Page 1 - The Shores of Jupiter - December '24
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Our Village Voice
VOL. 35 NO. 12 DECEMBER 2024
Holiday Plant Swap Bill’s Box
January 1, 2025 Save The Date By Bill Thompson
Bits And Pieces—This
Master Gardener Maura and husband Steve Miller of this year’s plant swap will be edible plants: vegetables, And That
welcome you to our home for our annual holiday plant herbs, and fruits. Use the difficulty.
swap New Year’s Day from 8 to 11 a.m. This is a family friendly activity and feel free to bring When the worst thing
The 2024 hurricane season caused major damage to your friends and learn how to grow your own! Look for happens, minor or major,
Florida’s crops resulting in rising food costs. The focus postings on social media. don’t let it get you
We look forward to seeing you again for another down; think. How can I
successful Shores of Jupiter holiday event. get the most out of this
Miller Residence: happening? A philosophy
The Shores of Jupiter described by actor Michael Caine. A very short but
6526 Winding Lake Drive hilarious interview video seen on Facebook Reel.
Jupiter, FL 33458 Within the long scenario, we now know the name of
the next president of the United States.
Late But Worthy Comment
Commissioner’s Update Parts of Palm Beach County suffered severe damage
this fall but spared The Shores of Jupiter. Two miles to
the west a tornado severely damaged property. It was not
New Flood Maps For Palm participation in the Community Rating System (CRS) that we prayed more fervently than others who were hit
discount program, unincorporated area residents receive
hard by two hurricanes. As in poker, it is always the luck
Beach County a 25 percent discount on their flood insurance premiums, of the draw. There were approximately 17 to 19 confirmed
which can help alleviate some of the financial burden tornado touchdowns, some of which created a ground path
By Vice Mayor associated with increased flood risk. of destruction before lifting. That exceeds the number
Maria G. Marino The maps are available on the Palm Beach County recorded in the history of such weather records. I will not
The Federal Emergency Planning, Zoning & Building webpage, where residents comment on hurricane devastation in North Carolina nor
Ma na ge m ent Age ncy can use the countywide property search tool to determine other sections of Florida. Being a son of NC, I have never
(FEMA) has recently their flood zones. The webpage also provides other in my relatively long life heard of hurricane destruction
released updated flood important information, including links to FEMA, the that occurred in the mountains. Whole sections of I-40. It
zone maps that bring pending FEMA flood maps, municipalities affected, may be trite to say life goes on in one fashion or another.
significant changes to Palm tips on how the county can help, and more. Please visit: That is until the next planet collision with earth, which
Beach County. These new would replicate our planet’s origin. That should take a
maps, set to take effect Zones.aspx. while. Meanwhile, we the current residents may preempt
on December 20, 2024, If property owners believe their property has been the final chapter. We are now thought to be within four
highlight an increased flood incorrectly identified as an SFHA, they can submit an years of deadline to reverse or mitigate our climate
risk for thousands of residents, particularly in the eastern application to FEMA for a formal determination of the change. Stronger wildfires, raging floods, hurricanes
regions of the county. The revised maps classify many property’s location and/or elevation relative to the SFHA. and tornados, the current rise in global temperature, and
additional areas as high-risk flood zones, known officially There are two types of determination documents you can deforestation are only the beginnings. Responsibility lies
as special flood hazard areas (SFHAs). seek in your Letter of Map Change (LOMC) request.
The updated maps are particularly impactful for • Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA): A letter from Bill’s Box on page 3
low-lying regions, properties near canals and lakes, and FEMA stating that an existing structure or parcel of land
coastal zones prone to tidal surges. As a result, more than — that is on naturally high ground and has not been
16,000 parcels in Palm Beach County are anticipated elevated by fill — would not be inundated by the base
to have a base flood elevation (BFE) increase of one flood.
foot or more. The increase in BFE may result in non- • Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-F):
conforming structures that have the lowest floor below A letter from FEMA stating that an existing structure or
the BFE or minimum elevation required for a substantial parcel of land has been elevated by earthen fill and would
improvement (SI). For residents in unincorporated Palm not be inundated by the base flood.
Beach County, staff can provide SI determinations and Residents in unincorporated areas can request flood
technical assistance prior to major renovations. zone determinations from Palm Beach County, which
For property owners required to have flood insurance provides written confirmation of zone designations.
under these new guidelines, it’s highly recommended to Additionally, the county offers consultations for
secure a policy as soon as possible. Those with existing retrofitting existing buildings to improve flood resilience.
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policies are Municipal residents should defer to their municipal
encouraged to maintain them. Regardless of what flood floodplain or town/city manager.
zone you may be in, the county continues to recommend For questions, property owners can call the Palm
that all property owners have flood insurance since Beach County Flood Zone Hotline at (561) 233-5374 for
flooding can occur anywhere. Windstorm insurance does personalized assistance with the new maps, flood proofing
not cover flood damage. Thanks to Palm Beach County’s options, and more.
(561) 799-4445
Use 911 for emergencies only. Lock car doors.
Do not leave valuables in the car.