Page 6 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - October '23
P. 6

Page 6, Jupiter Ocean Mile
      Commissioner’s Update

      Water Works                                        including Loxahatchee River restoration – are part of the   its Water Resources Task Force Advisory Board, and the
                                                         vast Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Project, led   Loxahatchee River Management Coordinating Council.
      By Commissioner Maria                              by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.                Local initiatives rely on financial support from state
      Marino                                               Project goals seek to capture water flows through canals   and federal partners. Recently, Palm Beach County
        Water, an element we                             and basins to meet drinking water demands; recharge   received a $7.7 million grant from the Florida Department
      cannot live without, is                            canals and wells; reduce discharge to tide; treat/filter water   of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to upgrade the
      something Florida receives                         headed to the Loxahatchee River and the Lake Worth   levee at the southeast side of the J.W. Corbett Wildlife
      a lot of, especially through                       Lagoon; and, reduce flooding.                     Management Area, which will reduce the risk of flooding
      the summer rainy season,                             Water managers and project engineers have determined   in the Acreage and Loxahatchee communities within the
      adding  up  to an  annual                          that these goals are achievable by utilizing wetlands under   Indian Trail Improvement District.
      rainfall of about 4½ feet on                       conservation and by constructing stormwater treatment     Additionally, FDEP awarded grants totaling $113
      average. This abundance of                         areas and reservoirs. Mecca Farms, a site just north of   million to the county toward the construction of Cells 12
      water presents challenges to                       Northlake Boulevard on Seminole Pratt Whitney Road   and 13 of Phase II of the C-51 Reservoir. The L-8 Canal
      improving systems to store,                        will serve as one of the water storage areas. Additionally,   sends water from Lake Okeechobee into our region.
      filter, and send it to where it is needed most, rather than   rock pits owned by Palm Beach Aggregates on the north   Once these cells are fully connected to the L-8 Canal, the
      letting it flow out to the ocean.                  side of Southern Boulevard at Twenty-Mile Bend are the   reservoir will be capable of providing water to restore the
        In 1985, the U.S. Department of Interior designated the   site of a multiphase public/private project comprising the   northwest fork of the Loxahatchee River and connected
      northwest fork of the Loxahatchee River for inclusion in   C-51 Reservoir.                           wetlands, combat salt water intrusion by canal recharge,
      the Federal Wild & Scenic River system, recognizing its     Local government agencies have contributed expertise   and increase water supply.
      essential habitats supporting a wide spectrum of ecological   and funding to plan and implement features of the overall     Each of these costly and complex projects are pieces of
      resources. In the decades to follow, the South Florida   project, such as the L-8 reservoir, purchasing and restoring   the overall puzzle to effectively store, filter and manage
      Water Management District (SFWMD) embarked on a    wetlands to connect the flow of water, construction of   water, while enhancing our natural environment, and as
      plan, in collaboration with local government and drainage   control structures and pumps, and increasing capacity.  you can see, requires the help of numerous stakeholders
      districts to create additional water storage in the L-8 canal     These agencies include Palm Beach County, the City of   to achieve.
      basin in order to protect and restore the Loxahatchee River.   West Palm Beach – whose drinking water supplies relies on     At the end of the day, water is a precious resource and
      Components of the Lower East Coast Regional Water   adequate levels of filtered water in Grassy Waters Preserve,   our county continually needs to think outside the box to aid
      Supply Plan affecting Northern Palm Beach County –   Indian Trail Improvement District, SFWMD, South Indian   in water management strategies. As a man stated recently
                                                         River Water Control District, Lake Worth Drainage District,
                                                                                                           at a county commission public hearing, water is life.
      Reading Time                                       and Pal Mar Water Control District. The county also     Please contact me if I can assist you at (561) 355-2201
                                                                                                           or by email at
                                                         receives input on options studied and recommended through
      With Dad                                                                                     “Service is our number one priority”

      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,
      School Psychologist                                                                          
        James and the Giant
      Peach and Danny, Champion
      of the World were two of
      Roald Dahl’s books my dad
      read with me when I was in
      elementary school. Some
      of my fondest childhood
      memories were reading these
      books with my dad. We did
      other things together like
      playing basketball, going fishing, and riding bikes but the
      relational connection of sitting next to my dad on the couch
      and feeling his presence and love was strong and evident.
      Dad gave me his precious gift of time.
        The father-child relationship is powerful and creates a                                                                      Expires 11/15/23.
      foundation for your child’s psyche to develop. Will your child
      feel loved and affirmed or rejected and ignored by dad? As                                                          State Licensed & Insured
      a school psychologist and dad, I get it. Dads are busy. Dads   Serving Palm Beach County                          CPC # 1457468 • LPG#30099
      might believe they don’t have the nurturing instinct that mom
      holds. They are busy providing for their family. Parenting
      expert, Meg Meeker, M.D., says, “After 30 years in my
      medical practice and extensive research, I see one common
      thread in children of all ages: the direct correlation between
      a father’s presence and a child’s well-being.”
        If you are a dad reading this, it’s not meant to guilt you.
      Whether you’ve messed up or think it’s too late, your child
      of any age still needs you. They don’t need perfection; they
      need your presence and affirmation. Start small. Perhaps
      for you it’s asking them more thoughtful questions, taking
      a genuine interest in them telling you about a favorite video
      game, or watching a funny video together. For other dads
      it is telling your child what every child wants to hear: You
      love them and are proud of them.                                                                                  Life moves fast—
        Parenting is an on the job learning experience. Here are

      a few resources to help you along the way: Meg Meeker’s                                        prepare for the unexpected
      book Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters, Robert Lewis’ book
      Raising A Modern Day Knight or John C. Maxwell’s book                                               with Accident Insurance.
      Intentional Living, are thoughtful books to help dads along
      their parenting journey. Check out Dad, you
      got this.
        Call or text to discuss your child as we test for autism,
      dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD, depression, and anxiety. Visit
                                                          We’re here to help. or call (561) 625-4125.

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