Page 6 - Boca ViewPointe - December '23
P. 6

Page 6, Viewpointe                                                  December 2023
      Is Self Insurance Possible For Community Associations?

      By Donna DiMaggio Berger                           many legislators are optimistic that tort reform will   To date, there has not been a condominium self-insurance
                                                         result in increased insurer interest in the Florida market,   fund approved by the OIR. It’s not impossible to imagine
         Insurance premiums                              that optimism has not yet been echoed by the insurance   such a fund being created but it would be a challenge as the
      have always constituted                            industry and relief from high premiums is still not a reality   associations participating in such a group should be spread
      a significant percentage                           in the commercial/residential policy space.       out geographically to minimize the risk of all participating
      of most community                                     Regardless of the factors which created the current   communities being impacted at one time. Most association
      association budgets but                            insurance crisis in Florida, there is no denying that many   boards know their fellow communities but not those in
      astronomical  increases                            residents are not equipped to pay the resulting budgetary   other parts of the state. Associations participating in a
      in  recent  years  have                            increases and displacement of a large percentage of these   self-insurance fund are subject to assessment for damage
      completely changed the                             people is a real possibility in the near future.  to other properties but have no way of controlling whether
      budget landscape.  In                                 Many Florida associations are now asking whether   those other properties are well maintained or have any
      addition to unaffordable                           they can self insure and others are simply buying less   form of hurricane protection on their buildings.
      premiums, many insurers are denying full replacement   coverage than full replacement value. The Condominium      It is also important to note that self-insuring does not
      cost coverage and demanding roof replacement for roofs   Act requires all condominium boards in Florida to use   mean “going bare” in terms of one’s ability to repair and/or
      that are still functioning and/or pushing for complete   their best efforts to obtain and maintain adequate property   replace association property in the aftermath of a casualty
      exterior hurricane protection in order to offer coverage.   insurance for the Condominium and association property   event. An association struggling to pay high insurance
      When asked what factors caused this crisis, insurance   for full insurable replacement cost or similar coverage   premiums is likely to struggle even more to pay for repairs
      experts point to the unprecedented losses over the last   based on appraisals which are conducted every three years.   and replacements out of pocket. If association members
      few years as well as a lack of reinsurance options. While   Some governing documents also require full replacement   push their boards to self-insure, even a unanimous owner
                                                         value for coverage.                               vote to do so does not insulate the board members from
                 Golf Carts                                association must use its best efforts to insure the cooperative   potential liability should a casualty occur. Board members
                                                           The Cooperative Act also provides that a cooperative
                                                                                                           serve as fiduciaries while the owners do not. Moreover,
                                                         property but it does not impose the standard of full
                                                                                                           existing owners and an inability to obtain financing for
                                                         insurable replacement cost based on appraisals conducted   a lack of coverage may result in mortgage defaults for
            Please Drive                                 every three years. Some cooperative associations do not   potential purchasers.
                                                         allow mortgages which provides those boards with more

                                                                                                             One solution might be to change the statutory standard
              Carefully!                                 flexibility regarding coverage decisions as there are no   from  “best  efforts”  to  commercially  reasonable  efforts
                                                                                                           based upon commercially reasonable underwriting criteria.
                                                         lender rights to consider. Conversely, some cooperative
                                                         associations are subject to long-term land leases which   Further legislation could also establish specific guidelines
                                                         require them to maintain a specific level of coverage and   on how communities can self-insure if they want to do so.
                                                         self-insurance may not be an option for those communities.  Boards can also work with consultants to determine what
                                                            The HOA Act provides that a homeowners’ association   level of coverage other than full insurable replacement
            Attention Dog Owners                         may create a group of no fewer than three communities   cost is prudent based on forecasting models.

                                                                                                             If you  live  in a  single-family  home  which  is  not
                                                         and if the coverage they provide is sufficient to cover an
                                                         amount equal to the probable maximum loss for those   subject to a mortgage, rolling the dice by not purchasing
         It is your responsibility to pick up after your dog.   communities for a 250-year windstorm event then such   windstorm coverage might be a risk you’re willing to take.
                       It’s the law.                     coverage is deemed adequate.                      However, serving on a condominium, cooperative or HOA
          Some of you have been negligent in doing so.      Such probable maximum loss must be determined   board where you are making that decision on behalf of
                Please keep our                          through the use of a competent model that has been   other owners and you are subject to statutory requirements
            Boca Pointe community                        accepted by the Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss   is a different matter entirely. The answer to the question
                   beautiful!                            Projection Methodology. Any such self-insurance group   posed in the title of this article is complex and requires
                                                         for a condominium must be approved by the Office of   considerable input and guidance from your community’s
                                                         Insurance Regulation in accordance with Chapter 624, F.S.   professional advisors. 

                                                                 A BETTER RETIREMENT PLAN
                                                                 REQUIRES A SHIFT IN THINKING

                                                                                             Case Study # 1
                                                                                             Paying Off  Debt to Free Up More Cash

                                                                                             •   Meet Robert
                                                                                             •   Robert, age 77, wants to pay off his existing mortgage to free up more
                                                                                                 cash flow to pay for aging at home services.
                                                                                             •   Home value: $610,000
                                                                                             •   Current Loan: $225,000 (8 Years Left) 4.0%
                                                                                             •   Monthly Payment: $2,300
                                                                                             •   With a reverse mortgage, Robert can pay off his mortgage saving him
                                                             Case Study # 2                      $2300 per month and $27,600 annually!

                                                             Replacing Lost Income
                                                             •   Meet Carol
                                                             •   Carol, age 80, is a widow, who sought upfront cash to mitigate the costs of
                                                                 her husband’s final care. She also needed to replace lost income.
                                                             •   Lost Income: $800 (her Social Security income) + $450 (husband’s pension)
                                                             •   Remaining income: $2,100 (husband’s social security income)
                                                             •   Home value: $650,000, free, and clear
                                                             •   With a reverse mortgage, Carol was able to replace her lost income by
                                                                 opting for tenure payments - and additional $2,114.81 per month in her
                                                                                          Case Study # 3

                                                                                          The Power Of  Planning With a Line Of  Credit
                                                                                          •   Meet George and Barbara
                                                                                          •   George (75) and Barbara (68) were referred via a financial planner as they
                                                                                              were seeking to establish a line of credit to hedge against longevity risk.
                                                                                          •   Great monthly cash flow
                                                                                          •   Assets depleting due to retirement income draws
                                                                                          •   Barbara was concerned about expenses and care for George as he ages.
                                                                                          •   Home value: $620,000, free, and clear
                                                                                          •   With a reverse mortgage, George and Barbara were able to achieve peace
                                                                                              of mind by establishing a $191,445.80 line of credit for future needs.

                                                                            Reversing PA Mortgage, LLC
                                                                            Michael J. Friedman, Broker/Owner      “Call Today
                                                                            215-901-6521 / 561-631-1701          No Obligation”
                                                                                 This material is not from HUD or
                                                                                  FHA and has not been approved by
                                                                            Available Day, Evenings & Weekends   HUD or a government agency.
                                                                            NMLS# 1396947  NMLS# 131880

                                                                 DISCLAIMER: The homeowner must meet all loan obligations including living in the property as the principal residence and paying property charges, including property taxes, fees, hazard
                                                                 insurance. The homeowner must maintain the home, if the homeowner does not meet the loan obligations, then the loan will need to be repaid. License in PA #53672 and FL # MBR2252.
                                                                 Examples are for illustration purposes only. Numbers vary depending on the state you live in. Subject to change at anytime.
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