Page 10 - Boca Club News - July '19
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Page 10, Boca Club News

      From Sheila’s Desktop:     Review of Bargain Phones

      By Sheila Garber of Broken Sound                  phones have certain things in common, namely the processor   web browsing, and even a little Candy Crush---the best cheap
      Club. Sheila was a teacher for 41                 to the memory, and even the hardware connected to them.   phones do just fine. They even have multiple cameras for
      years, the last 22 years as a Computer            However, the cost to make them can vary a great deal.  all your photo needs, and plenty of power and storage. You
      Teacher. She is the recipient of an AOL              The first phone that he recommends is the Ziaomi   even get a headphone jack, something that $1,000 phones no
      Interactive Educational Initiative                Pocophone F1. It costs $216.70 to make for all parts and   longer have.
      Grant and the author of an award-                 labor. Remember, it will sell for $350 or less. Apple sells its      Mr. Pierce tested eight cheap phones, ranging from the
      winning website featuring virtual                 largest model for almost three times what it costs to make.   $150 Blu Vivo XL4 to the $350 Nokia 7.1. All eight scored
      reality panoramas of the historical               When you purchase a Galaxy or an iPhone or a Pixel, you   totally usable. Of the eight, he recommends three. His favorite
      and cultural sites of Philadelphia.               are paying for not only the very best screens and cameras,   was the Nokia 7.1, from HMD Global. The metal-and-glass
      Mrs. Garber currently resides in Broken Sound Country   but also the expensive ads, huge corporate offices and large   device looked far better than expected for the price, having
      Club and devotes her time to teaching others computer skills.  retail stores.                        clean lines and gold accents. Its camera captures good
         I recently read an article written by David Pierce in      Mr. Pierce discussed this with Sammy Ohev-Zion, chief   pictures and video, with a 5.8-inch screen. Its pictures were
      the Wall Street Journal. I was so impressed, I decided to   executive of Blu Electronics, maker of a passably decent   sharp and accurate, and the battery lasted all day without
      summarize his article for those of you who do not want or   $150 smartphone. He asked him what he would charge for a   issue.
      need a high performing mobile phone.              phone with the best components he could get his hands on:      The best part of this phone was that it ran Android One, a
         Most people believe that, to get a good performing mobile   the best LCD screen, the best camera, the best fingerprint   specific branch of the Android operating system that’s perfect
      phone, you need to spend a thousand dollars to purchase, or   reader. He said $400. He will be launching one such phone   for this kind of phone. It even comes with at least two years
      $42 a month to rent. According to Mr. Pierce, that just isn’t   later this year.                     of updates. It just runs Android and does it well.
      so. Since your phone is most likely the most important device      The drawback, however, even with no expense spared, is      Lenovo-owned Motorola is one of the few cheap phone
      you own, you feel you must spend the money. The devices   that Blu couldn’t make a phone as good as the Galaxy S10   makers to actually improve on the Android experience. It
      Mr. Pierce reviewed are much less, ranging from $350 to as   or the iPhone XS. Both these companies have a lock on their   costs $300 and is a solid overall smartphone. You can quickly
      little as $150 to purchase. They all offer great performance,   chips, facial recognition systems, and other technology that   access your camera by twisting your phone, or shut it off by
      good battery life, attractive design, and even some unique   they will not share with other systems. The expense of these   flipping it over.
      features.                                         phones help fund their large software teams, which help build      Xiaomi’s $300 PocophoneF1 has a camera that captures
         Some of you are thinking this might be like purchasing   these systems.                           soft-background portrait shots, fires off HDR shots with ease,
      used clothes from a thrift store. It is more like buying last      Mr. Pierce said you still get what you pay for. There is   and even offers granular control.
      year’s fashions--not the best, but close to it. You may not   no $300 phone that equals a device three times the price.      These casual phones trade a fraction of a phone’s power
      even notice the difference, but you will be saving money.  However, for years cheap phones were bad phones. Now,   for a large fraction of its cost. For most users, this is more
         Some of you may already be interested in which phones   the best of these phones come with only minor trade-offs.  than sufficient. Good luck, Sheila.
      David Pierce has recommended, and why he has done so. All      For the basics---phone calls, texting, Spotify streaming,
       Health & Wellness

      Reality Check √ ... Healthy Answers on Living

      & Loving Life: “It’s Only A Game!”

