Page 10 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - September '23
P. 10

Page 10, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Nearly 200 Animals Found Homes

      At The 10th Annual Countdown 2 Zero Pet Adoption Event

        This year’s event                                Searcy  Denney  Scarola
      took place at multiple                             Barnhart  &  Shipley,  PA,
      locations throughout                               Inn the DogHouse, Velocity
      Palm Beach County.                                 Community Credit Union,
        The 10th annual                                  WPBF 25 News, and
      Countdown  2 Zero                                  Hubbard Radio Stations.
      (C2Z) Mega Pet                                     About The Countdown 2
      Adoption Event took                                Zero Initiative
      place on Saturday,                                   Launched in 2014,
      July  22  at  multiple                             Countdown 2 Zero is a
      locations in Palm                                  public/private community
      Beach  County. This                                collaboration initiated by
      year’s event featured                              Peggy Adams Animal Rescue
      an updated model,                                  League and the PBC Board
      as local rescues and                               of County Commissioners,
      shelters  organized                                to bring local animal welfare
      their promotions and  Adopter Anaiz with dog Kendall  organizations together
      events, partnering                                 and end the euthanasia of
      with  pet  stores  and                             adoptable animals in PBC.
      businesses or hosting                              To learn more, please visit  Peggy Adams staff with Saturday adoption total - 87
      events at their                           or email
      respective  locations.                                               The mission of the Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League is
      A total of 191 animals                             About Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League            to provide shelter to lost, homeless, and unwanted animals,
      found loving forever                                 Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League is a nonprofit   to provide spay and neuter and other medical services for
      homes during the                                   organization that provides critical services to more than   companion animals, and to care for, protect, and find quality
      daylong event.                                     35,000 animals each year and collaborates with local area
        Or ganized  by                                   rescues to expand the lifesaving work in Palm Beach County.  Nearly 200 Animals Found Homes on page 11
      Peggy Adams Animal
      Rescue League and                                                                           “Service is our number one priority”
      Palm Beach County
      Animal  Care  and  Adopters Mick and Brie with dog                                                        561-743-0070
      Control  (PBCACC),  Nemo
      the Countdown 2 Zero
      Adoption  Event  is  a                                                                       
      collaborative effort of
      a dozen local animal
      rescue  organizations
      to  save  the  lives  of
      animals in Palm
      Beach  County. To
      date, C2Z adoption
      events have found
      over  2,700 animals
      their forever homes.
        “We are so excited  Adopter Olga with kitten Stanley
      that 87 animals at
      Peggy Adams were adopted during the 10th annual C2Z
      event,” said Sue Berry, CEO of Peggy Adams Animal                                                                             Expires 10/15/23.
      Rescue League. “All of the participating rescue groups were
      able to find forever homes for many of the animals in their                                                        State Licensed & Insured
      care and are grateful to all those who came out to adopt.”  Serving Palm Beach County                            CPC # 1457468 • LPG#30099
        Rescue  organizations  participating  included  Peggy
      Adams Animal Rescue League, Palm Beach County Animal
      Care and Control, Ali Cat Rescue, Animal Rescue Force of
      South Florida, Barky Pines Animal Rescue and Sanctuary,
      Dezzy’s Second Chance Animal Rescue, Furry Friends, GTS
      Husky Rescue, Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue, Palm Beach
      Parrot Rescue and Tri-County Animal Rescue.
        Sponsors of the 10th annual C2Z Event included Polk
      Wealth Management Group, MetLife Pet Insurance,
      ShelterLuv, Scenthound, Nozzle Nolen Pest Solutions,
      Very Important Paws, Camp Rusty Dog Retreat, PetMeds,

      Adopters Laura and Kim

                                                                                              A College Preparatory Catholic High School

        Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing                                           Our Vision is to build life’s champions
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        Captain’s is committed to providing
        dependable, reliable and professional                                                       STRONG FAMILY ATMOSPHERE.
        ground transportation to and from all                                                        
        South Florida Airports and Seaports.  PBCVH212                                                          West Palm Beach, FL
           To reserve your vehicle:                                                                                   (561) 683-6266
       561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890
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