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           ‘I Didn’t Know That...Bet You Didn’t Know It Either’

                                                         Fascinating trivia facts compiled by Stanley Morgenbesser

      What Is The Most Visited                           What Was Barack Obama’s First Job?                Which Singer Was Murdered By The President Of Her
      Attraction  In  New York                              Like many other kids and young people around the nation,   Fan Club?
      City?                                              Obama worked at a number of minimum wage jobs before      In perhaps one of the greatest pop culture tragedies of
         The Metropolitan                                he started working his way up. His earliest jobs included   the decade, Selena’s life was cut devastatingly short when
      Museum of  Art in New                              selling ice cream in Honolulu at a Baskin-Robbins, working   she was murdered in 1995. The story is one of bizarre
      York City, colloquially                            during the summer at a deli counter making sandwiches,   twists and turns though: One of her fans was appointed
      “The Met,” is the largest                          also in Hawaii, and selling souvenirs at a gift shop. He   president of the fan club and then hired as manager of
      art museum in the United                           also worked helping to clear a construction site during one   Selena’s boutiques, until she was discovered to have
      States. With 7.06 million                          summer in Manhattan while at Columbia University, as well   embezzled $60,000 from both. After she was confronted,
      visitors in 2016, it was                           as a telemarketer making phone calls to sell subscriptions to   she came back and murdered Selena, and is now serving
      the third most visited art                         The New York Times.                               a life sentence in Texas.
      museum in the world, and
      the fifth most visited museum of any kind. In the 2018 fiscal   Which Country Legalized Cannabis In 2018?  Which Singer Recorded An Album In The Nude?
      year, the museum welcomed a record high 7.35 million      Canada has gone green! For over a decade, medicinal      Lady Gaga recorded her 2013 album ARTPOP completely
      visitors. While international visitors made up 34 percent   marijuana has been legal in Canada, but it wasn’t until   in the nude. Apparently, Gaga feels as though singing naked
      of The Met’s attendees, New Yorkers accounted for 32   Oct. 17, 2018 that the nation fully legalized the substance,   helps her vocal performance, and that perception inspired
      percent of the total. The main building, on the eastern edge   becoming the second country in the world to do so (after   her to record ARTPOP in her birthday suit. While the album
      of Central Park along Museum Mile in Manhattan, is one of   Uruguay). While many nations have passed legislation to   received generally mixed reviews from music critics, it was
      the world’s largest art galleries by area. The Metropolitan   decriminalize possession and allow cannabis for medical   commercially successful, debuting at number one on the
      Museum of Art was founded in 1870 for the purpose of   use, Canada is one of the first to completely legalize the   United States’ Billboard 200 albums chart.
      bringing art and art education to the American people.   drug, marking a potential movement for nations to adopt
                                                         more relaxed drug laws worldwide.                 Things I Didn’t Know I Didn’t Know
      Where In Europe Can You Find The Most Millionaires                                                      The Sahara Desert stretches farther than the distance from
      Per Capita?                                        Who Invented The Game Of Monopoly?                California to New York. A soccer ball was used in basketball
         If you’re looking for some swanky neighbors, maybe      Lizzie Magie, a game designer born in 1866, invented   until 1929. The Luna moth does not have a mouth and cannot
      you should move to Monaco. One in every three people in   the precursor to “Monopoly” and received a patent for it   eat; it will live only for about one week, with the singular
      this European city-state is a millionaire. It’s not surprising,   in 1904. Her game included players who moved around   purpose of mating. James Madison, the fourth President of
      considering Monaco’s reputation as a tax haven and its high-  the board, paying rent and purchasing properties. In 1933,   the United States, holds the record for shortest holder of
      end lifestyle. Monaco has seen a 6 percent population density   Charles Darrow made a few changes to the game and ended   that office ever, measuring a mere 5 feet 4 inches. In World
      growth in recent years, though it’s usually only the ultra-  up selling it in 1935 to Parker Brothers.  War II, British soldiers got a ration of three sheets of toilet
      wealthy who are capable of affording life in this expensive                                          paper a day; Americans got 22. For every human on earth,
      nation.                                            How Many Years Is An Official Term Of The U.S. Senate?  there are roughly 1.6 million ants. John Quincy Adams is
                                                            A senator’s term of office is six years. The Constitution   the only president to have lost both the popular vote and
      Which Country Has The Highest Number Of Start-Ups   prescribes that a senator must be at least 30 years of age, have   electoral vote, and still become president. Half of all humans
      Per Capita?                                        been a citizen of the United States for nine years, and, when   who have ever lived have died from malaria. The number of
         Israel is not just a land of ancient traditions, it is also a   elected, be a resident of the state from which he or she is chosen.   aircraft destroyed during WWII is greater than the number
      tech giant! With over 4,000 start-ups, the country has one   There is no limit to the number of terms he or she can serve.  of aircraft that currently exist in the entire world today. The
      start-up for every 1,400 people — the most per capita of                                             Philippines is the only country, aside from Vatican City, that
      any nation. These ventures also raise capital at 2.5 times   What Is The Only U.S. Capital Without A McDonald’s?  does not allow divorce. The first five U.S. presidents were
      the rate of the United States and 30 times that of Europe.       No matter where you are in the United States, you’re likely   never photographed. The man who invented the Frisbee
      Israeli inventions have shaped the world for decades,   not too far from the golden arches of McDonald’s – unless you’re   was cremated and made into Frisbees after he died. Arthur
      from the USB flash drive to the first Intel PC processor to   in Montpelier, Vt. While being the only U.S. state capital without   Guinness, founder of Guinness Brewery, had 21 children
      Google’s suggestion function. Some of their latest start-ups   a McDonald’s might seem like a strange detail, Montpelier is not   with just one wife. North Dakota has the coldest winters in
      have recently taken the world by storm, including Waze,   a bustling metropolis like most capitals. It is home to only 7,500   the continental United States. There are more fake flamingos
      the popular GPS navigation software.               people and doesn’t have a Burger King, either.    in the world than real ones.

      A Person Suffering From Anatidaephobia Fears Which
         There are some phobias out there that may seem
      humorous at first, but for those who suffer from them, they
      are no laughing matter. Such is the case with anatidaephobia,
      an irrational fear that one is being watched by a duck. The
      anatidaephobic individual fears that no matter where he or
      she is, or may be doing, a duck watches. The person is not
      necessarily afraid of the duck, but only fears that the animal
      is watching and keeping tabs on what he or she is doing
      throughout the day.

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