Page 9 - Palm City Spotlight - October '23
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Palm City Spotlight, Page 9


      Roses And Rosé To Benefit                            Tickets are $125 per person and must
                                                         be pre-purchased. Roses and Rosé starts
      Catch The Wave Of Hope                             at 11 a.m. and will end at 1:30 p.m.
                                                         Brunch attire is suggested and fascinators
      By Jackie Holfelder                                are optional. To purchase your ticket,
        An upscale luncheon on Nov. 9 at the popular Hudson’s   visit
      on the River will benefit Catch the  Wave of Hope   upcoming-events. Seating is limited.
      (CTWH), the nonprofit with a mission to prevent the     Sponsorships between $500 and
      sex trafficking of children through awareness, education,   $5,000 are still available. Join such
      restoration and legislation.                       prestigious local businesses as Hudson’s
        CTWH is impacting the community as it shares information,   on the River, Elevate Vero Beach, Foto
      debunks myths and brings local experts into conversations with   Fun Photobooths, Black Sheep Salon,
      the public to better prepare everyone to recognize the inherent   Albany Aesthetics, Pirate Firearms LLC,
      dangers in this heinous crime.                     Rosi Shepard Real Estate, Mi Creations
        Roses and Rosé will be nothing short of fabulous: a light   & Events, DJ Louise G Entertainment,
      lunch featuring Hudson’s enticing food, complimentary   Flowers by Silvia, Pasta by Pollo, Laura
      rosé and no speakers, vendors, fashion show or silent or live   Leighton Real Estate, Vosters Insurance,   Roses and Rosé committee members Sarah Marie Henry, CTWH executive
      auctions! Step into the photo booth that will be on site and   Circle 6 Consulting, Ship Camps,   director; Bonnie Gorman; Nicole Vosters; Fida Georges, event chair; Gia
      take fun photos with your friends who are attending.  Romagosa Barron Dermatology and   Skoch; Kelly Laurine, CTWH Board chair; and Michelle Campolong
        A handful of high-ticket items like a Louis Vuitton   Stuart  Periodontics  who  have  already                 Photo provided by Catch the Wave of Hope
      purse and unique staycation packages will be raffled and   signed on to be part of this important
      Catch the Wave of Hope’s knowledgeable and personable   event.                                         To learn more about Catch the Wave of Hope, visit
      Executive Director Sarah Marie Henry will offer a short     Hudson’s on the River is located at 351 S.W. Flagler or email Sarah Marie
      briefing on Catch the Wave of Hope.                Ave., Stuart, Fla.                                Henry at
                                                             cLub news

      ‘Publish’ Your Ancestry Story                        Florida native Attride grew up in Cocoa Beach and   since 2018, Attride  has  served as  vice president  and
      With The Martin County                             Daytona Beach and earned a Bachelor of Science degree   president of the organization.
                                                         in chemical engineering at the University of Florida in
                                                                                                             Free and open to the public, the meeting will be at the
      Genealogical Society                               1979. He left the state for 40 years, working for a major   Blake Library, 2351 S.E. Monterey Road in Stuart, from
                                                         chemical company in Tennessee. He took his first steps   1 to 3 p.m., Friday, Nov. 17. To participate via Zoom, go
        If you’ve ever wanted to write a book about your lineage   in genealogy as a teenager and returned to the hobby   to and register by Nov. 16.
      and family stories handed down through the years, you won’t   seriously 30 years ago. Attride has made genealogical     The Martin County Genealogical Society offers a
      want to miss the November meeting of the Martin County   trips to Salt Lake City, the United Kingdom and Germany.   variety of services at the Genealogy Room in the Blake
      Genealogical Society (MCGS). Presenting “How to Publish   He self-published a book about the Bassett families of   Library including an extensive research library, access to
      the Book in You,” MCGS President David Attride will focus   Wales, first used Kindle Direct Publishing  to  publish   several genealogy websites and assistance from MCGS
      on using Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing to publish and   a book about his wife’s German heritage and recently   volunteers. For more information about membership,
      sell a book. He also will discuss how to use MixBook to   published a book about the history of his maternal great-  activities and services go to
      create photo books to share your memorable images.   grandfather’s hometown in Germany. Active in MCGS

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