Page 10 - Talk of Tequesta - January '24
P. 10

Page 10, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                            iN your CommuNiTy

         Hannah’s Home Breaks Ground On Expanded Housing

        Hannah’s Home of South
      Florida broke ground on two
      duplex cottages for single
      mothers on Thursday, Nov.
      30, housing that will boost
      capacity by 50 percent.
        To build the duplexes,
      Hannah’s Home is partnering
      with  Hedrick  Brothers
      Construction, Carrier’s
      C on st ru c t i on , Ol son
      Design Group, JMorton &
      Landscape Architecture,  CEO Dale Hedrick
      Last Devenport Inc., BFT
      Development and Belvedere
      Contracting Inc.                                     Hannah’s Home serves pregnant women aged 18 to 30,   counseling and other critical needs met. Since opening in
        Earlier this year at the                         offering safety, life skills training, educational support,   2012, the home has served over 80 women and their children.
      nonprofit’s annual gala,                           mentoring, spiritual development and case management. They
      Hannah’s Home raised                               also receive expert prenatal care, medical care, mental health   In Your Community on page 11
      over $500,000 towards
      its program and campus                                                            ClevelaNd CliNiC
      expansion. Founder Carol
      Beresford  said  she  has
      long dreamt of expanding                                                             florida News
      in  Tequesta in order to
      house more at-risk pregnant
      women.                                                     Are You Bothered By Hip Pain?
        “I am overjoyed to see  Hannah’s Home residents
      my dream being realized,”
      she said. “Our vision is not                         If you’re a younger or                          you push on the area. It often comes with certain activities
      only to provide a haven,                           middle-aged adult bothered by                     (movement in a particular direction, for instance).
      but to guide our residents                         hip pain, your first thought is                   Question: How Do Doctors Diagnose A Labral Tear?
      to  self-sufficiency. These                        likely not about hip surgery – but                  Answer: Doctors can get most of the information needed
      cottages represent the next                        you may need it. Many young,                      to diagnose a labral tear from a health history, examination
      level of our commitment,                           athletic people are having hip                    and a good set of X-rays. An MRI is often needed in order to
      and we are so thankful for                         surgery after finding out that                    confirm the diagnosis.
      the  partnerships  that  are                       a deep cartilage tear is causing                  Question: What Are The Treatment Options?
      making this possible.”                             their mysterious, nagging pain.                     Answer: There are a few conservative treatments for a
        Wi t h a  m a xi m u m                           Question: What Is A Labral                        labral tear, which are typically attempted for three to six months
      capacity of eight mothers                          Tear?                                             to try to alleviate the pain. These options include:
      and their children,                                  Answer: It is a tear in the                       • Taking a break from activities that cause the pain
      Hannah’s Home receives                             ring of cartilage (labrum) in  Evan Peck, M.D., Sports     • Using anti-inflammatory medication
      over 200 calls per year                            your hip that cushions and seals  Medicine          • Receiving a guided injection of cortisone into the hip joint
      from women in search                               the joint.                                          • Using physical therapy which unloads some of the pressure
      of safety and hope.  The  Founder Carol Beresford  Question: What Causes It?                         from the hip joint
      cottages will house four                             Answer: Trauma (from a car accident, for instance) can     • Modifying activities to a lower, less painful level
      additional residents who have completed the initial   cause a labral tear. But it’s seen more frequently among athletes   Question: What If Conservative Treatment Doesn’t Help?
      two-year program and who are transitioning into a more   whose activities flex the hip while twisting – including yoga and     Answer: If the treatments listed above aren’t working, your
      independent lifestyle.                             Pilates. A variation of normal anatomy can cause a labral tear,   doctor may order an MRI to get a better idea of the pathology
        “It’s an honor to work with Hannah’s Home,” said Dale   as well. Often this is hip impingement, where the shape of the   of the injury. This shows whether there is cartilage damage,
      Hedrick, CEO of Hedrick Brothers Construction. “We are   hip causes abnormal contact between the ball and socket of the   arthritis in the joint or injury to other muscles that might cause
      partners in a shared vision of creating positive change and   joint. The most common root cause of a labral tear is onset over   problems. Depending on how severe the symptoms are, your
      I believe these cottages will stand as a beacon of hope for   time due to physical activity combined with a bony abnormality.  doctor might recommend surgery to fix it.
      individuals in need.”                              Question: Are Certain Groups More Likely To Have A     If you are having hip pain deep in the joint that lasts for
                                                         Labral Tear?                                      more than a month and occurs with particular movements,
                                                           Answer: Women are about twice as likely to experience a   check with your doctor to see if you might have a labral tear.
                                                         labral tear, and it often happens in younger, active patients.  The sooner you pinpoint and address the problem, the sooner
                                                         Question: What Are The Symptoms?                  you can get back to your normal activities with less pain.
                                                           Answer: Many people can have a tear and not have any     To make an appointment with an orthopaedic specialist at
                                                         symptoms at all. If you do notice a symptom, though, it’s   Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital, call (877) 463-2010 or visit
                                                         typically pain deep in the hip joint that doesn’t get worse when for more information.

      Police Chief Gus Medina, Fire Chief Jim Trube, Lt. Keith   Why should a financial
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      Pastor Paul Beresford, Carol Beresford, Abby Brennan,
      Council Member Rick Sartory
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