Page 9 - Southern Exposure - February '24
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Southern Exposure, Page 9

                                                                    Pet MatterS

                                                     The Pet Cottage Post

                            Senior Dobermans With Military Roots In Search Of Forever Home

        The Pet Cottage appreciates the service         Ladybug and Vinny. As a senior military member, Jesse had   to the size, age and bonding of
      our United States Military members have           always been able to take his dogs with him around the world,   the two dogs.
      dedicated their lives to. When military           which was the plan for Italy.                        Wendy  Derhak,  Pet
      personnel face a big change – whether               Then Jesse received the surprising news that the Italian   Cottage  founder  and
      it’s deployment or being restationed – and        base did not allow the Doberman breed. Jesse and his family   executive director, felt called
      cannot keep their pet, The Pet Cottage steps      were absolutely heartbroken and scrambling for a solution.   to help and began connecting
      in with support and solutions.                    The Pet Cottage was their saving grace with a forever promise   with community partners.
        Jesse, a military serviceman based in South Florida with   of lifetime care.                       Wendy secured a temporary
      22 years in, recently reached out to The Pet Cottage. He had   Creative Solutions Were Necessary     forever guardian through the
      received orders to relocate for a tour in Italy. Jesse and his     While Ladybug and Vinny fit the mission of The Pet Cottage,   volunteer network and set
      family were the proud owners of two senior Dobermans,   there was not a simple solution to set up forever guardianship due   up local boarding as soon as
                                                                                                           possible because Jesse and
        The Singles Scene Column                                            ©                              his family were required to
                                                                                                           relocate to Italy the day after Christmas. It was an emotional
                                                                                                           goodbye for all! But Jesse had the peace of mind that his beloved
        So, How is Your                                 so has our database and our matchmaking style. New candidates for   dogs would be cherished and cared for. He also found comfort
                                                                                                           in knowing he can follow their journey via social media.
        Love Life?                                      men and women walk through our office doors daily. Inventory is up     If you would like to learn more about becoming a forever
                                                        and climbing.
        By: Kelly Leary, M.S. & Miranda                                                                    guardian for Vinny and Ladybug, please contact The Pet Cottage.
        Capperelli                                           We feel honored to work with so many attractive, successful, and
                                                        upbeat clientele. The clientele we see now are too wise and too busy for   Short-term forever guardians are also needed.
        “To truly change the way we                     online dating or the bar scene. Our clients are selectively seeking quality
        approach love, we have to go to        they should!
        the source of everything we do:
        our minds.” ―Todd Perelmuter                    •  In  honor  of  love  month,  enjoy  our  last  bit  of  advice  today:  "Treat
                                                        yourself the way you want to be treated by others. Love yourself, and
        ❤  Happy  Valentine's  Month!                   you will be loved." Love the world, and it will love you back. It's the
        Cupid's  arrow  is  bowed  and                  LOVE MOVEMENT. Join US and enroll today!
        couples  are  falling  in  love  all
        over  town  thanks  to  us.  The                • Happy Valentine's Day Wishes and Caviar Dreams to you all! Find
        spotlight is on LOVE in February. Everyone is talking about it...and if   love  this  year--with  yourself  and  with  others.  We  are  obsessed  with
        they are us...they are THINKING about it. You can run but   2024, so let's make it even better--TOGETHER! Thank you for sharing
        you cannot hide from LOVE in February. So, how is your love life?   your time with us today. We appreciate all of you.
        (please  pause  to  think).  Do  you  need  a  little  help  from  super  sweet
        cupids this month? Have no fear because our corporate headquarters is        Xoxo - Kelly & Miranda
        in your local area. How lucky could you be? As always, do share this   #33YearsOfExperience      #WhyWaitJustDate      #LoveOffline
        valuable information with your single family and friends--particularly   #MatchmakingRoyalty  #TellYourFriends #LoveMoreIn2024  The Sanctuary Property Needs Upgrades
        during this special month. They may be extra inspired to take action.                                The Pet Cottage Sanctuary is a 2-acre property nestled
                                                        Revolution Dating Founder and CEO, Kelly           in Jupiter Farms that currently houses 10 dogs and one cat.
            Countless studies have shown that we are at our BEST in a healthy   Leary, has 33 years in the dating industry and
        relationship.  Contrary  to  popular  belief,  it  is  NOT  money,  fame,  or   a Master’s Degree in Clinical  Psychology.   The pets at the sanctuary have special needs and receive
        beauty that brings authentic happiness--it's togetherness. In our line of   She has  also been written about in  The   homestyle care from Wendy (who lives on-site) and the team
        work, we ask people of all ages, from 20 to 80 plus, what the happiest   Palm Beach Post, PalmBeacher Magazine,   of volunteers. The pets live inside, have access to two dog
        time in their life has been thus far, and everyone answers with the same   Stuart News, Modern Luxury Palm Beach,
        theme: “The most enjoyable time in my life was when I was in a good   and Modern Luxury Manhattan plus many   parks and receive an abundance of love, care and attention.
        relationship.”                                  more. Revolution Dating members are pre-           But having enough space – for emergencies like Vinny and
                                                        screened in person including background checks. Professional photos   Ladybug – is becoming an issue.
             It makes perfect sense. When you are coupled, you have a partner to   are taken  by the  staff. Revolution  Dating is NOT online dating  or
        enjoy your free time with and a visionary with whom you can plan the   blind dating. In addition to providing matchmaking services that make     A goal for The Pet Cottage in 2024 is to create short-term
        future. You have a comrade to share the good times with and a rock you   singles “UN-single” through their exclusive club memberships, Kelly   boarding space for emergencies. Oftentimes, when a person
        can lean on during the tough times. Two beats One any day of the week.   and her team also provide feedback from your dates when appropriate.   passes away, the surviving family members need an immediate
        You will have someone and something to look forward to at the end of   Mock Dates are available by request. Single Coaching Sessions and
        every day, which is also essential for your mental and physical wellness.   Evaluations are also available by request for non-members or as an   placement for the pet. Without that, the pet goes to a shelter.
                                                        add-on  to  some  memberships.  *All  inquiries  are  confidential.  *By     If you or someone you know, would like to contribute
             Deep down, no one wants to be single forever, just like no one would   demand, we now have a Manhattan/TriState area Hub for our many   financial resources or a physical trailer or structure to The Pet
        choose to be "stag" on any holiday. Yet, many will be alone this month   North East clients with two homes. Do call the main hotline for more
        or longer because they are not stepping up to "own" their love life. They   information 561-630-XOXO (9696).  Cottage, please contact us as soon as possible.
        are too comfy in their comfort zone. These people may blame others                                 The Pet Cottage Mission
        (or their ex) for their single status, which is a huge red flag. You are   Behind The Scenes at Revolution Dating Corp:    The Pet Cottage is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit located in Jupiter
        responsible for your relationship status.          This Love Squad stepped into 2024 with a zest for love and life like   Farms that celebrates and protects the magical relationship
                                                        you can't imagine! Luckily, a picture speaks 1000 words and we are here
        • In the land of dating, individuals may find themselves stuck in patterns   to share more love with all of you. See what goes on behind the red doors   between people and pets. We provide homestyle care for pets
        of blaming external factors for their single status instead of reflecting on   of the Corporate Headquarters of Love. We appreciate those of you who   who lose their humans due to death, disability or deployment
        their own actions, style, or mindset. Taking ownership of one's love life   share your love openly, but for those that want to remain confidential,
        involves  self-awareness,  self-improvement,  and  a  willingness  to  face   we got you! Have an awesome month and remember to Love More in   and make a forever promise for lifetime care.
        uncertainties.                                  2024. #TellYourFriends #TimeIsNow                    We also provide pet companionship for senior people

