Page 4 - Boca Club News - August '23
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Page 4, Boca Club News

                      InBox                             “Five Guys Named Moe,” Jazzy Tribute To

                   Letters to the Editor                Musician Louis Jordan, at Kravis Center
                    from Our Readers

           A   mon t hl y                                  MNM Theatre Company’s                           echoing through my home
        section of Boca Club                            musical, “Five Guys Named                          as a child. It is a big part of
        News  that  invites                             Moe,” an exuberant tribute                         where my style and love for
        readers  to  submit                             to Jazz legend Louis Jordan                        storytelling comes from.”
        news,  comments                                 and his music, will be on                             Linder-Long is a Dreyfoos
        or  questions  about                            stage from September 8th                           School of the Arts graduate,
        articles and columns                            through September 24th                             and a former student of
        you read in our paper,                          in the Rinker Playhouse at                         MNM Theatre  Company’s
        or  about  events  at                           the Kravis Center for the                          Producing Artistic Director
        your club or in your                            Performing Arts  in  West                          and CEO Marcie Gorman, so
        personal life—weddings, graduations, business success,   Palm Beach.                               being able to direct the show
        etc. Send your information as an email docx attachment.      The show is based on a                for MNM is particularly
        Photos welcome in jpeg format. Send to: editorbcn54@  1943 musical short of the  Louis Jordan      significant. “To me MNM  Jaquez Linder-Long Provide contact information so that we may   same name by Louis Jordan                  means chance,” he says. “I
        reach you if we have a question, but indicate how you   himself. It had its UK debut in 1990 at Theatre Royal Stratford   came to Marcie Gorman and her company with my vision and
        want to have your comments signed for privacy reasons.   East, running for over four years in the West End, and then   from day one we have been working to make that vision into
           Editor: Moderate Imbiber. I very much appreciate   premiering on Broadway in 1992, where it was nominated   reality: to present to audiences a show of African-American
        your wine writer’s suggestions every month and often   for two Tony Awards. It was revived in 2010 at the Edinburgh   Legacy and culture through timeless music, song and dance.”
        clip out his column to take with me when I shop at   Festival, starring the show’s playwright Clarke Peters and      Linder-Long, who will not only direct but will also
        our favorite wine shop here in Boca. My wife and I   returned later in 2010 to the theatre in which it originally   choreograph the show, has cast James White as No Max,
        usually enjoy a glass each with dinner, not very much,   premiered. The musical won the Laurence Olivier Award for   Torrey Linder as No Moe, Doriyan Caty as Eat Moe, T.J.
        but it’s interesting to sample new ones and I trust your   Best Entertainment.                     Pursley as Little Moe and Leo Davis as Big Moe.
        columnist’s opinions. That’s why I wonder if he could      As a bandleader in the 1940s, Louis Jordan pioneered      The “Five Guys Named Moe” Musical Director, Bobby
        answer a question for me. When I was younger (decades   a wildly popular blend of jazz and blues. The swinging   Peaco, has assembled a top-notch band for the production,
        ago), I used to enjoy a glass of Pernod once in a while.   shuffle rhythms played by singer/saxophonist Jordan and his   including  Palm  Beach  Post columnist Frank Cerabino
        When I looked for it in the local shop I was shocked at the   Tympany Five became known as “jump blues” or “jumpin’   (saxophone), Julie Jacobs (drums) and Rupert Ziawinski
        price: about $50. Why is it so high? Does he recommend   jive,” and served as a forerunner of rhythm and blues   (bass).
        any alternative? And how about a column about aperitifs   and rock ‘n’ roll. At the height of his career, he scored 18      Jazz Madison will serve as Five Guys’ Assistant Director,
        and cordials—before and after dinner drinks in general?   number-one hit records; four of his songs are in the Grammy   and Annaya Osborne is the Assistant Choreographer. Harold
        Sign me Thirsty for Advice, St. Andrews         Hall of Fame, which honors recordings of lasting qualitative   Petion is the Production Stage Manager, and Belicia Linder-
           Dear “Thirsty,” Our  Wine columnist, Ed      or historical significance. Jordan performed songs that   Long will create the costumes for the production. Lighting
        Weinroth, is indeed an expert on the subject, and   appealed to millions of Black and White listeners. Able to   Design is by Karalyn Fitzgerald, Sound Design is by Justin
        has graciously agreed to answer your question here:   “straddle the fence” between these two audiences, Jordan   Thompson, and the show’s Set Designer is Jordon Armstrong.
        “I actually have a future column on dessert wines   emerged as one of the first successful crossover artists of      Clarke Peters (Playwright) is an actor, singer and writer.
        in the hopper. Pernod is a cousin of absinthe and   American popular music.                        He earned a Tony Award nomination for Best Book of a
        anise; it is a potent after-dinner drink. Bittersweet      In this show, a character, Nomax, has run out of money   Musical for “Five Guys Named Moe”. As an actor, he has
        and high in alcohol. Reasonably expensive because   and his girlfriend has left him. He needs comfort, support and   appeared on Broadway in “The Iceman Cometh” (Theatre
        it is labor-intensive to make. Look for it in my future   advice. Emerging from his 1930s-style radio are Five Guys   World Award) and as Billy Flynn in the revival of “Chicago”.
        columns. Ed.”— NAS, Editor.                     Named Moe: Big Moe, Four-Eyed Moe, Eat Moe, No Moe,   Clarke’s London credits include “Guys and Dolls”, “Ma
                                                        and Little Moe, who harmonize, croon, wail, tap and joke...   Rainey’s Black Bottom”, “The Passion and Dispatches” at
                                                        and provide Nomax with just what he needs, all in the form   the Royal National Theatre. His West End credits include
                                                        of Louis Jordan’s hit songs and music.             “Blues in the Night”, “Porgy and Bess”, “The Witches of
                                                           Performances: Fridays and Saturdays at 7 p.m. Saturday   Eastwick” and Chicago. In regional theater he has appeared
                                                        and Sundays at 1:30 p.m. Tickets for “Five Guys Named   in “Driving Miss Daisy”, “The Wiz”, “Bubbling Brown
                                                        Moe” range in price from $45 to $55 and are on sale now at   Sugar”, “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom”, “Carmen Jones” and
                                               For tickets:, (561) 832-7469. For   “The Amen Corner”. Clarke is familiar to television viewers
                                                        Group Sales: (561) 651-4438 or (561) 651-4304.     for his roles on “The Wire”, “Treme” and “The Divide”.
                                                           The show’s director, Jacquez Linder-Long, is a former   His film credits include Mona Lisa, Notting Hill, Marley &
                                                        Moe himself. “I’m very excited to be presenting this show   Me, Endgame, John Wick, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing
                                                        from the ‘other side of the table’ this time around,” he says.   Missouri, Harriet, and Da 5 Bloods. As a director, his credits
                                                        “It means a lot to me because Louis Jordan and the Tympany   include Blues for Mr. Charlie, Fascinating Aida, King and
                                                        5’s hits are what my grandmother Merdis Moore and I had   Martin Luther.

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