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                                                                                                                                          U.S. POSTAGE
                                                                                                                                         WEST PALM BCH
                                                                                                                                        PERMIT NO.2075

                                                                               PEACEFUL, FRIENDLY, COMMUNITY ATMOSPHERE

        VOL. 28 NO. 3                                                                              MARCH  2025

                                                              TequesTa profile

                            Busch Wildlife Sanctuary’s Sixth Annual

             Wine In The Wild Fundraiser A Resounding Success

        The Busch Wildlife Sanctuary                                              Beach Spritz, featuring the locally-
      celebrated its Sixth Annual Wine                                            owned Munyon’s Paw-Paw Premium
      in the Wild fundraising event, an                                           Florida Liqueur – the stations were
      enchanting evening under the stars                                          paired with small bites such as grilled
      at the nonprofit’s new Jupiter Farms                                        marinated shrimp, miniature carne
      campus filled with craft cocktails,                                         asada tacos, charcuterie skewers, and
      savory snacks, a live and silent                                            Maryland-style crab cakes.
      auction, and meet-and-greets with the                                         An enticing silent auction featured
      organization’s animal ambassadors                                           desirable items and experiences such
      who call the sanctuary home.                                                as signed memorabilia from Taylor
        Over 350 dedicated donors                                                 Swift, Arnold Palmer, and Lionel
      gathered at the facility, wandering                                         Messi; local excursions to attractions
      along the sanctuary’s paved nature                                          including Lion Country Safari and a
      trails and enjoying over a dozen food and beverage stations on the path.    Mets Spring Training Game; and even
        From imported wines and craft beers to specialty cocktails – including the Honey Drop, made            Marvin and Marianne Guerra, Amy Kight, Sylvana
      with Tito’s Handmade Vodka, honey syrup, orange bitters, and fresh lemon juice, and the Palm   Tequesta Profile on page 3  and Murray Klein

                            ChariTy evenT                                                         TequesTa spoTlighT

         Hannah’s Home Hosts Largest                                                     Roll The Dice For A Good

             Gala Celebrating Growth                                               Cause: The Arc Of Palm Beach

          Hannah’s Home of South                                                   County To Host Casino-Themed
        Florida  gathered  its  biggest
        crowd to date and celebrated
        accomplishments  from  the                                                     ‘Show Us Your Hearts’ Gala
        past year at its Sixth Annual
        Gala,  Home  is  Where  the
        Heart  is,  on Thursday,  Feb.                                              Hit the jackpot for a night of giving at The Arc of
        6. Nearly 350 guests gathered                                             Palm Beach County’s Show Us Your Hearts Gala! Join
        at  the  picturesque  Pelican                                             us on Saturday, April 5, for an unforgettable evening
        Club for an elegant evening                                               of charitable gaming and glamour. The casino-chic
        themed around love, family,                                               event will take place from 6 to 11 p.m. at the Cohen
        and community.                                                            Pavilion at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts
          “I was overwhelmed by the                                               in West Palm Beach.
        outpouring of support,” said  Lauren and Miles Mikolas                      All donations and proceeds from the gala will raise
                                                                                  money for The Arc’s vital services and programs, which
        Charity Event on page 4                                                   are improving the lives of people with disabilities and their
                                                                                  families. Guests will enjoy an open bar, hors d’oeuvres,
                                                                                  a gourmet dinner, professional casino-style gambling,
                                                                                  and fabulous gaming prizes, along with silent and live
                                                                                  auctions. The event’s charitable gaming features poker,
                                                                                  blackjack, roulette, craps, and slot machines. Whether
                                                                                  you are a seasoned player or new to the games, gracious
                                                                                  croupiers will ensure an enjoyable experience for all.  Cochairs Tara and Brian Evans
                                                                                     “We invite the community to attend out biggest event
                                                                                  of the year to help support our groundbreaking community programs that challenge expectations
                                                                                  and inspire new possibilities,” said Charlotte Gill, chief development officer of The Arc of

                                                                                  Tequesta Spotlight on page 6
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