Page 6 - Boca ViewPointe - July '23
P. 6

Page 6, Viewpointe                                                    July 2023
      May Florida Community Associations And Country

      Clubs Pass Rules Regulating Possession Of Firearms?

      By Peter Sachs, Founding Partner, Sachs Sax Caplan, P.L.     In Florida, state law generally allows individuals as of      In addition, there are other considerations regarding
                                                         July 1st without having to have a permit to carry a concealed   compliance with federal and state fair housing laws, which
         As you may have heard, Florida Governor Ron     firearm, except in certain locations, such as government   prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national
      DeSantis  signed  House  Bill  543  into  law.  This  bill   buildings, schools, and other restricted areas. However,   origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability. Therefore,
      eliminates the requirement that an individual obtain a   community associations (both HOAs and Condominiums)   if an association’s policy on firearms disproportionately
      permit to carry a concealed firearm in Florida. Beginning   do have some ability to regulate firearms on their property,   affects members of a protected class, it could be deemed
      July 1, 2023, permitless concealed carry for lawfully   but the extent of their authority depends on various factors   discriminatory and subject to legal challenge.
      owned weapons will become legal. As a consequence,   as we see it.                                      Overall, the extent to which an association may regulate
      many of our community association clients have called to      First, it’s important to note that Florida law allows   firearms on its property depends on various factors, including
      ask how this law affects them. In truth, in our opinion, the   property owners to regulate or prohibit firearms on their   the nature of the regulation, the powers conferred upon the
      answer is, it really doesn’t affect community associations.   private property. Therefore, a community association,   association in its governing documents, and the application
      Associations and clubs are generally free to regulate the   whether it be a homeowners association which owns or   of state and federal law. There is also a practicality aspect,
      use of their private property and can, therefore, regulate   controls the common areas, or a condominium association   such that if an association creates such a rule, it then likely
      the keeping and use of firearms on common property.   which manages the common elements for the unit owners,   has the obligation to enforce it. The problem then is if a
                                                         may generally ban firearms on its private property, such as   member is carrying a concealed weapon, the association
                    Attention                            clubhouses, community centers, and other common areas.   would likely not be aware of it, and therefore would be

                                                                                                           unable to enforce the rule. An association passing such a rule
                                                           Some may say that they have a constitutional right under
                 Boca Pointe                             the Second Amendment to carry a firearm, however it is our   would be dependent on voluntary compliance with same.
                                                                                                           The association would be assuming some liability without
                                                         view that community associations are not “state actors” and
                   Residents!                            therefore, are entitled to govern their private property in the   the ability to compel compliance. Therefore, if you are a
                                                                                                           member of a community association and have questions
                                                         same way that any other private property owner could.
                                                            On the other hand, some may argue that while an   about your rights and responsibilities regarding firearms
                Flatten All Your Boxes!                  association or club is not, per se, a “state actor,” there is case   on the property, it’s best to consult with an attorney who
               Our recycling trucks do not pick up your   law to suggest that when an association attempts to enforce   specializes in this area of law.
                                                         its restrictions in court, that such association then becomes a
                                                                                                             From the boardroom to the courtroom, at the seats of

          cardboard boxes if they are not flattened. Instead,   “state actor” via such court action. While many practitioners   government or at a community association meeting, Sachs
        they go to trash and are burned with regular refuse....  take the position that this “state actor” analysis only applies   Sax Caplan, P.L. offers effective legal and business solutions
            lost revenue for residents of Boca Pointe. 
                                                         to the enforcement of racial covenants in court, it is certainly   to individuals, businesses, not-for-profit organizations,
                                                         within the realm of possibility that a conservative court might   government agencies and community associations who call
                                                         broaden this applicability and attempt to apply the “state   Florida home. We have built a significant presence in Florida
                                                         actor” analysis to the enforcement of any restrictions that   through dedicated, active involvement and leadership in the
          On behalf of The Club at Boca Pointe we would like to   would run afoul of any rights granted under the Constitution,   professional, legislative and civic communities. Learn More
        remind our residents that NO walking, running, bicycle   including the Second Amendment.           at 
        riding or dog walking is permitted on the
        golf course or golf cart paths. For safety
        reasons, the paths are for golf carts only.                         Buying or Selling Call PJ for Referrals and Consultation
                                                                                        MARKET IS HOT!!! LOW INVENTORY!!
          Thank you for cooperating with The
        Club's policy.                                                                        PROMENADE 302C SOLD!
                                                                                     Prudence J. (PJ) Carswell

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