Page 9 - Jupiter Spotlight - September '23
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Jupiter Spotlight, Page 9
      Renowned Surgeon Achieves Milestone In Robotic Surgery

      Expert Oncologic Surgeon,                            “Robotic  instruments                             Bhagwandin’s approach is complemented by the team of
      Shanel Bhagwandin, D.O.,                           are  often  used  in  minimally                   multidisciplinary experts at AFCI, which includes surgical
                                                         invasive  surgeries,”  explains
                                                                                                           oncologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists,
      FACS, MPH, Completes 500th                         Bhagwandin. “A robotic-assisted                   diagnostic and interventional radiologists, genetic counselors
                                                                                                           and patient navigators who are committed to providing cancer
                                                         approach is generally associated
      Robotic-Assisted Surgery                           with less pain, less blood loss,                  care of the highest quality. AFCI offers the community all
                                                         shorter hospital stays, and shorter               aspects of oncology care and treatment in one location, allowing
        The leader in quality, safety and patient experience,   recovery  times  so  our  cancer           patients to complete a full schedule of appointments in as
      Jupiter Medical Center is pleased to announce the milestone   patients can focus on quality of       short as a day rather than sometimes weeks at other hospitals
      500th da Vinci  robotic-assisted surgery to treat rare forms   life and recovery following the       where components of care can be geographically dispersed.
      of cancer performed by Shanel Bhagwandin, D.O., FACS,   surgery.” Bhagwandin also serves as the vice-chief of surgery   Recently, AFCI’s Next Day Oncologist appointment program
      MPH, medical director Gastrointestinal Surgical Oncology   at Jupiter Medical Center, where he has focused on improving   was launched, providing patients the opportunity to schedule
      Program, and program director of the National Pancreas   the quality and outcomes of all surgical specialties. “I am   their initial consultation within 24 hours of receiving a diagnosis,
      Foundation (NPF) Pancreatic Cancer Center of Excellence   proud to work with patients and their families to offer them   allowing them to jump-start their journey to beat cancer.
      at Jupiter Medical Center.                         the best surgical outcomes for their cancer treatment with a     In fall 2023, the health system’s highly anticipated,
        Dr.  Bhagwandin  is  the                         focus on their quality of life,” says Bhagwandin.  90,000-square-foot  Johnny  and  Terry  Gray  Surgical
      only board certified complex                         The da Vinci Robotic Surgical System is designed to   Institute is slated to open, meeting the needs of the growing
      general surgical oncologist                        provide surgical assistance beyond the capabilities of human   community. The institute will have 16 operating rooms;
      in  Palm  Beach,  Martin,                          hands; increases the surgeon’s view using high-definition   “smart” rooms will accommodate complex and robotic
      Brevard, and Indian River                          3-D visualization; and is used in a number of areas including   surgeries, while the hybrid suites will offer surgeons the
      counties, and one of fewer                         gastrointestinal, thoracic, cardiac and general surgeries at   ability to transition from a minimally invasive surgery to
      than 10 in Florida, that treats                    Jupiter Medical Center, which boasts more than 35 surgeons   an open procedure when necessary, providing patients and
      patients with specific types                       trained in this technology. Jupiter Medical Center was one of   their families with more options. The “operating rooms of
      of cancer with a minimally                         the first 10 hospitals in the world to introduce the da Vinci   the future” will use leading edge technology that is digitally
      invasive  approach  with                           XI model. Bhagwandin has also pioneered the use of robotic   integrated, enabling the surgical team to send real-time
      the assistance of da Vinci                         technology in hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy   updates to the patient’s family or caregiver.
      technology. Board certified                        (HIPEC) procedures, for treatment of abdominal cancers     For more information about Jupiter Medical Center,
      in both general surgery and                        that spread throughout the abdomen. Just last year, one of his   visit, or follow Jupiter Medical Center on
      complex  general  surgical                         patients made a full recovery and went on to hike the Inca   Facebook and Instagram @jupitermedicalcenter. For a next
      oncology, Bhagwandin treats patients with malignancies of   Trail in Machu Pichu, Peru, following a HIPEC performed   day oncologist appointment call (561) 263-4400.
      the gallbladder and bile duct, colon and rectum, esophagus,   by Bhagwandin at Jupiter Medical Center.  About Jupiter Medical Center
      liver, and pancreatic cancer. Cumulatively, Bhagwandin     “Employing  the  most  sophisticated  technologies  in     Rated No. 1 in the region for quality, safety and patient
      has performed over 1,500 cancer-related surgeries since   the hands of our expert physicians is at the forefront of   experience, Jupiter Medical Center is the leading destination
      arriving to the area in 2017 from Mount Sinai Hospital   our mission to provide the best, most innovative care for   for world-class health care in Palm Beach County and
      in New York City. In addition to the designation from the   our community,” says Rogerio C. Lilenbaum, SVP and   across the Treasure Coast. Jupiter Medical Center’s state-
      National Pancreas Foundation as a Center of Excellence   chief physician executive, and director of The Anderson   of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technologies enable
      for Pancreatic Cancer in 2022 – just one of seven centers   Family Cancer Institute (AFCI), where Bhagwandin is   its award-winning physicians to provide a comprehensive
      in Florida to achieve this – the program was also named   based.  “Bhagwandin’s  500th  da Vinci  robotic  surgery   continuum of inpatient and outpatient health care services.
      “high performing” in colon cancer surgery by U.S. News &   is a testament to his dedication to offering his patients   Jupiter Medical Center’s specialty centers of excellence
      World Report. Jupiter Medical Center is also recognized as a   specialized treatment for some of the most aggressive   include: comprehensive cancer care, cardiovascular care,
      referral center, and offers one of the most experienced high-  forms of cancer. This is a tremendous accomplishment, and   orthopedics, neurosciences, and women’s and children’s
      volume centers in the region for robotic liver, pancreas,   indicative of the caliber of extraordinary physicians we are   services. For more information about Jupiter Medical Center,
      colorectal, and esophageal cancers.                recruiting to Jupiter Medical Center.”            please call (561) 263-2200 or visit
         Keep Kids Safe As They Head Back To School

