gratitude on animal cruelty. political solution to the Libyan conflict.
the over 21 million brave men and women who have In 2010, Congress passed the Animal Crush Video “The United States cannot afford to ignore the
risked their lives in the name of our great country. Prohibition Act, which made the creation and distribution Libyan conflict, which is undermining the stability of
No matter their politics or ideology, American of animal crushing videos illegal. However, the underlying North Africa, exacerbating a humanitarian crisis, and
servicemembers leave their homes, their communities, acts of cruelty against animals were not included. The impeding a return to UN-sponsored peace talks. Libya is
and their families to carry the flag of the United States PACT Act closes this loophole by prohibiting certain increasingly exposed to severe threats by terrorist groups
of America. Their patriotism unites us all. Therefore, we cases of animal abuse. and other non-state actors, and foreign interference is
should take this day to replace our disagreements with “Today’s vote is a significant milestone in the escalating the conflict. It is essential that the United States
gratitude for our veterans, replace our divisions with bipartisan quest to end animal abuse and protect our pets. establish a clear and principled policy towards Libya to
unity in caring for those who have served, and replace This bill sends a clear message that our society does not mitigate instability, stem the humanitarian crisis, and
our partisanship with a commitment to ensuring that no accept cruelty against animals. We’ve received support promote political reconciliation. This legislation seeks to
veteran is left behind after they return home. from so many Americans from across the country and clarify U.S. policy towards Libya and empower the United
Recently, several of my colleagues and I were evicted across the political spectrum. Animal rights activists have States with sanctions authority to revitalize diplomacy,
from our office space within the West Palm Beach VA stood up for living things that do not have a voice. Law secure our national interests, stabilize Libya, and provide
facility. This decision was made without consultation enforcement officers have sought a federal overlay to help peace and opportunity for the Libyan people.”
with the Members of Congress or the veterans our offices them stop animal abusers who are likely to commit acts
served. While I will work to maintain this office space, of violence against people. And animal lovers everywhere
which increases access, accountability, and transparency, know this is simply the right thing to do. I’m deeply
I will continue fighting on behalf of all our nation’s thankful for all of the advocates who helped us pass this
Veterans. bill, and I look forward to the Senate’s swift passage and
Each day we move forward together, let us remember the President’s signature.”
to thank all veterans, active servicemembers, and military
families. Let us honor their service and sacrifice with Bipartisan Bill to Support
a commitment to fixing the veterans benefits claims
process, ending veteran homelessness, opening new Peaceful Resolution to Libyan
opportunities through education, improving access to
health care, supporting home ownership, and fulfilling Conflict Introduced
the promise of this great nation.
Best regards, Last month, Joe Wilson (SC-02), Congressman Ted
Ted Deutch Lieu (CA-33), and Congressman Tom Malinowski (NJ-
07) and I introduced legislation to clarify and strengthen
American policy in support of a peaceful diplomatic
“As one of the rst non-resident
members, I was drawn to the
Live like a member golf facility and friendliness of
the members at Boca Grove.
Within a few months of joining,
for a day we purchased a beautiful home in
the community and I was able
to carry my new bride over the
threshold of our dream home at
our dream club.”
Ed & Maddy
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