        • Fear of losing freedom, rejection, or getting hurt can deter people from                         and cover all veterinary expenses. We are a promise and our
        taking action, but individuals need to own that they are hindering their                           promise means forever. You are invited to join our pack!
        potential for romantic happiness. As we know, people are on-stage on                                                                 The Pet Cottage,
        a risky platform in online dating, so the nervousness is understandable.                                                              (561) 818-5025,
        In contrast, qualified matchmakers vet singles and connect with each
        individual on a personal level. We are cheerleaders for our clients and                                                
        enjoy boosting their confidence when needed. In various cases, we hold
        a mirror up to our clients if we see them getting in their own way. Tough                                Best Bin Caddy#
        love creates more success stories. We are lucky that our clients listen to   Partnering with   Stunning New
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             It is essential to take responsibility for your love life and yourself. This   Place for a   #ProfessionalLove  NEW!
        mindset can lead to personal growth and increased chances of finding   Valentine's Date!
        your grand finale relationship. Despite your challenges, pursuing love   BELIEVE in Glimmers   #ValenWINE
        often requires a willingness to overcome fears and obstacles. Dating is   and God-Winks!
        a combat sport. You have to be willing to take some hits without having   #MatchmakingRoyalty
        a meltdown.
             It  is  essential  to  know  what  "league"  you  should  be  dating  in  as
        well. You can not be a third-string player on a community football team
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