         Center For Child Counseling Launches            smart choices in all areas as they become healthy, powerful  Palm Beach and Martin Counties.
         Bekidsafe.Org Platform To Ensure All            adults.                                            For teachers, schools, districts, and parents interested
         Children Grow Up Safe From Abuse                  CampSafe   ultimately serves the same purpose as Stay  in learning more about how to be proactive in preventing

                                                         KidSafe!™ but is training for camp leadership and staff.  and responding to child sexual abuse, visit
           Twenty-eight states, including Florida, and D.C. have  For summer 2022, more than 7,000 camp staff across 54  or email to learn more.
         passed legislation mandating instruction within schools  camps participated in the CampSafe  training program.      Layman emphasized, “Education is the key to prevention
         on child sexual abuse awareness and prevention, as of    Sexual abuse and human trafficking can have long-  – we must empower our schools, homes, and communities
         January 2023. Unfortunately, 14 states have no laws in  lasting  physical  and  emotional  effects,  including:  with the tools to teach children and adults how to keep kids
         place. With the start of the new school year, Center for  depression, eating disorders, self-blame, self-destructive  safe. It’s time we move beyond awareness and take action
         Child Counseling (CFCC) wants to ensure every student  behaviors, intergenerational cyclical abuse, learning  to stop sexual abuse before it happens so kids can grow up
         throughout Florida, and across the United States, is  disabilities, drug abuse.                  to be healthy, powerful adults!”
         protected and safe from abuse. To attain this goal, the    “As devastating as this public health crisis is, sexual
         Palm Beach Gardens-based agency recently launched  abuse and these long-term effects can be prevented through – an online platform with prevention  education. We created to make it easy for  About Center For Child Counseling
         education for all adults who work with children.   ALL adults to become trauma-aware and recognize and    Center for Child Counseling has been building the
           Every nine minutes, a child is a victim of sexual abuse  stop childhood trauma and abuse in its tracks,” stated Renée  foundation for playful, healthful, and hopeful living for
         and assault ( Florida ranks third in the nation  Layman, CEO for Center for Child Counseling.  children and families in Palm Beach County since 1999.
         in calls to the National Human Trafficking hotline. It is    The training programs and workshops offered on  Its services focus on preventing and healing the effects of
         reported far too often—teachers, coaches, pastors, priests, were developed by professionals with  adverse experiences and toxic stress on children, promoting
         family members, friends, neighbors, political and business  expertise in sexual abuse prevention and training. Center  resiliency and healthy family, school, and community
         leaders charged with sexual assault. One in four girls and  for Child Counseling partnered with experts in learning  relationships., Twitter: @
         one in thirteen boys will report they were sexually abused  and development, using the most up-to-date elearn method  ChildCounselPBC Facebook: @CenterforChildCounseling,
         by the age of 18. 70 to 90 percent of commercially exploited  utilizes engaging, child-friendly content, including  Instagram: @childcounselpbc
         youth have a history of child sexual abuse. Awareness of  professionally animated
         these offenders and those victims being grotesquely violated  videos and age-appropriate
         and trafficked is not enough: the abuse needs to be stopped  safety skills and lessons.
         before it happens!                                Stay KidSafe!™ is available
  is a platform for educators, camp staff,  at no cost to child-serving
         and other child-facing professionals to easily access online  organizations and schools in
         training programs, like Stay KidSafe!™ and CampSafe ,  Palm Beach County, Fla., and
        and workshops to learn how to keep children safe through  reduced cost to other schools
        effective strategies that prevent abuse, build safety and  and districts throughout the
        communication skills, promote positive relationships and  state and country thanks
        resilience, and identify risk early.             to financial support from
          Stay KidSafe!™ is an online training designed to provide  partner organizations, such as:
        educators and students with the awareness and knowledge  Impact the Palm Beaches, the
        needed to prevent child sexual abuse. Since 2009, the Stay  Morgridge Family Foundation,
        KidSafe!™ program has empowered more than 60,000  Boca Regional Hospital, Boca
        children with personal safety education and has taught  West Children’s Foundation,
        more than 50,000 parents, guardians, teachers, and child-  The Batchelor Foundation,
        serving professionals how to keep kids safe. In addition  First  Horizon Foundation,
        to protecting children from sexual abuse, KidSafe teaches  Florida Blue Foundation, and
        children safety tools and skills that help them make safe and  Community Foundation for
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