Page 9 - Martin Downs Bulletin - July '23
P. 9

Martin Downs, Page 9


         JULY 2023                                           PaLm CitY CommUnitY Center, 2701 S.W. CorneLL ave., PaLm CitY
                                                                              Phone: (772) 286-8121 Fax: (772) 286-3331

      President’s message

        Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the                       year as we celebrate Flag Day and Independence Day and will be on display through
      service of our country can never be repaid. They have                       Veterans Day. These holidays give us time to reflect on the many who fought to develop
      earned our undying gratitude. America will never forget                     our country into the nation that it is today. Thank you, Commissioner Ciampi, for this
      their sacrifices.” Harry Truman shared those words with                     display of patriotism and appreciation.
      Congress in 1945, and we share this gratitude with the                                                                                     Don Pipes
      same passion today. Our Palm City residents are reminded                                                                           President, Palm City
      of these men and women as they drive down Mapp Road                                                                              Chamber of Commerce
      and  see  many  local Veterans  banners  displayed  along                                                                              APP Jet Center
      the corridor. Martin County District 5 Commissioner Ed
      Ciampi carefully curated a display of thanks to these, and
      all of our Veterans, for the community to enjoy and to
      remind us to give thanks for the sacrifice they all made
      as they served our country. As a Veteran myself, I am honored to work in a county that
      celebrates our Veterans in such a way. This project was launched at a perfect time of
       executive Director’s Corner

       I  remember  the  old,  wooden  Palm  City  Bridge,                        and on to the playground, I would carefully
      Snake Road (now Salerno Road) and Cove Road being                           direct  the  tortoise  back  to  the  safety  of  the
      dirt roads, and when Martin County High School was                          woods and away from curious children. The
      the only high school. I share all of this because I have                    biologists  managing  the  site  are  careful  to
      obviously seen many changes to Martin County. I had the                     ensure  key  areas  are  thinned  out  for  gopher
      opportunity to go on a tour of the Kiplinger Conservancy                    tortoises  to  thrive.   Prescribed  burns  taking
      a few weeks ago and I must admit that this local girl loved                 place  on the property are already producing
      what she saw!                                                               fresh shoots of new foliage. A roller chopper is
        We rode in a side-by-side along a rough trail through                     employed to manage the growth of palmettos.
      the 450 acres of preserve that is part of Newfield. This                    The canopy in the area is being thinned out
      property will never be built on and will remain a preserve forever. What a fabulous   and  the  invasive  plants  removed.  Once  the
      legacy provided by the Kiplinger Family.                                    environment  is  secured,  fencing  will  be  put
       I am a sea turtle lover and my former Kindergarten students just assumed that meant   around the perimeter to keep the tortoises safe
      I also liked gopher tortoises. When one would come under the fence at our school   inside. While on our tour, I was fortunate to see
                                                                                  a gopher tortoise, beautiful flowers, birds, and
                                                                                  the occasional reptile and amphibian.
           2023 Palm City Chamber of                                                This space will remain natural for hiking so
                                                                                  families will have the opportunity to learn to
         Commerce board of Directors                                              appreciate what Martin County has to offer in
                                                                                  the pine tree uplands.
                                                                                    The  Newfield  property  is  also  home  to  a
                                                                                  working farm that is being cultivated by the
                                                                                  students at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Martin
        President        Don Pipes                 APP Jet Center                 County. The  students  are  learning  all  about
        Vice-President   Peter Sicoli              Sailfish Insurance             farming and gardening while they help to grow
                                                                                  food  that  they  can  then  consume. This  is  a
        Treasurer        David Bradford            Edward Jones                   wonderful partnership in our local community
                                                                                  to  foster  healthy  eating  habits  and  future
        Secretary        Meghan Shirey             Boys & Girls Club of Martin County  employment opportunities.
        Past President   Christina Franco          Hampton by Hilton                The  local  farm  will  be  accessible  to  the
                                                                                  families that choose to live in Newfield, being
        Director         Tyson Waters              Fox McCluskey Bush & Robison   developed by Mattamy Homes. Newfield will
        Director         Gigi Suntum               Caring Children Clothing Children  have a variety of home styles and a downtown
                                                                                  area  for  the  residents.  The  working  farm,
        Director         Cheree Ramirez            Children’s Services Council of MC  trails, and parks will be part of the 2,300 acres
                                                                                  dedicated to green space in Newfield.
        Director         Carolyn Leibowitz         Cruise Planners
        Director         Robin Hall                Out2News

        Director         Tara Biek-Robison         Tara Biek Creative
        Director         Shaun Plymale             Treasure Coast Legal

        Director         Mike Gonzalez             Blue Stream Fiber
        Director         Rob McLaughlin            Access 365 Urgent Care
        Director         Patrick Gleason           State Insurance

        Director         Steve Klaassen            Colorado Pawn & Jewelry
        Director         Rebecca Beckett           HJ Sims
        Ex-Officio       Toby Overdorf             State Representative

        Ex-Officio       Ed Ciampi                 Martin County Commission
                                                                                                                                             Missi Campbell
        Ex-Officio       Michael DiTerlizzi        Martin County School Board                                                              Executive Director
                                                                                                                               Palm City Chamber of Commerce
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