Page 6 - Boca Exposure - October '19
P. 6

Page 6, Boca Exposure

          WE BELiEvE iN long-                            Umbrella, A Handy-Help Service For

       term relationships                                Homeowners, Launches In Florida

          You show your commitment

        to those you love by anticipating                  their homes, has expanded from the Northeastern United
                                                           Umbrella, the easy way for people 60-plus to care for
        their needs and fulfilling their                 States to several locations in Florida. This comes two years
        dreams.  At Stoever Glass &                      after getting started in New York. Since then, Umbrella has
                                                         helped thousands of adults manage the practical realities
        Co., we craft a plan that helps                  of their homes, while creating jobs and a unique sense of
        you achieve your goals and                         looking forward to serving the community here. We actually
                                                           “We are thrilled to bring Umbrella to Florida, and we are
        create a legacy that you and                     have members up north who’ve been asking us to come to   recent retirees – providing purposeful work and extra income

        your heirs will be proud of.                     Florida for some time now,” said Lindsay Ullman, Umbrella’s   to people looking to help out. Umbrella can take care of little
                                                                                                           things like changing light fixtures, cleaning ceiling fans, and
                                                           By building a vetted network of skilled Umbrella
          Gary         Rosenberg           works           “Neighbors” – handy community folks – who do quality   organizing the garage, as well as bigger tasks, like plumbing
                                                                                                           issues, yard work, and window cleaning.
        comprehensively with his clients                 work at an affordable price, Umbrella helps homeowners     to a set of annual preventive home maintenance services, plus
                                                                                                             Umbrella is a membership program. Members gain access
                                                         save hundreds of dollars annually. Members spend less time
        investment goals. He specializes                 worrying about their homes and more time doing the things   unlimited handy help by Umbrella Neighbors for just $20/
        in setting up portfolios using                   they enjoy.                                       hour.
                                                           Member Catherine Z., of Boynton Beach, rated her first
                                                                                                             For more information about Umbrella, visit AskUmbrella.

        municipal,          corporate         and        Umbrella experience with five stars and shared this review,   com/Florida or call (561) 475-2448.
                                                         “They’re ready to
        preferred securities to help                     do mostly all you
                                                         need, helping me
        create a steady stream of                        with a variety of
        income for you.                                  tasks; sprinkler
                                                         system, yard work,
                                                         fencing, electric
                                                         lighting, and even
                                                         just moving things
                                                         I needed in the
                                                         attic. Thank  you,
                                                            More than
                                                         50 percent
                                                         of U mbrella
                                                         Neighbors are

          Schedule a complimentary analysis of
                   your portfolio today.
            561.227.9155 • 844.345.1544

                     30 Wall Street
                 New York, NY 10005
                 225 NE Mizner Blvd
               Boca Raton, FL 33432

          GARY ROSENBERG, CRPC                   ®
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