Page 5 - Boca ViewPointe - January '24
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January 2024                                                     Viewpointe, Page 5
      My Great-Grandson Is Helping Me Grow

      By Robert W. Goldfarb                              our feelings known in a world changing rapidly around us.     Bob’s articles have appeared in The New York Times,
                                                            My great-grandson and I share something even more   The San Francisco Chronicle and in Next Avenue, the
         Although my first great-grandchild and I are at vastly   complex. He now realizes people and objects continue to exist   publication of the Public Broadcasting Service. His book,
      different mileposts on our journey through life, we are   even when he can’t see them. The lost toy that once existed only   “What’s Stopping Me From Getting Ahead?” was published
      confronting very similar challenges on that journey. He’s eight   when he held it hasn’t vanished. He now knows it’s probably   by McGraw Hill and is in five languages. 
      months old and I’m 94 years old. I’ve lived nearly three times   under his blanket or on the floor. He no longer cries the instant
      as many years as he’s lived weeks. But watching him struggle to   he’s aware his parents aren’t with him. It’s safe to assume they
      pull himself erect in his crib seems no different than my struggle   haven’t vanished and will be back.  IMDA Remembers from page 4
      to stand after kneeling on the floor.                 Too many people in my life have vanished. My memories
         Even more similar are our emotional responses to boundaries   of them are so vivid it’s impossible to believe they will never   their relatives. To the IDF soldiers and officers, get home
      we encounter. His mother – my granddaughter – describes his   return. Amari and I are learning to trust that those we love will   safe – together we will win – Happy Maccabees’ holiday.”
      frustration when he can’t duplicate a leap he’s made. Among his   always be with us, his to touch, mine to hold deep within my      Israeli  soccer  Union  Chairman,  Shino  Zuaretz
      emerging skills is crawling. Frustration is the chair that stands   soul.                             commented “Amit’s story is based on the noble values
      between him and his path. My frustration is directed not at a      Seeing Amari’s possibilities flourish while mine are growing   that the beautiful State of Israel is based on. Amit made
      chair but at being told I must change my password.  sparse surprisingly hasn’t depressed me. That my great-grandson   sure to do all she could for the greater good even when
         The worlds Amari and I live in could not be more different,   and I are on a journey together floods me with joy. Amari’s   it meant risking her life. Not many people can put the
      but both are being shaken by change. Weeks ago, his entire world   willingness to pull himself up knowing he hasn’t yet learned   greater good ahead of their own, even less in front of
      was his mother whose presence left little room for anything else.   to sit down takes courage. That courage has inspired me to take   their own lives. Their deaths command us to live, and
      Now his vision is expanding to reveal there are things and people   risks I had been cautioned to avoid. I’ll soon make my third trip   we should never forget even for a moment their devotion
      in what had been the blurry space behind her. His tranquil world   to San Francisco to see him, a five-hour flight friends tell me is   and love for the other and if we don’t make sure we are
      is becoming bigger and puzzling. My world is also puzzling, not   too long for someone my age.        better people, for them and their memory.”
      because it’s growing but because it is shrinking. People who once      One of my daughters once compared me to an oak tree that      MDA Director General Eli Bin commented “During
      filled my world have gone to assisted living or to darker places.  towered over our garden. I find myself thinking of Amari and   the morning of October 7th a call was received in the
         As friends have slipped away, I’m having difficulty   me as trees. He’s a sapling, springing higher after the briefest   MDA dispatch center from Amit, the Negev Region
      communicating with acquaintances far younger than I who   passing shower. I’m more like that old oak tree whose growth   paramedic who reported she is treating casualties in
      assume I’m familiar with people and events I’ve never heard   is too slight to measure. But, just to remain standing reassures   Be’eri’s clinic. For many hours Amit continued to report
      of. I now understand why Amari cries when his attempts to   me I am deeply rooted and still growing. The very presence of   and each one was professional, accurate and optimistic,
      communicate are not understood. He must wonder why they   my great-grandson nourishes those roots and the tree they hold   as if the storm raining around her was not affecting her.
      keep trying to feed him when he isn’t hungry. It’s not food he   fast. Just knowing we are together on our journeys fills me with   Those who knew Amit weren’t surprised from the way
      wants, but his warm sweater! The two of us struggle to make   confidence that if this small being can grow, so can I.  she operated that day, from her dedication to save lives
                                                                                                            and from the fact she put the welfare of others ahead
                                                                                                            of her own. Because that was Amit Mann – the lovely
                                                                                                            paramedic, partner, sister and daughter. May her memory
                                                                                                            be blessed.”

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