Page 10 - The Jewish Voice - January '24
P. 10

Page 10, The Jewish Voice

      Local Happenings from page 9                      Catching Up with Wendy

      her artistic prowess result in stunning and intricate sculptures   Derhak
      that captivate the imagination.
         The  Schorr  Gallery                           Eleven years after launching,
      promises  to  immerse                             this non-profit founder
      guests in the breathtaking                        discusses the past, present,
      and awe-inspiring work of                         and future of The Pet Cottage
      internationally acclaimed                         in this exclusive interview.
      fine art conservation                             Why did you start The Pet
      photographers Mac Stone                           Cottage?
      and Carlton Ward Jr. Both                            It all started with my dear
      Stone and Ward, National                          friend Joan. She was an
      Geographic explorers,                             active senior in her early                         What are you most proud of?
      dedicate their lives to                           seventies and at the time                             I’m proud of our Forever Promise. We are not an adoption
      connecting people with our                        I was her personal trainer.                        agency or foster program. We are a new concept. When a pet
      cultural and natural heritage                     We worked out three times                          becomes homeless due to the death, disability, or deployment
      and the preservation of                           a week and became close                            of their owner, we provide a nonjudgmental and supportive
      the Everglades, one of the                        friends. Truthfully, she was                       place for solutions. If a homeless pet fits our mission, we
      world’s most unique and                           like a mother to me. When                          commit to taking care of it for life. This forever promise
      endangered ecosystems.    Mac Stone, Day’s End    she received a terminal                            gives surviving family and friends peace of mind.
         Carlton  Ward Jr. has                          pancreatic cancer diagnosis,                          Our pets, which are mostly seniors, live in the home of a
      played an instrumental role in establishing the Florida   her biggest concern  was:                  Forever Guardian or at our Sanctuary property. The majority
      Wildlife Corridor, a crucial initiative for protecting Florida’s   Who will care for my three        of our Forever Guardians are senior people. The Forever
      wildlife and natural habitats. In April 2023, Ward’s film, “Path   senior cats?                      Guardian provides love and a safe place to call home. The
      of the Panther,” was released on Disney+, further advancing      Joan was a strong, independent woman. She had no   Pet Cottage covers all veterinary expenses. Because of this
      the cause of conservation and raising awareness about the   spouse, no children, and no siblings. Her three furbabies,   partnership, many senior people in our community are able
      vital work needed to safeguard our environment.   Shadow, Smokey, and Jeremy, were her entire world and   to have a senior pet companion.
         Mac Stone captures the narratives of Florida’s Everglades,   sweet companions.                       Our forever promise to each pet in our care means that no
      weaving tales of wildlife that invite his audience to perceive      We started to explore options for rehoming them upon   matter what happens to a guardian, the pet will have a loving
      the swampland not as an obstacle but as a cherished   her death. And we kept hitting dead ends. The thought of   home. It’s a win-win-win situation that makes us do a happy
      national gem. Using his captivating photographs, Stone   placing these beloved family members who had brought   dance!
      illuminates a neglected, timeless, and crucial wilderness   her so much joy and love in a shelter was out of the      To date, we have made 100 Forever promises to pets and
      to spark conversations, provoke thoughts, and foster a   question.                                   supported 84 Forever Guardians and 87 volunteers.
      deep connection that transcends the gap between scientific      So we decided that I would become the guardian of her   What’s your vision for the future?
      understanding and aesthetic appreciation. Stone’s compelling   cats and her lawyer crafted a legal agreement.     Our big goal is to secure a sanctuary property that we can
      message encourages individuals to immerse themselves in      As I supported Joan through the end of her life, I had   call our own. We currently rent in Jupiter Farms and having
      the experience: “Just do it — put your feet in the water,” he   many conversations with the hospice staff about how often   our own property would allow us to expand our mission and
      says. “The swamp will change you, I promise.”     pet owners with terminal illnesses face this reality. They   services by building additional dog cottages, a cat hotel, and
                    Photos provided by Lighthouse ArtCenter  said it was a problem without a solution.     larger volunteer space. We want to be a pillar of support in the
                                                           In 2012, I founded The Pet Cottage as a solution!   community and a known entity for people and pets in need.
      Judea Honors Legacy Donors                           Today, we celebrate and protect the magical relationship      We are always open to new volunteers and Forever
                                                        between people and pets by offering homestyle care to   Guardians joining our pack. Contact us for more information:
         Temple Judea recently honored its legacy donors. The   pets who lose their humans due to death, disability, or   The Pet Cottage, 561-818-5025,
      temple began its legacy campaign in 2013 in honor of   deployment. We also provide senior people with pet
      founding Rabbi Joel Levine, who is now rabbi emeritus.  companions.                                  Local Happenings on page 11
         Since its inception, Temple Judea has over 70 families
      who have made a gift of cash or put Temple Judea in their
      will. The legacy fund ensures the long-term stability of the
      temple. As the Talmud says: I did not find the world desolate
      when I entered it, and as my ancestors planted for me before
      I was born, so do I plant for those who will come after me.
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