Page 9 - Jupiter Spotlight - August '23
P. 9

Jupiter Spotlight, Page 9
      LMC’s Director Of Research Wins

      Sea Turtle Week’s 2023 ‘Scientist Of The Year’ Contest

        Dr. Justin Perrault,                               Before votes became open to the public, Perrault was
      the director of research                           selected  as  one  of  four  finalists  by  Sea Turtle Week’s
      at Loggerhead                                      international panel of judges made up of sea turtle
      Marinelife Center                                  conservationists and scientists. The judges evaluated Perrault’s
      (LMC), was selected                                overall impact of his research on sea turtle conservation and
      as Sea Turtle Week’s                               management, his collaboratation with peers and organizations,
      2023 Audience                                      and the inclusion of diversity in his research.
      Choice winner for                                    Perrault’s leadership at the center’s research department
      “Scientist of the Year.”                           has contributed to one of the most comprehensive sea
      Celebrated annually,                               turtle data sets, enabling evidence-based conservation that
      Sea Turtle Week                                    contributes to the recovery of local and global sea turtle
      highlights individuals                             populations. His research aims to understand the effects of
      working on important,                              humans on the health, reproduction, and survival of sea turtles.
      groundbreaking, and  Justin Perrault                 “As scientists, we put in the hard work because we love our
      novel projects that                                jobs and the species we work to protect. Sea turtles become a   Justin Perrault holding a Kemp’s ridley sea turtle
      advance our understanding of sea turtles and their conservation.   part of our identities,” said Perrault. “I am honored to have been
                                                                                                           chosen for this award and will continue to further conservation
                                                                                                           efforts of our sea turtles on our local beaches.”
                                                                                                             For his selection as the Audience Choice Winner, Perrault
                                                                                                           received a $500 prize that will be allocated toward his sea turtle
                                                                                                           rehabilitation and conservation projects at LMC.
                                                                                                             For more information, visit
                                                                                                           About Loggerhead Marinelife Center (LMC)
                                                                                                             Loggerhead Marinelife Center, located in Loggerhead
                                                                                                           Park, Juno Beach, Fla., is a sea turtle research, rehabilitation,
                                                                                                           education, and conservation center. The center also manages
                                                                                                           the Juno Beach Pier across the street from the park.
                                                                                                           Established in 1983, LMC seeks to promote conservation
                                                                                                           of ocean ecosystems with a special focus on threatened and
                                                                                                           endangered sea turtles. Its facilities include a sea turtle
                                                                                                           hospital, a research laboratory, and exhibit areas, including
                                                                                                           live sea turtles and other coastal creatures.
                                                                                                                    Photos courtesy of Loggerhead Marinelife Center

                                                                                                            Identify Dyslexia


                                                                                                            By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,
                                                                                                            School Psychologist
                                                                                                              Dyslexia can be
                                                                                                            identified in a child who
                                                                                                            is at least halfway through
                                                                                                            kindergarten and age 5½
                                                                                                            or older. There are always
                                                                                                            early warning signs like
                                                                                                            those in Chris that point to
                                                                                                            reading difficulty.
                                                                                                              Chris’ mom explained
                                                                                                            it this way. In Pre-K Chris
                                                                                                            had difficulty identifying letters and the sounds they made
                                                                                                            as well as rhyming. In kindergarten she still had trouble
                                                                                                            rhyming. She had trouble sounding out words when
                                                                                                            reading. Her reading was labored, not quick or fluent.
                                                                                                            She guessed words by their first letter. She mixed up letter
                                                                                                            sound sequences in a word or forgot the same word she
                                                                                                            just read on the previous page again and again. She seemed
                                                                                                            to learn best memorizing flash cards. She can somewhat
                                                                                                            read but it has taken way more amounts of flash cards and
                                                                                                            assistance than should be required. I think she has dyslexia.
                                                                                                              Our thorough testing confirmed this mom’s intuition
                                                                                                            and provided her with the paperwork needed to obtain
                                                                                                            school help through an Individualized Education Plan
                                                                                                            (IEP) as well as apply for and receive the Florida Family
                                                                                                            Empowerment Scholarship. The scholarship money
                                                                                                            helped mom pay for one-to-one private tutoring using
                                                                                                            the gold standard Orton-Gillingham multisensory reading
                                                                                                            instruction. This approach has decades of research backing
                                                                                                            its effectiveness in helping people with dyslexia become
                                                                                                            strong and proficient readers.
                                                                                                              Once your child is officially diagnosed with dyslexia
                                                                                                            there are five ingredients for helping your child overcome
                                                                                                            dyslexia. You must have the right curriculum, use it at
                                                                                                            least twice a week one-to-one, keep at it for over a year,
                                                                                                            work with a trained reading specialist, and keep your child
                                                                                                            engaged and incentivized. We’ve seen this recipe work for
                                                                                                            children time and time again.
                                                                                                              I co-authored the book Parent’s Quick Start Guide to
                                                                                                            Dyslexia which provides a quick, but deep dive into what
                                                                                                            to immediately do when your child is diagnosed with
                                                                                                            dyslexia. When it comes to helping your young child, time
                                                                                                            is too precious to squander.
                                                                                                              Call to discuss your child as we test for autism,
                                                                                                            dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD, depression, and anxiety.
                                                                                                            Visit or call (561) 625-4125.
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