      By Dale Brown, B.S., M.A., C.E.C. Dale               Here’s a story of a different nature. My husband was on the   they can be seen on the course almost every day perfecting
      is a motivational speaker who has spent           tee box that runs along the backside of our home. He proceeds   their game. Baffled by inconsistencies, they are driven to fix
      many years as a Certified Life Coach              to tell his golf buddies, “Do not hit my house on your drives.”   the problem.
      and has written numerous articles and             Thankfully, they all followed direction except for my husband,   Socialites – “I don’t care what my score is, I just like
      ebooks relating to self-improvement               who then drives his own ball into our house. This is a case   being out there with friends.” These folks love being outdoors,
      and ways to build a high-performance              of setting yourself up for failure by envisioning a worst-case   knocking the ball around, and enjoy eating lunch with the gang.
      team. Her education and years of                  scenario that ends up becoming a reality. Be careful for what   They are usually good-natured, fun loving, agreeable and social.
      experience in physical fitness and                you wish; it may come true.                          Defeatists – “I’m out of here!” When they’re having a
      training of elite athletes has enabled               In “The Secret”, author Rhonda Byrne explains the law   bad day, they would rather pack up than play. They set high
      her to sharpen her knowledge in many health-related areas. The   of attraction. What you tell the universe comes back to you,   expectations for themselves and are disgusted if they can’t
      following is one in a series of columns devoted to many topics   whether it’s good or bad. Unconsciously, you cause the outcome   deliver. Finding excuses helps ease their pain…” I should have
      that deal with the mind/body connection and the importance   that you feared would happen. Saying what you don’t want   warmed up, it’s too early, too hot, my back hurts, I’m rushing...”
      of living a healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire resident, can be   is just as effective as stating what you do want. The secret   Enthusiasts – “Now that’s a golf shot!” These are the
      reached at           is learning to reframe your thoughts to get the desired result.   encouraging words from someone who is there for you. It
         Not everyone is a fan of golf, but if you are you most likely   Rather than focusing on the hazard, think about what you   doesn’t matter if you’re just beginning or advanced; this person
      watched the recent PGA Tournament. It was the perfect thing to   want: “I’m going to hit this ball straight down the fairway.”   empowers you with positivity. Cheerleaders appreciate good
      do on a rainy, dreary weekend. Both my husband and I love the   Reframing helps train your mind to go from a negative to a   playing when they see it, yet accept bloopers with comments
      game and, to use the term loosely, we “play” when the weather   positive affirmation.                like, “It’s okay, you’re safe.”
      permits. As I watched the pros, I marveled at their self-control.      Overall, I’ve observed four different personality types while      Whether you play golf or not, you may identify with my
      When you think that millions of dollars are resting on a single   playing golf. Any or all can clearly be applied to anyone at any   observations. You may even relate to one of the personalities I
      putt, it’s a wonder they can keep their cool.     time in everyday life: Do you recognize yourself or someone   described. The bottom line is to relish the good shots, and leave
         Golf brings out the best and the worst in people. After trying   you know in the following examples?  the bad ones behind. In other words, be grateful for what you
      to master the game myself I have concluded it can be extremely   Addicts - “This game will never get the best of me.” This   have and don’t sweat the small stuff! In the big picture of life,
      frustrating. One day you’re on and the next day you’re off. I   type is hooked and can’t get enough. Usually expert golfers,   golf is only a game.
      may not be able to shed light on how to improve your game,
      but I can tell you about the life lessons golf has taught me. I’m   Plumbing rePairs • locate leaks • rePair toilets • Faucets & Water Heaters
      referring to catch phrases and psychological wisdom that can
      be applied to everyday life on or off the course.
         For instance. They say, “You can rush to your ball, but                                                           10% OFF
      never rush your shot.” It’s all about taking your time to set up,                                                   any PluMbing
      consider the obstacles, the wind factor, and the lie before you
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